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  • Mr.D.
    Microsoft gifts full-time employees with Surface tablets, Windows 8 phones and PCs
    Reprising a Windows Phone 7 giveaway from back in 2010, Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer announced at the company's annual event that all 90,000 or so full-time employees are getting a taste of its latest hardware. That's one Surface for Windows RT tablet and Windows Phone 8 phone (last time around these came with two year contracts)

    in late December, along with a new touch compatible office computer running Windows 8, presumably arriving sooner. Forbes indicates those PCs can be a desktop, laptop, ultrabook or tablet, and engadget.com has a pic of one employee's new Lenovo-built slate running Windows 8 on a Core i7 CPU with 8GB of RAM. Pulling an Oprah, again, isn't just one way to improve employee morale, it also ensures everyone's familiar with the new products as they roll out and are ready to tell people about them.

    Will that provide the necessary bump to catch up with the competition from Apple and Google? Comment below!

  • Ed
    After disappointing many avid iPhone fanboys last year with the release of the incremental upgrade, the iPhone 4S, Apple indulged its customers by releasing an all-new iPhone, and has dubbed it the iPhone 5.
    The most obvious difference is the increased screensize, up from 3.5" to 4", encased in an aluminium and glass enclosure. No more glass on the back to shatter. And the back is now akin to that of the original iPhone, with a two-tone finish both at the top and the bottom.
    Notable specs for the new iPhone 5 below:
    4" display with 1136x640 resolution
    Thinner: 7.6mm, down from 9.3mm
    Lighter: 112g, down from 140g
    Same width but taller: 123.8mm, up from 115.2mm
    LTE with support for 100mbps
    A6 processor
    Available in black (including anodized black metal sides and back) and white (with raw aluminium instead of anodized black)
    All-new earphones, called "EarPods"
    All-new 80% smaller dock connector

    Apple is accepting pre-orders this Friday, 14th September, and will be available the following Friday, September 21st.
    Will you be upgrading?

  • Mr.D.
    Apple Reduces Memory Chip Orders From Samsung
    Apple has ordered less memory chips for its upcoming next-gen iPhone from Samsung in order to diversify its sourcing portfolio.
    The decision, according to a source that spoke with Reuters news service, has nothing to do with the patent war between the two companies, as Apple has been looking to widen its supply chain for a while.
    The Korea Economic Daily, citing an unnamed industry source, reported on Friday that Apple had dropped Samsung from the list of memory chip suppliers for the first batch of the new iPhone, the iPhone 5, which is widely expected to be unveiled mid-September. The report said Apple instead picked Japan's Toshiba Corp, Elpida Memory and Korea's SK Hynix to supply DRAM and NAND chips.
    "Samsung is still on the list of initial memory chip suppliers (for new iPhones). But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung's handset business," the Reuters source said.
    Apple and Samsung have taken their bruising patent disputes to some 10 countries as they vie for market share in the booming mobile industry. Apple won a landmark victory last month after a U.S. jury found the South Korean firm had copied key features of the iPhone and awarded Apple more than one billion dollars(US) in damages.
    Still, Samsung remains the sole producer of Apple-designed micro chips that power the iPhone and iPad, making their relationship too important for either party to put at risk.
    New Mac Pros to Feature Nvidia’s Quadro K5000 GPU
    Nvidia has announced its Quadro K5000 GPU will be a part of Apple’s Mac Pro systems. On its own, the professional-grade graphics card costs over $2,200. It’s twice as fast than its predecessor, the Quadro 4000, comes with 4GB of memory, two DVI-DL and two DisplayPort connectors and supports 4K resolution.
    Engadget had a look at the new GPU running in a Mac Pro system, and found impressive performance from it when streaming HD video and adding effects in real time. Some programs like Adobe After Effects can utilize more than one GPU and perform advanced and computationally intensive ray tracing calculations for modeling lighting (reflections, shadows, etc.) around 3D models in real time. Engadget has a video of its time with the Mac Pro system, which outlines the speed of the system when coupled with the new GPU.
    The Quadro K5000 for Mac is slated to begin shipping "later this year" from resellers and system integrators—it's not clear if it will be directly available from Apple—with stand alone pricing starting at $2,249.
    Hidden files in the Mountain Lion version of Boot Camp appear to confirm the next generation of both the Mac Pro and iMac.
    Anyone care to confirm this - post below!

