Hugo_bee Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Zotac Mini Itx GeForce 9300 WIFI that motherboard is already live in 2012 !! the chipset MCP79a make it MAC OSX OOTB :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BEFORE MY EXP I started studying those 3D: 1st: from EGOvoruhk 2nd:from Ayla 3rd: THE 1st SOLUTION SUGGESTED IS HMILLER's EXTERNAL LINK TO very RICH ZOTAC EXP (NO HACK): Avsforum Hardforum HWUpgrade other THE TEAM IS COMPOSED BY SCRAX,MINIHACK,GAANSAN,DREAMWATCHER :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BEFORE READING: BE CAREFUL TO SEE WHAT PCB YOU'RE USING!!! SINCE 2009 ZOTAC RELEASED 5 versions of motherboard and D-E, I-E, G-E are the most used! if you are messing with it, READ CAPT 8-> guide to identify HISTORY rev. TABLE: nov09: pcb04, newer methods, gaansan exp, snow 10.6.2 exp sep10->jan11:ootb 10.6, scrax best audio fit and best DSDT,unique package to deploy Snow,reduced boot time mar11:k-e exp,Lion experiences .. the doors are opened to eveybody wants to give exp! apr11:BIOS MOD IS STARTING: K-E now is full OOTB: no DSDT, no smbios.plist.. you can start with original DVD as an original Apple MAC Apr11:BIOS MOD for motherboard G-E and I-E (03 marked from zotac.. sata2 and sata3 releases) Nov12:MOUNTAIN LION GUIDE Nov12:ML10.8.2 Sleep for KE INDEX: MARKED IN RED ARE ONLY NEWER AND FRESHEN INFOs CHAP1 Look&feel Newer photoes CHAP2 -> 5 LEOPARD EXPERIENCES Bios upd! CHAP6 SNOW SETUP OOTB Scrax packages CHAP 7 K-E SNOW 10.6.6 (soonely) CHAP7 LION BETA1 SETUP PDF Gaansan RECIPE CHAP8 BIOS MOD CHAP9 ML GUIDE GUIDE: E/E as Extra/Extensions S/L/E as System/Library/Extensions c.a.b.p as file o.c.b.p as org.boot.chameleon.plist (the newer boot configuration file) 1) COST/CASE The cost from ZOTAC is 130€ and in Italy it comes from Miland company .. or ebay. same price. Now (dec 09) the newer board costs about 113,85€ (newer board is usb resume from sleep OK) and is here (2nd item) the case is mini itx.. here are some nice cases.. actually!! THE GALLERY VAULT CASE VINDU (see posts 280--300) CASE LIAN-LI CASE Silverstone sugo SG05 (ACTUALLY MINE!!!) and SUGO06 are also very good!!! is the next generation CASE!! CASE ANTEC, mini Skeletron CASE LC12 CASE!! apex 2: BASE SETUP AND BIOS (PCB00,01 and 03) IN BIOS NECESSARY SETUP ARE: -disable com ports controllers -disable MAXCPUID in the CPU section -ENABLE AHCI on SATA MCP section -GPU: You can force GPU to overclock to 144% by changing: iGPU OverClock Mode = Manual iGPU OverClock = 650 Shader OverClock = 1500 -you can raise vram for GPU to 512 -Setup power mgm to S1+S3 -lan: don't switch lan setup in bios to MII because MAC won't catch DHCP. leave it as is (from D-E to above) Advanced BIOS Features: >CPU Feature: C1E Function [Enabled] Virtualization Technology [Enabled] Virus Warning [Enabled] CPU L3 Cache [CPU Related] APIC Mode [Enabled] Advanced Chipset Features: On Board GPU [always Enable] iGPU FrameBuffer Control [manual] Frame Buffer Size [512M] iGPU clock [Auto] Integrated Peripherals: >MPC Storage Config: SATA Operation Mode [AHCI] >Hardware Monitor: (Optional) CPU SmartFan Control [Disabled] CPU Fan Control [50%] >MCP Superio Config On Chip Serial Port [Disabled] MAC Lan [Disabled] Machine MAC(NV) Address [Disabled] Onboard Serial Port 1 [Disabled] >USB Device Setting: USB Operation Mode [High Speed] Power Management Setup: ACPI Suspend Type [s3(STR)] HOW_TO_START? the basic RULES FOR always deploy It's important to have a retail base OS with 10.5.6 or 10.6.2 The easier way is to take the HDD you want to deploy and plug it into a good&running OS. Verify that the volume is OS Journaled.. that has the Permissions DB started (if not.. write in terminal: vsdbutil -a /Volumes/drive) remember to repair permissions every time you change a kext in E/E or in S/L/E remember that if you partition a disk with diskutils, the default for a not formatted disk id a GUID partiton attention to change in MBR partition scheme if you really like it.. or if you want to have an easy dual boot! At the end of the setup choose EFIv9 or Chameleon 1.0.12.. 