Note 1: We've now got a new forum for Apple TV hacks. Check it out here and let's start posting all the info you've discovered in this thread - a central source for information is always a good thing.
Note 2: The hacking of the Apple TV has begun in full force. There's a new blog on the subject, plus a ton of comments in this SomethingAwful thread, not to mention several dissections.
Here's what we know so far:
- 1.0GHz Intel Pentium M-based "Crofton" CPU, based on SSE2 Dothan model # 7645A966 0159
- NVIDIA G72M graphics with 64MB DDR2 memory
- 256MB of 400MHz DDR2
- Suspected to be a modified version of OS X 10.4 or 10.5
- Nothing so far.
- TCP port 3689 is used to communicate with iTunes while using the iTunes Library Sharing feature.
- UDP port 5353 is used by Apple TV for automatically finding computers with iTunes on your network using Bonjour.
- TCP port 80 and 443 are used for basic and secure communications with the iTunes Store via the Internet.
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