    Within a Boot Camp configuration file lies information that tells the software what models of Mac can boot Windows from a USB-drive, a task that only Macs of a more recent vintage can accomplish. The file includes mention of the existing Mac Mini and MacBook Air, but also mentions iMac 13,0 and MacPro 6,0 models -- machines that don't currently exist.
    After the Mac Pro was given a quiet update this year, many were wondering about the future of Apple's desktop line of Macs. Both Apple CEO Tim Cook and an unnamed Apple spokesperson have confirmed that the Mac Pro will receive a full redesign for delivery sometime in 2013, nearly three years after the last significant update to the product.
    A reader at macrumors.com who had emailed Apple CEO Tim Cook about his disappointment in the lack of a significant Mac Pro update this year, got CEO Tim Cook responding to indicate that users can expect significant upgrades next year.

    "Our pro customers are really important to us...don't worry as we're working on something really great for later next year."  
    Forbes now follows up with additional corroboration of both Mac Pro and iMac updates coming down the road, with the updates likely appearing next year. The information was provided directly by an Apple spokesperson.

    "An Apple spokesman just told me that new models and new designs of the Mac Pro, as well as the iMac desktop, are in the works and will likely be released in 2013. That confirms what New York Times columnist David Pogue said yesterday, citing an unnamed Apple executive, about Apple’s commitment to its desktop computers."  
    Perhaps this will give the hackintosh community some new drivers to work with.

  • Mr.D.
    It appears the only place that Apple can win its lawsuits is the US. Tokyo District Judge Tamotsu Shoji ruled Friday morning that Samsung did not infringe upon Apple's patents. Apple sued Samsung last year in Japan, claiming the Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S II infringed Apple's patent on synchronization, and sought 100 million yen in damages, according to court documents.
    Jury overly confused with decisions it needed to make?
    More and more complex patent law cases are being decided by juries, rather than judges. And juries tend to be more generous in the penalties awarded for patent violations.
    "This case is unmanageable for a jury," Robin Feldman, and intellectual property professor at the University of California Hastings Law School, said before the verdict was announced. "There are more than 100 pages of jury instructions. I don't give that much reading to my law students. They can't possible digest it."
    He may be right, in that the jury made several errors, one being a $2 million error that required them to be sent back into deliberations to fix that, and several other errors. Some are questioning the quickness of the verdict, especially in regards to the recent Rambus versus Micron case, in which the jury in that case took eight full weeks to deliberate and reach a verdict. The jury in this case arrived at its verdict after less than three days of deliberations, far swifter than many experts thought in view of the many complex issues. Alessandro17 points to an excellent article below outlining the many inconsistencies in this verdict.
    "The trial is evidence of a patent system that is out of control," Feldman said. "No matter what happens in this trial, I think people will need to step back and ask whether we've gone too far in the intellectual property system."
    Samsung has vowed to fight the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It will first ask the trial judge to toss the verdict. Failing that, Samsung will appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington D.C., a specialized court that hears nearly all patent appeals.
    Losing companies often appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which received 432 cases from the federal district courts in the 12-month period ending March 2011. The court reported that it reversed 19 percent of those cases, without differentiating between bench trials versus jury trials.
    After deliberating for just for 21 hours and 37 minutes following the three week trial, the jury in the patent infringement lawsuit reached a verdict awarding Apple more than one billion (US) dollars in damages. This amount is less than half of the $2.5 billion that Apple was seeking, but a big win never-the-less for apple in the light of three losses in court around the world in as many months.
    The jury decided Samsung did infringe on Apple's '381 bounceback patent with all 21 of its products in question. For the '915 patent on pinch-and-zoom, the jury ruled all but three of the devices listed infringed, and more damningly, found that Samsung executives either knew or should have known their products infringed on the listed patents.
    The jury did not decide in favor of Apple regarding the Tab 10.1 and the iPad, mirroring an earlier decision by a judge in the UK who stated the Tab is 'uncool' and would not be mistaken for the iPad. The jury did however rule that Samsung's smartphones infringed on the iPhones design when it comes to Apple's contours on the back of the iPhone and its home screen GUI.
    Apple is seeking a preliminary injunction against Samsung's infringing products and Judge Lucy Koh has set September 20th as a date for the hearing. Apple has until the 29th to file its motion, which Samsung will have 14 days to respond to, before Apple has two days to craft a response of its own. As expected, Samsung has indicated it will appeal the ruling. Wall Street Journal's Evan Ramstad tweets that it plans to file post-verdict motions to overturn the decision and if those are unsuccessful, it will take its case to the Appeals Court.

