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[Guide] Vanilla Retail 10.6.x with Chameleon v2 for Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L


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Hi blackosx,


I managed to install leopard with chamaleon rc1 + PC EFI 10.1 . however i cant get snow to recognize my onboard audio. I was wondering if you can do my a favor. I've been having problems compiling and decompiling dsdt.aml files and creating them, both on windows and osx. Can u compile 2 versions of .aml files for me? I would greatly appreciate if you can compile 2 .aml files that have audio only(other fixes ok). one with alc 888-0 address and another one with alc 888-2 address and also check if the cmos fix is there. The acpi patcher for windows keeps putting it there. If you get time please send me the files. It'll help me troubleshoot my audio.


Thanks for your time. :(



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Hi The Alchemist


I have explained how to get ALC888 sound working for the GA-EP45-DS3L using my DSDT guide and this guide. If it doesn't work for you and you want to use a modified AppleHDA.kext then go ahead and find one that has been successfully reported as working for you mobo. Or you could always have a look at using VoodooHDA. Have a search for it.


Again, for your USB. What I have in this guide works for the GA-EP45-DS3L. Any specifics for other motherboards belong in another thread.


Hi Blackosx,


I finally have a working 10.6 install now, dual booting along with Win7 on the same drive, chameleon on EFI partition. I followed your 10.5 dual boot guide and it worked well, boot-up time is around 35 seconds.


However, i do have some minor issues like, bonjour still doesn't work, probably due to the fact the ifconfig method needs the script to load at startup, but since i'm using chameleon on EFI partition,and the fact that EFI partition remains unmounted as default, the script doesn't work.

Any other alternatives?


Once again, I'm really thankful to you for your support, without which this wouldn't have been possible and the way you have lead this thread along with your excellent guide is exemplary.


A shot from my 10.6 install.:rolleyes:



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Please bare with me... I really didn't know how to write out my question in words. If you need more details, please let me know.


Here's my current setup on a EP45-DS3L:


SATA0: 320 GB HDD with a Snow Leopard 10.6.1 Retail partition and a Chameleon 2 RC3 partition

SATA1: 320 GB HDD with Leopard 10.5.6 iPC


Here's what I want my setup to ultimately be:


SATA0: 320 GB HDD with Chameleon 2 RC3, Snow Leopard 10.6.1, and Windows 7 RC x64

SATA1: *Mirrored copy of SATA0*


First of all, is there any good software I could purchase to perfectly mirror a hard drive containing different OSs (Windows AND Snow Leopard) to another drive?


Second, would having two copies of Chameleon (one on SATA0 and the mirrored one on SATA1) bring up some sort of conflict upon booting?


Third, I'm assuming if Chameleon works with this format, it will show four operating systems at boot (SATA0 SL, SATA0 Win7, SATA1 SL, and SATA1 Win7). I'll only be using the OSs on SATA0, and the software I install will intermittently mirror changes to the SATA1 drive. Is this true?


Last but not least, in the event that I had to reinstall my main SL install (SATA0), could I use my mirrored partition to overwrite it? Or at least to replace the "existing 10.5 install" needed by this walkthrough to successfully install SL?


I know those are a lot of questions, but I'm just worried about my hard drive failing at the worst time. (And solid state drives are out of the question right now, heh.)

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Please bare with me... I really didn't know how to write out my question in words. If you need more details, please let me know.


Here's my current setup on a EP45-DS3L:


SATA0: 320 GB HDD with a Snow Leopard 10.6.1 Retail partition and a Chameleon 2 RC3 partition

SATA1: 320 GB HDD with Leopard 10.5.6 iPC


Here's what I want my setup to ultimately be:


SATA0: 320 GB HDD with Chameleon 2 RC3, Snow Leopard 10.6.1, and Windows 7 RC x64

SATA1: *Mirrored copy of SATA0*


First of all, is there any good software I could purchase to perfectly mirror a hard drive containing different OSs (Windows AND Snow Leopard) to another drive?


Second, would having two copies of Chameleon (one on SATA0 and the mirrored one on SATA1) bring up some sort of conflict upon booting?


