This may just be the hype of a CEO, but the head of VMware says that the company is testing VMware for the Mac… and it’s done. At least in the labs. In an interview with USA Today, CEO Diane Greene had this to say:
"We'd like to let anybody run any operating system (OS) on any machine," Greene says. "You'll be able to buy any application you want and not worry what OS it runs on."
Apple's Boot Camp only takes that so far. It makes it easier to run Windows XP on a Mac, but you'd have to restart your computer to get from one to the other. There is software on the Web that can make a Mac run another OS, but it's difficult to use.
Virtualization software tricks the computer into thinking each OS is the only one on the machine - so multiple operating systems can run simultaneously but not get in each others' way.
VMware has plans to roll out virtualization for consumers over coming years. "We can run it on the Mac OS in our labs already," Greene says.
This goes right along with previous rumors about VMware for Macs, although stating that they have it running in the lab doesn’t mean much at all.
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