    Post trial statements from both companies:

    We are gra teful to the j ury for their service and for investing the time to listen to our story and we were thrilled to be able to finally tell it. The mountain of evidence presented during the trail showed that Samsung's copying went far deeper than even we knew. The lawsuits between Apple and Samsung were about much more than patents or money. They were about values. At Apple, we value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. We make these products to delight our customers, not for our competitors to flagrantly copy. We applaud the court for finding Samsung's behavior willful and for sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right.

    Today's ve rdict should not be vie wed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices. It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. Consumers have the right to choices, and they know what they are buying when they purchase Samsung products. This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the world, some of which have already rejected many of Apple's claims. Samsung will continue to innovate and offer choices for the consumer.
    Apple is 0 for 3 versus Samsung worldwide and 0 for 1 versus Kodak. Apple claims that Samsung copied the look and feel of the iPhone in its products as well as various technologies contained within.
    Apple lost in the UK, in a judgment that forces Apple to publish on its website and in British newspapers that Samsung did not copy designs for the iPad. In fact, the judge called the Samsung products 'not as cool' as the iPad, and unlikely to be confused with Apple's tablet. The judge also described some differences between the form factors and the ease of use of the iPad which Samsung tablets do not posess.
    Apple also lost in South Korea where they brought suit against Samsung on their home turf. While the judge ruled both in favor and against Apple, the only fine that was imposed was against Apple. The real impact in this case is that the products described in the suit can no longer be sold in South Korea. The product list includes the iPhone 4, the iPad 2 and the Galaxy Tab 10.1, Galaxy S II and the Galaxy Nexus. All last generation products, these devices are now missing from stores and electronic retailers in South Korea.
    Apple also lost a patent case against Kodak earlier in the month when the judge dismissed the suit for being filed “unreasonably late”. Apple has filed a motion to reconsider while an appeal is prepared because Kodak is trying to sell those assets that are contested by Apple. The sale of the digital imaging patents that Apple has claimed is now being reconsidered by Kodak.
    Sources for this story include CNET, The Verge, Evan Ramstad (Twitter), Reuters, AP, Reuters(Japan)