Third, I'm assuming if Chameleon works with this format, it will show four operating systems at boot (SATA0 SL, SATA0 Win7, SATA1 SL, and SATA1 Win7). I'll only be using the OSs on SATA0, and the software I install will intermittently mirror changes to the SATA1 drive. Is this true?


Last but not least, in the event that I had to reinstall my main SL install (SATA0), could I use my mirrored partition to overwrite it? Or at least to replace the "existing 10.5 install" needed by this walkthrough to successfully install SL?


I know those are a lot of questions, but I'm just worried about my hard drive failing at the worst time. (And solid state drives are out of the question right now, heh.)

Here are my 2 cents:

1. I think disk utiliity can capture entire image of the disk.

2. no. as long as you tell which drive to boot from in your BIOS setting.

3. from the experience i have with Cham version 2.0 RC 3, yes, I think it'll do as what you have described. Assuming that you boot Cham in STAT0, Cham may not start OS in SATA1 even if they were listed (for me OS was hanging).

4. Again, if you have disk image, i think you can restore the entire disk using disk utilities. So make sure that you have Cham Boot CD, SL DVD (to use disk util) , and the disk image file handy. I think that would work.

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I don't use an Extensions.mkext


A you telling me the mkext is not needed in this situation?, also how did you define the kernal flags in com.apple.boot.plist between blank in 10.5 and in 10.6 using "arch=i386"?. I would appreciate your reply.

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I did try that. i compared and even tried copying the hdef part onto mine, but nothing. I cant get audio. is there any other solution for the audio.?

From what I remember you are using this mobo with F10 BIOS. You have audio turned on in BIOS?

VoodooHDA will get sound working for you but I never really liked it that much and it is not as good as the DSDT option. But building your own patched DSDT is easy. I know you said you have followed my DSDT guide, but maybe try it again. If you have have further problems post it to my DSDT thread and we'll take from there.


I finally have a working 10.6 install now, dual booting along with Win7 on the same drive, chameleon on EFI partition. I followed your 10.5 dual boot guide and it worked well, boot-up time is around 35 seconds.


However, i do have some minor issues like, bonjour still doesn't work, probably due to the fact the ifconfig method needs the script to load at startup, but since i'm using chameleon on EFI partition,and the fact that EFI partition remains unmounted as default, the script doesn't work.

Any other alternatives?

Thanks and well done.

For bonjour, have a read of this thread I started a while back. It presents other options for Bonjour that might work for your setup better.



Please bare with me... I really didn't know how to write out my question in words. If you need more details, please let me know.


I know those are a lot of questions, but I'm just worried about my hard drive failing at the worst time. (And solid state drives are out of the question right now, heh.)

Hi Rishi K.


I see undo_undo has answered your questions, but for what it's worth here's my answers too.


1. I'm sure there is software out there that can completely mirror your drive regardless of what is on it. But I don't know what to recommend you.


2. As undo_undo said, select which drive you want to boot from the BIOS and the install of Chameleon on that drive will be booted.


3. Yes, Chameleon RC3 booted from either HD will display SL and Win 7 from both drives, giving you a total of 4 devices.


4. I create a disk image of my OS X installs with Carbon Copy Cloner. Then if I ever need to replace one then I can just restore that image to a partition of my choice. I guess the same be done for Windows install too.


A you telling me the mkext is not needed in this situation?, also how did you define the kernal flags in com.apple.boot.plist between blank in 10.5 and in 10.6 using "arch=i386"?. I would appreciate your reply.

I used one for my 10.5.7 install guides. But for Snow Leopard I haven't bothered making one with my current set of kexts and the system works just fine without one and in this guide I don't go through creating one. But you can use an Extensions.mkext if you choose, and some users recommend you do.


And for the com.apple.Boot.plist, I leave the kernel flags set to arch=i386. Chameleon RC3 will ignore this flag if booting 10.5.

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I posted this on the other threat but here it is for easy convinience.



Hi blackosx,


I managed to get the sound working. I downloaded a patched appleHDA file and and re did the dsdt audio part manually. worked like a charm. Thanks again for your support.