2.0 BUT .. REMEMBER that Chamaleon run well from 2.0 RC3 to above.. or ASERE BLN Boot Manager!!! the advantages to use Cham2.0 are these: -the setup.pkg write correctly the mbr.. I did that operation manually 10+ times.. but often the partition with vista won't start anymore. boh. also correcting the bcd store.. or fixing boot, or launching original vista dvd to start a recovery.. the dvd say that vista does not exist! so weird. then.. erasing mbr (not fixing.. really erasing with 00000000 in hex edit) and launching the tool .. vista works fine. so that my suggest is to use the Chameleon 2 pkg and not to fdisk manually the boot1h into mbr. -the setup also create Extra folder and Extra/Extensions.. and create the tool that create itself the Extra/Extensions.mkext -the Extra/Extensions.mkext must be deleted.. we create it at the end of the setup but it's not necessary. It only boost the boot process for the chemeleon kext override.. so useful!!! -the NEWER Chamaleon 2.0 RC5 REALLY INJECT VIDEO ENABLER and in the DDR3 ZOTAC is no more necessary to inject VIDEO DATA in EFI or DSDT!!! simply vanilla and a flag in the c.a.b.p. ok. we've 10.5.6 and a good bootloader.. then??? 1) Copy Appledecrypter.kext in E/E 2) Copy Disabler.kext or HMiller's zip IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext in E/E 3) Copy OpenHaltRestart.kext in E/E (for me is good. is correct sometimes problem when the shutdown has been completed but the cpu fan is still running.. and sleep is working fine! (but usb not.. see below voodoousbehci) THEN if you don't have Extra/ it's not important: REPLACE xxxxx with your Volume name mv /Volumes/Extra/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/Leopard/Extra/Extensions.mkext.previous chmod -R 644 /Volumes/Extra/Extensions chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Extra/xtensions kextcache -a i386 -m /Volumes/Extra/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/Extra/Extensions > update.log 2>&1 chmod 644 /Volumes/Extra/Extensions.mkext chown root:wheel /Volumes/Extra/Extensions.mkext it helps a lot.. because it correct E/E permissions kexts.. you can delete mkext or not.. as you wish DSDT: SEE BELOW PHASE 4 3: KEXT MOD Phase1.. HMiller study (for each mod kext.. do a Duplicate file..and rename to .kextorig to leave a backdoor Ok??) DSMOS: Is the same as Don't steal osx kext in 10.5.6.. Hmiller.. confirm? I think is not necessary to use it. Intelcpupmdisabler: see chapter 2. IOATAFamily: HMiller rev 1.7.3f1 // 10.5.6 rev 2.0.0 Hmiller solution is the extension that consist of adding into Content/Plugins -AppleGenericPCATA -AppleONBoardPCATA but has also mod into important AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext.. the mods are injecting into Plist Array Information about ATA ICH6 to ICH9-R.. a lot of matching data for almost all mobo! I started fine without mods.. but I'll try to use the recent 10.5.6 IOATA ver 1.1 mod proposed by -DuNe- Then.. is it necessary? maybe yes.. maybe no. Most people tell in the past that with a mod driver they have proper detection into System Profiler.. so.. why not? Thanks to HMiller.. but use 10.5.6 1.1 ioata if you'd like to fit last retail. MY ADD INTO Plugins folder: NforceATA.kext.. it add 3 array: NForce ATA Driver,NForce SATA Driver,NForce PATA Driver.. same considerations.. JMICRONATA: HMiller rev. 1.0.0 .. the same as 10.5.6 HMiller suggestion is to change the plist for the matching pci device.. under JMicronATA PCI before: <key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</<wbr>key> <string>0x2368197b</string>[/<wbr>code] after: [code]<key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</<wbr>key> <string>0x2368197b 0x2360197b&0xfff0ffff</<wbr>string> newer jmicronata from darwin project contain support for JMB360.. my test will take that version that contain that matching: <string>0x2360197b, 0x2361197b 0x2363197b 0x2365197b 0x2366197b 0x2368197b</string> BREAK AND THINKING: but IOATA and JmicronATA have the same scope. then.. if I boot fine.. without mods.. and known that mobo use Jmicron controller.. then why do a lot of mod on IOATA? the problem is that until I can't see anything in Sys Profiler.. I cant be sure. the solution is to use lspci for mac or read all the IOREG -lw0 dump. IOAHCIFAMILY:: HMiller rev: 1.0.4.. 