  • Mr.D.
    Have you installed Apple's newest operating system upgrade? One change many of you might notice right away is the branding. Apple has removed “Mac” from the OS X title, and it is now branded simply as OS X. This falls in line with Apple bringing more and more of the iOS features “back into OS X”. This trend started with Lion and by all appearances, continues with Mountain Lion.
    Apple claims over 200 new features in Mountain Lion. Many of these features are system and security related. There are several that will improve useability for many of Apple's customers. Some of those features that may have a bigger impact include:
    Native support for iCloud. When you install Mountain Lion, you are prompted for your iCloud information. This information is then integrated into the file system, much like Microsoft has done with SkyDrive. One of the more interesting features is the ability to automatically create folders by dragging one document on top of another, in much the same way iOS currently supports. Not only are your files visible on all of your Apple devices, but it displays the documents for that particular app you are using. Don't have an iCloud account? When you run Mountain Lion for the first time it will prompt you to create one.
    iMessages. You can now send a message to anyone with an iOS 5 device, bypassing SMS or email all together. Apple has come under fire recently for SMS vulnerability, but the reality is that all SMS capable devices and carriers are vulnerable to the same spoofing threats that Apple devices are. You can read more about the vulnerability, and Apple's response to it here.
    Power Nap. Now when your computer is sleeping, it's doing it with one eye open. Mountain Lion can automatically update your mail, notes, reminders and messages so that when your Mac wakes up, you'll have all of your latest information. However, this feature is ONLY supported on a Mac notebook with built-in flash storage.
    Mac App Store. While not new, quite a few improvements have been made. OS X updates are available there, as Apple wants you to use the App Store for updating OS X and other installed apps. The App Store will also automatically download these updates for you. Apps can now be pushed to your Mac, no longer requiring you re-download apps to each computer.
    Game Center. You can use your Apple ID to setup and personalize your gaming experience. A feature directly imported from iOS, and using that account information or your Apple ID, the Game Center lets you see what your friends are playing, invite people to play a game with you, chat in-game, and keep track of you and your friends achievements in those games. It also appears to allow you to play across platforms, meaning you can play a game of chess on your Mac against someone on their iPad.
    Apple has also tightened the integration with Facebook and Twitter, made improvements to Safari, Accessibility, Auto Save, and in many other areas. If you happen to live in China, Apple has improved your experience quite a bit with updates specifically targeted and Chinese language support and Chinese Government approved search and social media outlets.
    A few things of note are absent or dropped from OS X 10.8. Some of them include the option to turn off smooth scrolling, a separate search box in Safari – its now integrated into the URL bar, and no more RSS feeds in Safari (or Mail). Some people are also experiencing decreased battery life, and your battery status is no longer displayed in the menu bar. You must now click on the battery icon to see it.
    For a full review of all the features in Mountain Lion, check out the Ars Technica review located here.

  • fallen101
    I was reading some news articles this morning this one caught my eye. Allegedly caught on video, his iphone explodes! take a look for yourself.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://f.cl.ly/items/110V3m3N2F1k3o0w2Q3f/IM%20topic%20template.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
    <p class="styled">
    <font size="+4">T</font>hey come, make great changes, and leave with their shining talents for another star to rise to the plate. None of us are strangers to the Apple hardware but the senior engineer that is behind the scenes pulling the strings many of us are not fond of. Bob’s Mansfield is the man that orchestrated the development of Apple’s most renown product lines from the Mac line right down to the iDevices we currently walk around with.
    <p class="styled">
    Being with Apple for more than a decade, Mansfield’s role in the hardware department has been pivotal to the company’s success. The Mac products that you’re reading this article (sans us hackintoshers and hackintoshees that use custom hardware) are thanks to the above mentioned man’s aspiration to bring together better hardware in a computer. The design in California Apple products are all thanks to Mansfield’s artistry and passion to the Apple products that we’ve grown to love.
    <p class="styled">
    With his stock sold just more than a year ago, some may have foreseen Bob’s retirement but the reality has finally set in as his plans to retire in Bonny Doon are pieced together. Dan Riccio, Apple’s current Vice President of iPad Hardware Engineering will be taking over Mansfield’s position in the months to come. Stock holders and people alike should not fear, Riccio is no stranger to the hardware department of Apple as he’s dwelled within the iPad development. To our head of Hardware Engineering, Bob we bid you farewell as you head on Highway 1 to your new hamlet.
    <div class="source">
    Source: <br><br>
    <a href="http://9to5mac.com/2012/06/28/apple-senior-vice-president-of-hardware-engineering-bob-masfield-retiring/">9to5mac </a>

  • fallen101

    Google I/O overview

    By fallen101, in OSx86,

    Google just announced Chrome coming to IOS!
    This coming a few months after Chrome was released forndroid. As with iOS 6 and Mountain Lion, you are able to "Cloud sync" tabs.
    With Chrome you'll be able to do that, but across all platforms and devices.
    You're reading a tutorial on your computer on how to install Mac OS X 10.7. Now you have a few choices you can try to remember everything, or print it, ORR now you can open Chrome on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod.
    Download it here http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chrome/id535886823?mt=8