For those who'd like to try the kext file (ALC888) go here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y2wdmyt3yiw.


also add the audio to the dsdt.aml file. here is my dsdt.aml. this is a clean dsdt.aml with audio and cmos fix only, nothing else.




If anybody wants the dsdt part from my file. disassemble the dsdt to .dsl and open it. search for HDEF. (device part) and copy that part.(blackosx DSDT guide explains more in detail here : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=177497) save and re compile. Good luck smile.gif




For those who are searching for a EFI string for a GTX 285 1gb. here is the string.






























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Several people - myself are having this problem. See http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=186926 for a thread that will help you to realise that you're not alone. My CPU is recognised correctly in Leo, but not SL.

I haven't yet found a solution for this yet, but if you need to install Parallels, Fusion or Silverlight, the workaround is easy, it's just a question of removing a installation check from the install package.

If you haven't solved that one just post here which one you are trying to get to work, and I'll post details.


I'm trying to get VMWare Fusion OR Parallels 4 to work. Doesn't matter which one. Details for both would be appreciated.

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I have had problems with kernel panics after sleep when my external USB disk has been connected. I managed to solve the problem using info in this post:



It just involves editing the dsdt.dsl file a little bit (and compiling a new dsdt.aml):


Device (USBE)


Name (_ADR, 0x001D0007)

Method (_S3D, 0, NotSerialized)


If (LEqual (OSFL, 0x02))


Return (0x02)



Return (0x03)



Name (_PRW, Package (0x02)





Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)


Store (Package (0x04)



Buffer (0x01)





Buffer (0x05)




}, Local0)

DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))

Return (Local0)





Device (USE2)


Name (_ADR, 0x001A0007)

Method (_S3D, 0, NotSerialized)


If (LEqual (OSFL, 0x02))


Return (0x02)



Return (0x03)



Name (_PRW, Package (0x02)





Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)


Store (Package (0x04)



Buffer (0x01)





Buffer (0x05)




}, Local0)

DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))

Return (Local0)




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@uketommyv - Well done for getting your audio working. I read your post in my DSDT thread.


@Carl_XII - Thanks, although this has been documented a few times now and I link to it on the front page of my DSDT thread, I didn't know it helped with kernel panics after sleep when an external USB disk is connected.


@Rishi K. - What version of VMWare Fusion are you trying to install? as I have just installed v2.0.5 without problems.

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i feel a bit lame but i need someone to tell me what i am doing wrong...


when i try to place the PC EFI v10.1 boot file in the Chameleon root directory I keep getting the following message, "The item "boot" cannot be replaced because it is invisible".


how am i suppose to get the boot file into the root directory?


thanks guys.


use this its an app called show all files then go into the root directory delete stock (or old) boot file


and replace it with the PC EFI v10.1


then go back and hide files with the app


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Thanks for sharing the tip for everyone, RustyShackleford. I will maybe add this to the Support Files / Guide on the next update to help reduce the error factor of a miss-keyed Terminal command. (NOTE: This only works if you have rosetta installed.)


EDIT: I have sorted out a new ShowAllFiles app which doesn't requires rosetta.

It's basically from a MacWorld article, but I don't know who wrote it to credit them. I have just edited the end part and I have included this one in the new Support Files (v1.8).


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I posted this on the other threat but here it is for easy convinience..


I managed to get the sound working. I downloaded a patched appleHDA file and and re did the dsdt audio part manually. worked like a charm. Thanks again for your support.

I see you have removed this post from the DSDT thread?


I haven't tried this but I am interested in alternative audio solutions for the GA-EP45-DS3L, so I have a couple of questions... Where did you get this patched AppleHDA from?, what audio options does it give you?, and does it work from /E/E allowing you to leave the retail install untouched? can you supply more details please?



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Hi blacksox,


I have followed your guide on installing SL and it has no luck on 9500GT and 7300GT.

But I found Bero using the new boot 10.3 having success on 4870.

Do you know Bero needed or not to patch the DSDT on GFX page?

How can I download this Boot 10.3 , it only show 10.1 on the linked site.



Sorry for my bad english.