10.5.6 rev 1.5.0.. it's quite different mods suggested by hmiller: is the problem os sata drive orange and other similar .. that Chameleon override with it's injector by the setup itself. Then.. we can use it or do the mod. into PLUGINS folder under the IOAHCIBlockstorage.. info.plist.. in the section AppleAHCIDiskDriver.. has the mod below under the row: <string>IOAHCIDevice</<wbr>string> put the rows: [CODE]<key>Physical Interconnect</key> <string>SATA</string> <key>Physical Interconnect Location</key> <string>Internal</string> <key>Protocol Characteristics</key> <dict> <wbr> <key>Physical Interconnect</key> <wbr> <string>SATA</string> <wbr> <key>Physical Interconnect Location</key> <wbr> <string>Internal</string> </dict>[/CODE] APPLEACPIPLATFORM: HMiller rev. 1.2.1 .. 10.5.6 rev 1.2.4.. then I'll try to test mods.. but into newer kext! the suggestions: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT I THINK IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DRIVER OF OSX. but I can't see what are the mods.. APPLESMBIOS: HMiller rev 1.0.14.. 10.5.6 rev 1.1.1. Hmiller kext does not contain trace of a building or mem speed or something similar.. what's it? THIS IS THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT: Andy Vandichk or Fassl propose to build own smbios (the -27, -28 or -33 SRC available on that forum) but the goal is to inject in mac info about mem speed, type and mac model and serial.. but This mod is very deep and change the boot process.. so a model that is imac and not macbookair I see that produce different behaviour and different answer in the boot. In the Asus MCP79 if I change it, I have a Kernel Panic and It stops wit an error about the HPET.. ok.. this is the last change I'll try.. BUT HMiller one is different. MY SUGGESTION APPLEAHCIPORT.kext: it must contain MCP79 ahci info. 10.5.6 is still containing a part of it.. it has 0x0ab910de.. but not 0x0ab810de [CODE] <key>MCP79AHCI</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string><wbr>AppleAHCIPort</string> <key>Chipset Name</key> <string>MCP79 AHCI</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>AppleMCP79AHCI</<wbr>string> <key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</key> <string><b><font color="#ff0000">0x0ab910de</font></b></string> <key>IOProbeScore</key> <integer>2000</integer> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOPCIDevice</string> <key>Vendor Name</key> <string>NVidia</string> </dict>[/CODE] then.. I did a copypaste of the array to preserve that array.. I renamed the above string with a B at the end of all the stringsand added newer antry with proper ID: [CODE]<key>MCP79AHCIB</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string><wbr>AppleAHCIPort</string> <key>Chipset Name</key> <string>MCP79 AHCI b</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>AppleMCP79AHCIb</<wbr>string> <key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</key> <string>0x0ab910de</string> <key>IOProbeScore</key> <integer>2000</integer> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOPCIDevice</string> <key>Vendor Name</key> <string>NVidia</string> </dict> <key>MCP79AHCI</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string><wbr>AppleAHCIPort</string> <key>Chipset Name</key> <string>MCP79 AHCI</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>AppleMCP79AHCI</<wbr>string> <key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</key> <string>0x0ab810de</string> <key>IOProbeScore</key> <integer>2000</integer> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOPCIDevice</string> <key>Vendor Name</key> <string>NVidia</string> </dict>[/CODE] 4: THE TEST Boot into my usb pen esata is very fast. 8-10sec in '-v' flag. VIDEO: Changing the ID (with device id 0xcb7910de and 0x086c10de) give me a black screen ...the log say: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered. IGPU: family specific matching fails and