    Also coming to iOS is Google Drive. As you might have known back in April, Google announced Google Drive.
    With Google Drive, you are able to store anything you might need to. Books, music, documents, anything - just name it and you are able to store it. What this means now is, you'll be able to stream your music, view your PDF's, etc.
    You'll also be able to edit your google document files from iOS. It syncs across all your devices so no need to worry about it not saving its all in the cloud of google. Google gives you 5 GBs for free. Need more? Pricing starts at $2.49 / Month for 25 GB.
    <table border="1"><tr><th>GB storage</th><th colspan=9>Cost/Month</th></tr><tr><td>5GB</td><td>25GB</td><td>100GB</td><td>200GB</td><td>400GB</td><td>1TB</td><td>2TB</td><td>4TB</td><td>8TB</td><td>16TB</td></tr><tr><td>Free</td><td>$2.49</td><td>$4.99</td><td>$9.99</td><td>$19.99</td><td>$49.99</td><td>$99.99</td><td>$199.99</td><td>$399.99</td><td>$899.99</td></tr></table>
    Storage with Google Drive is pretty cheek. I honestly don't see anyone using more than 100 GB at most. You can cheek it out at

  • Ed
    Check out this hugely interesting post on Quora from Kim Scheinberg, the wife of an Apple engineer who allegedly sparked the switch to Intel:
    I've been meaning to tell this story for a while.
    The year is 2000. My husband (JK) has been working at Apple for 13 years. Our son is a year old, and we want to move back to the East Coast to live near our parents. To do this, my husband will need to be granted permission to telecommute. This means he can't be working on a team project and needs to find something independent to do.
    The plan to move is a long-range plan. JK lays the groundwork early to start splitting his time between his Apple office and his home office. [by 2002, he is working at home full-time in California.]
    He sends mail to his boss who, coincidentally, was my husband's first hire when he started at Apple in 1987:

    Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:31:04 -0700 (PDT)
    From: John Kullmann
    To: Joe Sokol
    Subject: intel
    i'd like to discuss the possibility of me becoming
    responsible for an intel version of MacOS X.
    whether that's just as an engineer, or as a project/
    technical lead with another person - whatever.
    i've been working on the intel platform for the last
    week getting continuations working, i've found it
    interesting and enjoyable, and, if this (an intel
    version) is something that could be important to us i'd
    like to discuss working on it full-time.
    * * *
    Eighteen months go by. In December 2001, Joe tells JK, "I need to justify your salary in my budget. Show me what you're working on."
    At this point, JK has three PCs in his office at Apple, and another three in the office at home, all sold to him by a friend who sells custom built PCs (can't order them through the usual Apple channels because no one in the company knows what he's working on). All are running the Mac OS.
    In JK's office, Joe watches in amazement as JK boots up an Intel PC and up on the screen comes the familiar 'Welcome to Macintosh'.
    Joe pauses, silent for a moment, then says, "I'll be right back."
    He comes back a few minutes later with Bertrand Serlet.
    Max (our 1-year-old) and I were in the office when this happened because I was picking JK up from work. Bertrand walks in, watches the PC boot up, and says to JK, "How long would it take you to get this running on a (Sony) Vaio?" JK replies, "Not long" and Bertrand says, "Two weeks? Three?"
    JK said more like two *hours*. Three hours, tops.
    Bertrand tells JK to go to Fry's (the famous West Coast computer chain) and buy the top of the line, most expensive Vaio they have. So off JK, Max and I go to Frys. We return to Apple less than an hour later. By 7:30 that evening, the Vaio is running the Mac OS. [My husband disputes my memory of this and says that Matt Watson bought the Vaio. Maybe Matt will chime in.]
    The next morning, Steve Jobs is on a plane to Japan to meet with the President of Sony.
    * * *
    They would assign two more engineers to the project in January 2002. In August 2002, another dozen started working on it. That's when the first rumors started to appear. But for 18 months, only six people had any idea that the project even existed.
    The best part? After Steve goes to Japan, Bertrand sits JK down and has a talk with him about how no one can know about this. No one. Suddenly, the home office has to be reconfigured to meet Apple security standards.
    JK points out to Bertrand that I know about the project. In fact, not only do I know about it, I am the person who named it.
    Bertrand tells JK that I am to forget everything I know, and he will not be allowed to speak to me about it again until it is publicly announced.
    I guess he had some kind of 'Total Recall' memory wipe in mind.
    * * *
    I've lost track of the many reasons that have been given for the switch to Intel, but this I know for sure:
    No one has ever reported that, for 18 months, Project Marklar existed only because a self-demoted engineer wanted his son Max to be able to live closer to Max's grandparents.

