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[GUIDE] Install macOS Sequoia Beta with NootedRed.

Craig Hazan

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The NootedRed kext has developed well over the past year and the team behind it, ChefKiss continue to update and improve the Radeon graphics in macOS. Sonoma wasn’t as good as Ventura, reported problems such as changing Avatar, (just doesn’t work, but the developer is aware of it and has a fix), and Screensaver, (getting much better), seemed to be the only major issues. Instead of something completely new, Sequoia seems to be much easier on the EFI than Sonoma and only needs updates instead of changes.

I have updated my EFI for the 4700G, 5700U and 5700X desktops to macOS Sequoia following the same method. For the 5700X/6700XT desktop I replaced NootedRed with NootRX.

AMD Vanilla Patches

These have been updated for macOS Sequoia and now contain 25 entries, you still only need to edit the first 4 to match your core count.

  • Download the new patches from GitHub.
  • Open ‘patches.plist’ inside the AMD_Vanilla-beta folder. I use ProperTree to edit .plist files, PlistEditPro is also good.
  • Select ‘Patch’ and from the context menu select Copy.
  • Make a copy of your current working config.plist and open in your plist editor of choice, select Kernel and from the context menu select paste. I renamed my original patches, (Patch22) to avoid confusion.
  • Select the new Patches and move between Force and Quirks and save file.


Only the first 4 patches require editing to match your core count, not your thread count!, and we’re only changing the replace values. My 3 AMD CPU/APUs are 8 core processors, my new replace values would be;


Update the following Kexts

  • AppleALCU 1.9.0 > 1.9.1 Link
  • lilu 1.6.7 > 1.6.8 Link
  • RestrictEvents 1.1.3 > 1.1.4 Link
  • VirtualSMC 1.3.2 > 1.3.3 Link
  • NootedRed, [commit e326a5f]
    • If you own a 6700XT you can download NootRX instead Link
    • Don't use NooetdRed with WEG or NootRX, or at least have them disabled'
    • Device Properties don't work with NootedRed or NootRX, delete them from your config.plist.


  • Intel Wi-Fi is working with a combination of Heliport and Itlwm
    • Heliport 1.5.0-alpha Link
    • Itlwm 2.3.0 Link


  • Intel BT currently isn't working on my builds, some have reported success by adding NVRAM entries and I discovered IntelBTPatcher is for LTE BT devices like Corsair Keyboards.
    • BlueToolFixup 2.6.9
    • IntelBluetoothFimware 2.5.0




In addition to the OpenCore BIOS settings found here, https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html#uefi NootedRed requires VRAM which you can specify.

  • Settings > AMD CBS
  • NBIO Common Options
    • IOMMU > Disable
  • GFX Configuration
    • iGPU Configuration > UMA_Specified 
    • UMA Frame Buffer Size > NootedRed requires a minimum of 512 MB, 1 GB recommended. The amount of VRAM you can select is dependent on installed RAM. I have 32 GB installed so I can allocated up to 16 GB of VRAM.

These settings may be hidden in a AMD Laptop BIOS settings and possibly some brands of AMD mini pc's, to access them use Smokless_UMAF.





I downloaded macOS Sequoia Public Beta 15 (24A5289h) using gibMacOS and launched the installer from there,  despite the 14.46 GB file, I did update my Sonoma install to Sequoia and didn't lose anything. I recommend a clean install onto a second HD, even though the Beta is in pretty good shape for an early build, you might not have Intel BT.


It's recommended to disable NootedRed.kext during installation, this will avoid the igpu verbose pause. You can enable again before the second restart.










Edited by Craig Hazan
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