now to continue tests I put nvkush into S/L/E START IS OK, VIDEO IS OK, with QE/CI SMBIOS: HMiller SMBios return a smbios-28 667ram speed.. I'm searching for a 800speed and I've put that one. (I got it from Ideneb or IPC dvd's.. and it's good!!) AppleAHCIport: Now IOREG return 0x0ab810de on the MCP79 entry. VOODOOPOWER.kext. It's really important bacause it reenable cputhrottle and managing of HPET/Cpu power. You can take it here. ATA PUT Jmicron mod and IOATAmod.. no readable changes or improvements. The fact: In vista i see the same: No presence of Jmicron controller.. instead of Asus MCP79a which has a pig-feet into the past.. a Jmicron IDE ATA Controller. but it's a micro atx.. heh. Then I left JmicronATA and IOATA original. .. here there are no ata! and no pci! USB VIA WIFI: is not easy to find driver. actually I read that page.. that for me is clear: I have to mov on another card. and then (if I want) open the usb newer card and solde it's terminal to one of the free internal usb expansions. Ok. focus on system profiler crashes. It report a division by zero error. SOLUTION: thanks to ISOTOME set into BIOS disable MAXCPU (Update top toipic chapter 2) AUDIO: Got VoodoooHDA (now rev. 8) built.. put into S/L/E. Put also HDAEnabler. Renamed original AppleHDA.kext but the sound is not clear. no mic working. 5. CONCLUSIONS ON LEO SETUP with 3 kexts in E/E , 2 drivers in S/L/E (nvkush, voodoopower) and at least 2 mods into S/L/E (smbios, appleahciport) that mobo is able to run perfectly! OK LETS TALK ABOUT SNOW 6. SNOW READY!!!! the Zotac seemz to run with snow thanks to all members.. see starting page 3 of this topic. REMEMBER that 10.6.6 is very very stable and all the official kext are not bad for the zotac.. so UPGRADE to 10.6.6 BIOS setting : in CPU Feature: Virtualization Technology (enabled) Advanced Chipset Features: On Board GPU (always Enable) iGPU FrameBuffer Control (manual) Frame Buffer Size (512M) iGPU clock (Auto) Integrated Peripherals: MPC Storage Config: SATA Operation Mode (AHCI) MPC Storage Config: SATA Operation Mode (AHCI) Hardware Monitor: (Optional) CPU SmartFan Control (Disabled) CPU Fan Control (75%) MCP Superio Config On Chip Serial Port (Disabled) MAC Lan (Disabled) Machine MAC(NV) Address (disabled) Onboard Serial Port 1 (disabled) USB Device Setting: USB Operation Mode (Full/Low Speed) Power Management Setup: ACPI Suspend Type (S3(STR)) THANKS TO SCRAX GAANSAN MINIHACK WE'VE A PERFECT STABLE OS 2 SOLUTIONS: 1: GAANSAN (10.6.2- 10.6.5) the attachment with all the needs is here 2: SCRAX (10.6.2--> 10.6.6) with imac 9.1 emulation starting from this post there were more improvements and now we've a simple SNOW SETUP so hereand here 709 simply open the ZIP put in E/E FAKESMC ZEVOREBOOT DSDT and in /EXTRA c.a.b.p. 7. LION before talking about the setup, it's important to write some words about it 1) LION comes with a lot of check and not only in the OSINStall.mpkg, so the SETUP CANNOT BE LAUNCHED from a SNOW or LEO environment IF the hardware is NOT a real MAC 2) The SETUP also WANTs a 64bit processor, and a GPT partition scheme IN THE DESTINATION DISK 3) The 2nd point is not telling that you cannot work in MBR.. because after a setup you can CLONE the final disk into another which has an MBR partition scheme .. and then run it! 4) except for the other 3D in the insanelymac forum (and other forums ..yes!) that are tring to insanely run chamaleon with a debugger release.. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to run the LION with a classic bootloader.. YOU MUST HAVE AN EFI BOOT MANAGEMENT 5) the 4th point tell that the EFI boot is everything you want to use (a partition, an usb pen) with at least 100mb FAT32.. so with it you can then start LION automatically Gaansan spent 2 weeks to make the Zotac Roarr with Lion.. because it's normally to think that If Zotac run fine in Snow.. It fit Lion too! So the brain comsumption was not really balanced between the technics and the environments.. I mean: the damned EFI boot method had taken a lot of time only to have a stable and emphyric method that MADE the SETUP STARTS! In the world a plenty of hack-addicted has the same problem.. XPC, ###### 1,2.. 