  • Ed
    Apple's highly anticipated WWDC 2012 began yesterday afternoon in San Francisco. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook delivered a keynote speech highlighting what the company has been working on recently. Quite a few things have been said so we present you the summary of the main announcements from WWDC 2012.
    Mountain Lion, the newest version of Mac OS X gets a July release with new features including AirPlay Mirroring, in addition to Game Centre from iOS, stronger integration with iCloud for sharing and storing content, and a new Messages app to replace iChat. Plus there will be an app for Reminders and Notes. More excitingly, it will include the voice-to-text Dictation function from the current iPad. The price will be around $30 and will be available for downloaded and installed directly from the Mac App Store.
    Coming later in the year is iOS 6 with more than 200 new features for the iPhone and iPad. However, owners of the original iPad won’t be able to download it as the device will not be able to support it, but the iPhone 3GS will.
    Apple's star product was undoubtedly their next generation MacBook Pro, which features a Retina display and, according to Time Cook, it pushes the limits of performance and portability like no other notebook, being the most advanced Mac that Apple has ever built. It drops legacy technologies such as ethernet and the DVD drive in favour of are thinner, sleeker form factor, being as thin as Apple's ultra-portable MacBook Airs. New feature "Power Nap" can keeps the new MacBook Pro updated even when it is asleep, so once awake you’ll find new emails, reminders, photos and documents all there ready to go to.
    With the iPad becoming increasingly popular with Apple's users, it was revealed that following the release of iPhone 4S, iOS 6 will ensure that Apple’s intelligent personal assistant Siri is also available on the iPad. Sticking with iOS 6, Facebook gets to be built-in across the board, much like Twitter in iOS 5 and is weaved into various aspects of Mountain Lion, allowing you to post updates and pictures and links from different apps and programs with just a click. iCloud gets more advanced and updated version, and in iOS 6 it brings a Shared Photo Stream to create different picture libraries updated instantly as soon as you snap a shot on your iPhone or iPad.
    Apple bids goodbye to Google maps with their new mapping app which will feature turn-by-turn navigation and amazing 3D Flyover birds-eye views. It also includes real-time traffic information that can be read out by Siri, who can even suggest an alternative route or give ideas for nearby places to stop, shop, eat and fill up with fuel. However, some of the coolest features such as Flyover and turn-by-turn navigation will only be available on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 or later models, leaving the iPhone 4 and first-generation iPad out-to-dry.
    The MacBook Air models received an update with new 3rd generation Intel "Ivy Bridge" processors that are considerably faster than the previous version. The new Air will also offer up to 512GB of flash storage via a solid state hard drive, which means lightning-quick access to programs and other features making the new MacBook Air twice as fast as the previous model, plus they will come with a pair of USB 3.0 ports and capacity for up to 8GB of RAM. In terms of prices, they start from US$1000 for the base 11in model and all the way up to US$1500 for the top end 13in model.
    Apple also quietly updated its AirPort Express base station whose specs include simultaneous 2.4- and 5-GHz bands, support for legacy 802.11 b and g devices, a 10/100 Fast Ethernet WAN port and a 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN port. The new AirPort Express retains the one USB 2.0 port supporting a printer, suitable for laser printers, as well as a 3.5-mm audio minijack for analogue or optical digital sound, but loses it's handy plug-in-the-wall form factor.
    As was expected, quite a few things have been revealed from Apple at WWDC2012, but with no news on the Mac Pro can we expect to ever seen an update to Apple's only tower computer, or is it about to meet the end of its days?

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