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I dont understand what the big deal is with running in -x64 mode. the only advantage you have would be the increase in RAM MAx. above 4 gig per app (the system will see and use 32 gig ). so if your not running an app that uses more than 4 gig ram would you see a difference? For that matter I only have 6 gig in the system. Also from what I read the 32 bit kernel can run 32 and 64 bit apps


Only reason I say this is when I run 64 bit mode I run into alot of apps that are not compatible yet. VMWARE for example. and my EVGA UV16 + is not compatible with 64 bit mode.

Using the /Extra/Extensions method is a good way to boot right into SL without the KPs, for most situations. Users report on a stable system right from the start and that there is even a boot cache created in /Caches/.../Startup. However, it's not working for every situation, either. At the end of the day, a boot cache must be created in System/.../Startup. If that doesn't happen, you got problems.

It appears there's a issue with the bootloader that keeps SL from building a System/.../Startup boot cache when loading from the /Extra boot cache. Don't know if that'll be resolved or not.


Sorry DD, Let me elaborate. The KP's happen even when I went to single user (32bit) or to boot normally(32bit). Therefore it had nothing to do with the boot cache. I was stumped and thought BlackOSX solution would be better for people who KP'ed before they could get to single user mode.

After many late nights my system is up and running thanks to DD! I started off with DD's 10.5.7 script and now I've stepped up DD's latest 10.6 script to get Snow Leopard up and running with all except for sleep/wake.


A few of you mention having built your system using the 10.6 script DD uploaded a couple of days ago - has anyone had any luck with sleep/wake?


I'm running 32bit via boot flag and in the Misc_Patches, i'm using the following kexts all in the systems folder.









My mistake might be obvious - any suggestions??


Also my system does go to sleep, screen goes black cpu fans stop running but upon mouse click the system tries to return but hangs to a blue screen.


I'm also on a UD5 mobo if that helps.

Finally had success with snow and 4.0 rc script. I was geting KPs before boot even in single user. Finally installed with pc efi and dumped all kexts into S/L/E and it worked. Audio, graphics (4870), firewire, shutdown/restart and sound worked straight from the script booting -x32. Switched out dsmos for fake smc and added sleep enabler. Sleep works but 4870 display is corrupt on resume. Bonjour not working properly. Tried ifconfig to enable promiscuous mode. It kinda works but shares are flakey and disconnect. My CS3 took a dump and throws licensing error 150:30, whatever that is. Any thoughts on what is safe to move to E/E without KPs?


Thanks dreamer for your efforts, they are much appreciated. I'd hate to be going this alone.

The RAID mode its-self doesn't cause any problems the problem is Apple doesn't have any RAID drivers for ICH10. DD has said that setting up a 10.6 install on RAID might be a bit tricky.

Should I still expect problems if I'm not trying to boot from the RAID 5 setup? It sounds like the OS can read from the drives on the blue ports (ICH10) just fine, and all I want to do is let the hardware handle the RAID...


DD snow leopard script worked for me, as he mentions i had to move both the audio kexts into /System to get audio to work.

The only issues I have are :

No Bonjour. Cannot see or add printers or other machines/time capsule.

No sleep.


I these can be solved then it looks rock solid usable.




Great! Thanks to advice on this forum i now have SL working on my UD5 mobo including bonjour and sleep.

This was acheived by putting the version of IONetworkingFamily.kext from DDs 10.5 scirpt into /Extra/Stored_Kexts/_For_System

I also put the 64bit version of SleepEnabler.kext from here:


into /Extra/Stored_Kexts

Then run the script, select update boot caches, and then reboot.

Thanks to DD, and all posting advice on these forums!

Now running migration assistant to get my apps on there and will give a thourough soak test.



Should I still expect problems if I'm not trying to boot from the RAID 5 setup? It sounds like the OS can read from the drives on the blue ports (ICH10) just fine, and all I want to do is let the hardware handle the RAID...

Yes. If your running a RAID system on ICH10 then you need ICH10 drivers to access any data on that system. If you have your boot on a separate HD then you should be able to boot just fine from it while having a RAID 5 setup attached to ICH10 but you will still be unable to access any data on your ICH10 RAID since there are no Apple ICH10 RAID drivers.

Is there any news on fixes for Bonjour? I could really use that.