1.3..1.4... who can boots fine with one.. and who can boots with other.. bla bla bla.. THIS GUIDE is obviously NOT the ONLY ONE METHOD.. but you have to accept that earlier ###### Release have better response.. This is really true 'cos if you try to use the basic ###### beta2 to boot a Snow.. it is as slow as lion! I Verified GAANSAN RECIPE.. effectively ###### 1.4 start over the 1st Driver loading.. even others NOT. To go LION BETA 1 ON ZOTAC GEFORCE 9300 WITH DDR2 TAKE THOSE 2 Attachments: I POST the PDF GUIDE, because is very long and rich of PHOTOES! And I POST the PACKAGE THE PDF IS ALSO HERE IN THE ATTACHMENT BELOW 8) BIOS MODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUIDE TO IDENTIFY OUR PCB VERSION According to an updated Zotac 9300 ITX manual, available at http://downloads.zot...;/man/pa105.pdf, there is a revision of the Zotac 9300 ITX motherboard, PCB version 03. The new features are 3 SATA connectors (against 2 in versions 00 and 01, they seem to have skipped verison 02), and an USB power select jumper, which allows wake up on USB. Also, PCB version 3 supports dual link DVI with resolutions up to 2560x1600 (against single link DVI with resolutions up to 1920x1440 in versions 00 and 01). The bottom side of the version 03 MB should be labelled as 236-DA105-xx30F. BUT -> seeing that http://www.zotacusa....after-s3-sleep/ I prefer to adopt this method: GF9300 (DDR3), 3SATA SKU : GF9300-K GF9300 (PCB-03/04), 3SATA, Dual Link DVI, Overclock version SKU : GF9300-I GF9300 (PCB-03/04), 3 SATA, Dual Link DVI, Standard Clock SKU : GF9300-G/-J GF9300 (PCB -01), 2 SATA, Single Link DVI SKU : GF9300-E/-F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOTIVATIONS Starting from K-E because it's mine actually mobo, I decided to do the matrix revolution.. the goal is to have a bios with: DMI strings APPLE (yes, and it can fit with product number for a Lion setup) SPLASH LOGO Apple DSDT replaced BIOS Setup defaults just ready to go due to limitations on those bios.. the FA object in the BIOS (the sound startup effect) is not possible.. because ZOTAC never has it.. sorry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANTAGES After applying a BIOS MOD, you can -erase DSDT -erase Smbios.plist -Erase the entry in c.a.b.p called graphicsenabler=yes -erase ALL kexts in extra folder -Erase all not congruent mac release kexts in S/L/E (I mean if you have 10.6.6 you must leave all kexts original 10.6.6!!!) except for the patched AppleHDA because it has HEX 662 patched in the EXEcutable! that patched file is in 710# by @scrax that's it!! !!! Warning & Disaster recovery !!! Il supporto Zotac invita , prima di flashare bios, a [b][u]disabilitare[/u][/b] il controllo dello SmartFan della cpu. ZOTAC Support RECOMMEND TO [u][b]disable [/b][/u]SmartFan Contro BEFORE upgrading a BIOS!!! Link to original last BIOS (PCB 00, 01)2K100126 Link to original last BIOS (PCB 03 and next)2K100422 WARNING:ALL THE PCBs doesn't have a BIS Backup method as asus..The CTRL+HOME with a USBpen or with a USB Floppy (that's AMI typical procedure) doesn't RUN. The PCB hasn't a SPI programmer connector! SO: IF YOU'RE IN TROUBLE WITH A DAMN FLASHING, DON'T WORRY, I'VE PERSONALLY BUILT AND TESTED THISCIRCUIT that can flash correctly! This need: -a floppy (create with XP with format and make MDSOD boot), put the rom, afudos or awdflash, put autoexec.bat with: Afudos.exe /iYOURROM.rom /pbnc /n -an usb boot pen fat32 (use hp utility), put the rom, autoexec, Afudos or awdflash AFUDOS in attached FOR 00:01:03 PCB AWDFLASH in attached FOR K-E PCB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW BIOS LIST K-E: the dsdt is the same.. the original chip mounted is a DIL-8 Serial EEprom Winbond 25Q80 DSDT USED in ATTACHED, BIOS IN ATTACHED MODS applied: Logo,Bios setup (load optimal),DMI strings,DSDT the UPDATE METHOD recommends is wrotten above.. Use A Floppy USB, or USB pen, with AFUDOS, the newrom, autoexec.bat: Afudos.exe /ike.rom /pbnc /n G-E and I-E and J-E: the Bios is marked from Zotac as 