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Hi Fatfish


Z4g0r posted a solution to get the 9500GT working in my 10.5.7 thread. Here's a shortcut to his link.


As for PC EFI v10.3, The latest post on Netkas' site details using it and yes, I see what you mean about the download reading 10.1. But I am sure it is the correct file. You are going to have to try it an see. But I haven't tested it to be sure.

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Hi blacksox,


I have followed your guide on installing SL and it has no luck on 9500GT and 7300GT.

But I found Bero using the new boot 10.3 having success on 4870.

Do you know Bero needed or not to patch the DSDT on GFX page?

How can I download this Boot 10.3 , it only show 10.1 on the linked site.



Sorry for my bad english.




First, I think the PC EFI 10.3 graphics injection works only for 48x0 ATI cards and not for any NVIDIA. You will need to use Chameleon v2 RC3. (I am not sure though, because Netkas is always a bit cryptic with his instructions. He thinks we are all as smart as he is. :thumbsup_anim:


Therefore I don't think you need the answers to the next 2 questions, but here they are anyway:


Second, my DSDT.aml was not patched for any graphics-related stuff.


Third, the link on the post http://netkas.org/?p=224 labelled 'booter10.1' is to the correct 10.3 'boot' file.


Additional newbie info:

I was quite a bit confused about Chameleon v2 RC1/RC2/RC3 and PC EFI 10.1/10.2/10.3, until I realized that:

1. The only difference between RC2 and RC3 are the files 'boot' and 'bootcd'.

2. RC3 doesn't come in an installer.

3. PC EFI 10.3 is really just one file, 'boot'.


So, to get a PC EFI 10.3 (or RC3) installation on your HD what you do is to install Chameleon v2 RC2 using the installer, and then replace the installed 'boot' file with the 10.3 'boot' file (or RC3 'boot' file depending what you want.)

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Hi there, im ready to try this install method as the lifeHacker one (without custom dsdt) had a FEW random KP's.


Question: will it be problematic generating the dsdt file from within a virtual enviroment (i.e Parallels). Because at the moment my Leopard partition is fine, but im waiting on windows 7 before i bother with windows.


And a big thanks for the awesome resources.

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I used ACPI Patcher under Win7, but you can run it with any version of Windows.


I got my first KP the other day, it was bluetooth related. Or I assume, I had just paired a BT headset with the computer, and was trying to use it. A restart allowed me to finally select it, and after a couple minutes of use (in which case sound quality was horrible) I kp'ed. I do not have that Kernel flag that shows the debug info, so I don't know exactly what caused it.


I wonder if it's anyway related to my old usb bt dongle. Used it fine in Leopard, then again, only used it for file transfers then. Any suggestions? Maybe a newer usb bt adapter =P

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Hi blackosx,


Heres what you requested:


Where did you get this patched AppleHDA from?


I got it from here : http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph...10.6.0#Gigabyte

search for GA-965P-DQ6.


Its an AppleHDA.kext file for the ALC888 ICH8, works for the ICH10 as well, because I have that one and I'm currently using it.


what audio options does it give you?







I have regular audio and mic. Haven't tried the rest.


does it work from /E/E allowing you to leave the retail install untouched?


It works from /E/E and S/L/E I tried both. so yes u can have an untouched system.


Let me know if you need anything else.

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Question: will it be problematic generating the dsdt file from within a virtual enviroment (i.e Parallels). Because at the moment my Leopard partition is fine, but im waiting on windows 7 before i bother with windows.


No problem...I created mine on Win 7 running in Parallels (on both 10.5 and 10.6).

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Hi blackosx,

Heres what you requested:


Let me know if you need anything else.

Hi uketommyv, thanks for supplying the details for the patched AppleHDA.kext.

From the screenshot's it looks like it gives identical options to the DSDT ALC888-0 HDEF + LegacyHDA.kext method.


I will try it to weigh up the possibility of including it in the guide/support files.. So what do I need to do to get it working?

I had a quick go this morning before I came to work. I tried removing my current LegacyHDA.kext from /E/E and adding the AppleHDA.kext in to /E/E in it's place. Rebooted, but no audio, the SystemPrefs are all empty and greyed out.

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