Still no luck with my audio either, anything new on that?



I just fixed my Bonjour by adding a string to /Extra/smbios.plist





(the section after the last "-" is the MAC address of my first built-in ethernet port)



(I can't take credit for this - found it on the voodoo projects board here )

Finally had success with snow and 4.0 rc script. I was geting KPs before boot even in single user. Finally installed with pc efi and dumped all kexts into S/L/E and it worked. Audio, graphics (4870), firewire, shutdown/restart and sound worked straight from the script booting -x32. Switched out dsmos for fake smc and added sleep enabler. Sleep works but 4870 display is corrupt on resume. Bonjour not working properly. Tried ifconfig to enable promiscuous mode. It kinda works but shares are flakey and disconnect. My CS3 took a dump and throws licensing error 150:30, whatever that is. Any thoughts on what is safe to move to E/E without KPs?


Thanks dreamer for your efforts, they are much appreciated. I'd hate to be going this alone.

All is safe without KP, I got all the kexts to E/E without issues. Although DD's script worked for me, it didnt work for a G33 and a P35 Gigabyte MB after I brought the drive to a buddies place (it worked when I put it back in the UD5). Try BlackOSX's guide which installs in E/E.

I just fixed my Bonjour by adding a string to /Extra/smbios.plist





(the section after the last "-" is the MAC address of my first built-in ethernet port)



(I can't take credit for this - found it on the voodoo projects board here )


Nice. I've done this using my MAC address from system profiler and rebooted but it doesn't work.


I opened up smbios.plist and added the above with my own MAC address at the end, and rebooted – nothing. Is that all you did?

Switched out dsmos for fake smc and added sleep enabler.
I also put the 64bit version of SleepEnabler.kext from here:


I put this kext into DD script X58_Mobo_Patch_Installer/Kexts_10.6/Misc_Patches

dsmos.kext take into _repository, run script 5) Run kext/kernel installer, I'm install kext into S/L/E -> update boot caches -> reboot

In system Profiler j have: SMC Version (system):    1.13f3

Sleep/resume working perfectly  :D

Thank you!: doof, jhrfc, Digital Dreamer  :)


-------------------EDIT 4/9/2009----------------------


I will not waste additional forum posts, my problem described below was caused by faulty installation files, so sorry for the confusion ... :)


Only one problem that I have: I can not install the full Final Cut Studio 3. I have all the DVDs (7), applications can install without problem, but when I want to install Additional Contents (Motion, DVD Studio etc.) installations fails ... ( Here's a sample snippet from the Console. installation Additional Motion Contents:

09-09-01 22:34:36	installd[2133]	PackageKit: Install Failed: PKG: extracting "com.apple.pkg.MotionInstalledMedia2"Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=110 UserInfo=0x100415a30 "An error occurred while extracting files from the package �"MotionInstalledMedia2.pkg�." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=BOMCopierFatalError Code=0 UserInfo=0x10302dca0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. cpio read error: Unknown error: 0") {    NSFilePath = "/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++++/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio/Motion";    NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while extracting files from the package U201cMotionInstalledMedia2.pkgU201d.";    NSURL = "../Packages/MotionInstalledMedia2.pkg -- file://localhost/Volumes/Motion%20Content%201/Installer/MotionContent.mpkg/";    NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=BOMCopierFatalError Code=0 UserInfo=0x10302dca0 "The operation couldnU2019t be completed. cpio read error: Unknown error: 0"";    PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "com.apple.pkg.MotionInstalledMedia2";}

Do you met someone with a similar problem?

Nice. I've done this using my MAC address from system profiler and rebooted but it doesn't work.


I opened up smbios.plist and added the above with my own MAC address at the end, and rebooted – nothing. Is that all you did?



thats not a mac address thats the Hard drives UUID if I am not mistaken

thats not a mac address thats the Hard drives UUID if I am not mistaken


This is where I got it from:




Note: that's the MAC address from my MacBook, but it would appear as this right?






I'm having issues installing Snow Leopard (/Extra method) on a drive with multiple partitions. I believe others have been experiencing similar issues (KP on boot/unable to get to single user)


Have you, or anyone else, successfully installed on a drive with more than 1 partition?


Interestingly I was able to install without issue on the partitioned drive using the EFI method.