03! the original chip mounted is a DIL-8 Serial EEprom Winbond 25x80 DSDT USED in ATTACHED, BIOS IN ATTACHED MODS applied: Logo,Bios setup (load optimal),DSDT DMI ready..but smbios.plist is recommended the UPDATE METHOD recommends is wrotten above.. Use A Floppy USB, or USB pen, with AWDFLASH, the newrom, autoexec.bat: Awdflash.exe /i03.bin /py /sn /cc / cd /cp /wb /r E and F 01 PCB: the dsdt is the same as 03 but with quite differences in some operation regios.. so I worked from the 01pcb bios and did a newer DSDT, merged in the ACPITABLE .. the Bios is marked from Zotac as 01! the original chip mounted is a DIL-8 Serial EEprom Winbond 25x80 DSDT USED in ATTACHED, BIOS IN ATTACHED MODS applied: Logo,Bios setup (load optimal),DSDT the UPDATE METHOD recommends is wrotten above.. Use A Floppy USB, or USB pen, with AWDFLASH, the newrom, autoexec.bat: thanks to polum, you have to: press Esc key at boot, select (+) HDD and then select the pendrive with bootable dos... then: Awdflash.exe 01.bin /py /sn /cc / cd /cp /wb /r 9. MOUNTAIN LION Here I am I decided to rebuild a case with KE DDR3 mobo So I had headache for a while seeing that I never had a screen in ML (10.0 to 10.8.2) , always black screen. I tested all I can.. but all injectors (ATY_init, nvenabler,nvresolver) never run I used my BIOSMOD, but yes I tested the NVDA,Parent dsdt mod -> NO LUCK I'm QE/CI with NATIT and OVerrideNVDA and LATEST 304.00.05f02 Web Release Invidia drivers Here Obviously to run it you've to use Pacifist or use a temporary smbios.plist with Macpro5,1 after, diskutils repairPermissions / you can use SMBIOS 11,2 (in attached) CUDA 5 doesn't matter Org.chameleon.boot.plist as I attach BUT CREATE A PROPER UUID (otherwise no appstore/itunes/iclud) ATTENTION: the bootloader 2050,2060,2064 are good bot for me only 2064 make me sleep (me? ?!) Don't USE DSDT if you're BIOSMOD In S/L/E I have a AppleGraphicsPowermanagement modded for 9300 internal Actually NO AppleHDA workind.. Use VoodooHda GO TO #795 to grab my latest! that's all.. dude! Installing_LION_10.7_on_Zotac_geforce_9300_DDR2.pdf 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
timme Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Great write! I like the approach of comparing the guide to an existing solution. Enables quick progress. I'm trying to summarize for myself what is needed: - 10.5.6 base system including bootloader like Chameleon - Appledecrypter.kext - IntelCPUPMDisabler.kext - OpenHaltRestart.kext Drivers: - VoodooPower (CPU power options) - NVkush (Video) Mods: - AppleSMBIOS (667/800 MHz) - AppleAHCIPort.kext (could you provide yours ugokind? ) The first question is: can this board boot without the edited APPLEAHCIPORT.kext? This would allow for a direct install without a second system. Since I am used to the iPC OSx86 DVD, I'd like to evaluate a setup process that works with that DVD. From the required files listed above, everything is available on the iPC disk, except: - NVkush - Appledecrypter.kext - modded AppleAHCIPort.kext Assuming it is possible to boot without the modded AppleAHCIPort.kext, install with the iPC Disk could look like this: 1 config BIOS (see above) 2 boot iPC 3 partition with MBR scheme (GUID might work aswell?) 4 install with options: -- Base system -- VoodooPower -- IntelCPUPMDisabler -- Shutdown/Restart fix (not sure about this, is it the same as OpenHaltRestart.kext?) -- AppleSMBIOS (667/800 MHz) 5 in OSX -- edit AppleAHCIPort.kext (see above) -- add NVkush -- add Appledecrypter.kext Unfortunately, I don't have this board available to test this procedure at the moment. I understand that swapping disks between systems would be easy aswell, but I'd like an install with only one system/disk required. Once an ITX system in one of the mentioned cases is put together, it's a bit painful to swap disks around Suggestions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted April 27, 2009 Author Share Posted April 27, 2009 My AppleAHCIPort is modded to preserve all the array and It fit backward. but.. yes.. I boot without the mod.. the only improvement is that the proper ID is shown into the System Profiler. But chameleon also provides 3 injector in E/E that can at 99% load what is 'unknown' by the retail kexts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