I was also having Bonjour problems with all of the RealtekR1000.kext's posted on various threads/forums. However, I noticed that Realtek just released a new driver on their web site a couple weeks ago (RTGMac_v2.0.3.zip). This works perfectly for me - Bonjour is completely restored.


Download is here:



Hi everyone,


Digital_Dreamer, the RC of your works great on my pc :(. A rock solid retail version of Snow Leopard on my machine (and the headphone jack works xD :))


I was transferring my files back from my Time machine backup (of the same machine which was running Leopard). When the backup finished, i logged out, but couldn't log in my Time Machine restored account (only my temporary account). Also, i couldn't reboot or shutdown... I did a hard reboot and i couldn't boot anymore in Snow Leopard.


I always have a spare partition with a fresh Mac OS X install on it, so i reinstalled Snow Leopard back on the main drive :P. But can it be that Time Machine restores system files from Leopard that can make problems with the system files from Snow Leopard?

I was also having Bonjour problems with all of the RealtekR1000.kext's posted on various threads/forums. However, I noticed that Realtek just released a new driver on their web site a couple weeks ago (RTGMac_v2.0.3.zip). This works perfectly for me - Bonjour is completely restored.


Download is here:




This works flawlessly, that's so great, thank you!


DD, you should update the install with this kext.

I was also having Bonjour problems with all of the RealtekR1000.kext's posted on various threads/forums. However, I noticed that Realtek just released a new driver on their web site a couple weeks ago (RTGMac_v2.0.3.zip). This works perfectly for me - Bonjour is completely restored.


Download is here:





seems like the download likes are down all 3 sites.


can you post the file in the forum ?



I was also having Bonjour problems with all of the RealtekR1000.kext's posted on various threads/forums. However, I noticed that Realtek just released a new driver on their web site a couple weeks ago (RTGMac_v2.0.3.zip). This works perfectly for me - Bonjour is completely restored.


Download is here:




Only works in Snow Leo 32Bit NOT in 64Bit!


However thanks for the Link!

Thanks for the great Installer! The first one you made worked beautifully with my GA-EX58-UD4P motherboard and OS X 10.5.6 (upgraded to 10.5.8). Unfortunately this latest one isn't working so well for SL. Sometimes the OS loads, but at a very low resolution. Other times it comes up and the hard drive grinds until I get an "out of memory" error. And still other times it comes up with a kernel panic.


I've moved pretty much all the drivers (except for the Misc drivers) to the S/L/E folder while the Misc are in the Extras folder.


Has anyone had luck getting the UD4P motherboard up and running with SL? I'd be curious to hear how you did it.

I will share my experiences too...


Installed Snow Leo retail today from Snow Developer Preview I already had. This enabled me to build the boot caches immediately and to avoid the KP that some reported here. I modified DD's install with the following:

- used fakesmc instead of dsmos

- migrated my boot.plist from 10.5.7, used my previously working EFI string for my GTX285 and did not install any graphics drivers

- also migrated my DSDT and smbios from my Snow DP partition

- Tried VoodooHDA for sound with no success, will switch to the kext provided with the script

- I'm using the Apple USB Ethernet Adapter and this works without any external drivers on 10.6

- Will install SleepEnabler before next reboot


I was unable to install on the EFI partition. No matter what I tried, and despite the script telling me that the bootloader install worked, the EFI partition remained empty. I tried a few thing, even to install on another empty partition and then clone this partition to the mounted EFI and nothing worked (script always complained that /Extra folder was missing). I gave up, reformatted, reinstalled 10.6 and installed on the main partition.


I rebooted in 64-bit without any issues aside from sound not working.



Hi i've tried searching this thread and the forum itself but cant seem to find an answer -.- maybe i just suck at searching. Ive also tried manually looking through pages but this thread is too long. I'm trying to set up a RAID system with dual booting. Windows 7 on the RAID and Mac OS on the non raid for now (will eventaully go RAID too if possible) I have the UD5-extreme and have the non raid drive pluged into the 4 white ports as it would not load on the white ports because i set them as RAID. I have media drives on the Blue ports that i want to use in OSX but they are not being read because that controller is in RAID and not AHCI. Is there a fix? or do i have to move the drive i want over to the white ports -.-

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