timme Posted April 27, 2009 Share Posted April 27, 2009 Thanks a lot! It looks like setup for this board is not that hard after all. Regarding the sound: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted April 28, 2009 Author Share Posted April 28, 2009 ok i read it. but that solution is only to have audio output. another problem is that he wrote about ALC888 but I'm sure that our codec is ALC 662. then, first I'll try next thursday the 2 ALC662.pkg in the IPC 10.5.6 install dvd. then, if no input working, I'll try ubuntu live only to have the real codec (or in vista with pinconfig.exe) and remap the codec.. sad job!! FOR EVEN ENHANCEMENT OF USB.. READ that TOPIC it says about MCP79 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
timme Posted May 3, 2009 Share Posted May 3, 2009 Any findings concerning this board? Especially sound Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
contemal Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 Maybe i found something of interesting about the WiFi module. Surfing the web, i found that BlueNEXT Wireless Adapter uses the same VIA VT6656 chipset of the Zotac mobo; they also provide a driver for Mac. Here is the product main page: and the link to the driver: Now i'm away from my Zotac mobo and i can't try it until the end of the week. I'm quite new in the osx scenario, but i think that someone (hey ugokind, are you reading?) with more experience than mine in the kext modding, could find something of good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 4, 2009 Author Share Posted May 4, 2009 wow i'll try tomorrow!!! wait!! the zip attached (and is the link on the website!) contain Zydas 1211 kext and pdf attached report about zydas chipset! ??? ??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
contemal Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 wowi'll try tomorrow!!! wait!! the zip attached (and is the link on the website!) contain Zydas 1211 kext and pdf attached report about zydas chipset! ??? ??? That's right, but on the homepage (specification), they wrote: Chip: VT6656 so... what does it mean? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 4, 2009 Author Share Posted May 4, 2009 ok I've just finished to test the driver.. in the pdf I must see the message to configure new device.. in network preferences.. but.. nothing i see insystem profiler an uninstalled usb device -- in the while i tried to test newer 0.2.2 voodoohda kext and the mod 0.2.2 created by thireus the thireus is better because i see the mic .. but both are not working for audio out.. is the cracracraaa sob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiniHack Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 Ugokind - Thank you for all the work you are doing on this board. Could you post a link to a suitable SMBIOS modded kext for 800MHz DDR2 please. Googling doesn't seem to find me the right modded kext and I don't want to have to download a whole DVD for the sake of one kext. Thanks. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 5, 2009 Author Share Posted May 5, 2009 actually you have to wait 1 day..) you also can find it into ipc, ideneb, xxx dvd. is called smbios ddr2 800 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiniHack Posted May 5, 2009 Share Posted May 5, 2009 post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 5, 2009 Author Share Posted May 5, 2009 hello here you are I suggest ideneb 1.4 it's very very useful! bye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiniHack Posted May 5, 2009 Share Posted May 5, 2009 post removed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 10, 2009 Author Share Posted May 10, 2009 AUDIO: read about japanese forum.. and with a lot of inventions and luck I tried to apply various kexts .. they link all to insanely mac topic it is a modded alc662 for various scenario. then.. I tried all in that topic.. and the one that run is the same in the bottom of japanese topic.. it is: the normal_fixed one in that post WIFI: i tried to apply a lot of kexts.. from via ehci uhci, the blue dongle, the zydas.. and also the jap forum report the same.. but.. nothing the wifi is unrecognized. then.. a sound working is better that anything.. no? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brownies Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Hi, Is the sound fully functional ? This board looks fantastic for an HTPC mac. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 10, 2009 Author Share Posted May 10, 2009 beh.. it is to be improved.. hp is not autoswitched. but is better than a craacraa sound no? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiniHack Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 post removed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 10, 2009 Author Share Posted May 10, 2009 wonderful. I read a couple of time your post. I think I've understood all. . I suppose then, the only (i'm really sure) cause to have the stop after the still waiting for root device is due to ahci/ehci/uhci.. sure that it's not dsdt.aml because if you remap the bios with dsdt wrong or dsdt of another machine you have the stop before.. after the loading of the kernel. then, the second cause of problem at boot is acpi.. if you have a non mac standard acpi table/motherboard you've the stop before the still waiting for root device.. is the acpitable error in kernel panic then (i'm not a guru) i'm almost sure that the still waiting for root device is -the ioahci kext (if you boot from a sata disc connected to sata port directly) -the iousbfamily (idem.. if you boot from usb drive) all depend to iokit.acpi tables.. but 10.5.6 mac osx (as I wrote above) boot even without mods.. yes it boot with unrecognized parts.. but it boots because (and that is because of my choice to buy that mobo) the mcp79 belong to apple drivers set. then.. the conclusion is.. what? ehehe.. I mean.. if the kexts can boot w/out mods.. why you have not the got boot device? we've to work on it. if you prepare a retail mac os.. with nvkush only.. you boot! then.. do you have other mod or changed something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 11, 2009 Author Share Posted May 11, 2009 excellent.. and .. now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
overflow1972 Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Is there a way to do a Retail installation ? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 I'm agree with you. only one way is to create a boot132 cd with usb-sata drivers.. and try a setup from a usbkey 8gb with the carbon clone of the mac osx install dvd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hugo_bee Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 good news for zotac.. little OT there's new driver for windows seven: Version: 15.37 Date: 11.05.2009 So: Windows 7 Lang: It size: 144 Mb Windows 7 Version driver * Driver GPU (v185.85) "WHQL" * Driver Ethernet (v73.06) "WHQL" * Network Management Tools (v73.05) "Sedona" * Driver Win7 IDE SataIDE (v11.1.0.23) "WHQL" * Driver Win7 IDE SataRAID (v11.1.0.23) "WHQL" * Applicazione Win7 RAIDTOOL (v11.1.0.23) * Driver SMU (v1.67) "WHQL" Link 32-bit Link 64-bit also Realtek has newer audio codec hd Link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Knight Posted May 16, 2009 Share Posted May 16, 2009 If you have the problem of not having a SATA optical drive, why not just get a SATA to IDE adapter. They're not too expensive and they work great. You should then be able to connect the optical drive to the sata controller and boot into the OSX install disk. I'm looking to get either this board or the new Atom 330 version soon. Also, you guys have talked about using a USB drive for Chameleon 2.0, but the installer gives you the option of installing to the EFI partition on GUID systems. If you do this, the drive is still bootable from a real mac and transparent to the OSX system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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