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Office: Mac 2008 Beta Download Available


No links. No pictures. No instructions on how or where to find it. Only my word that a beta version of Office: Mac 2008 is now available for download from "the usual sources". Oh, did I mention I saw a Demon and a PiG today? :whistle:


Oh, and if you happen to get your hands on a copy, be sure to give us your take on the new Office. Thanks. :P


Source: The Reader News Forum


EDIT: Well ok, maybe one image won't hurt, as I didn't even make it.



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is it faster that 04 version ?


I haven't used it yet, but I would assume it is faster. Mainly because Office 2004 was using only a PowerPC-based code instead of an Intel code/Universal binary.


Those with Intel processors will be up-to-date performance-wise with Microsoft Office.


Hopefully I'll be getting the beta soon but I think I will stick with iWork '08 in the end :).

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What happens if one puts clock to oct 2009 and installs and then set back time to oct 2007. What will happen then?


Somehow, I doubt that's gonna work.

It's probably a plst file somewhere...

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20 minutes in to writing a 10 page paper, Crash -- Lost nearly all my work


Switching back to '04


It is a beta!!! You have to be smarter than that... You are on the InsanelyMac Forum man!!!


Just joking, by the way :gun:

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If I had a serial number for my Office:Mac 2008, does that stop the timer?


..there is no such thing. :) I'm sure that when Office comes out and when you buy a serial, there will be no beta/demo timer. But there are no Office serials as of now. It's not even released yet. Hence the 'beta'.

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Well, you need a serial to activate the trial. I'm sure the program is set to check a file somewhere (prob. a plst) that tells it how many days it's been running. It'll be that file that'll kill your programs, not what serial you use.

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If someone did figure out what one need do in order to extend the working life of office 2008 beta, what would the forum rules be about posting instructions?


It wasn't easy to figure out, but it's definitely easy to reproduce... And don't waste your time in the plst's, it's not there.



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I'm new to this, but I do have a copy of OFF 08 w/ serial number, says it's registered to me. It just recently started giving me the same message-- I should contact MS before-- 6 days! Since I have it on a disk, do you think it'll let me reinstall? Would I have to uninstall the older one? Can you tell this is all new to me?!


I'm a convert and am just learning all of this. I got a copy of leopard and learned how to reinstall my software bundle from Tiger after a clean install of Leo, since Leo has no iweb or other goodies. I'm learning!! It gave me back trial periods of office 04, aperture, iwork... but no clue where to go from here. So does anyone think the same will happen w/ office 08?

Also, what will happen to all of my docs, etc.? I'm a little worried. :)


As for word crashes... same happened to me in the beginning. had to save every three SECONDS. I would move my finger on the tracking pad to move in the window and word would simply disappear with an error message. It happened repeatedly, every couple of seconds. Yes, frustrating, but it stopped as quickly as it started. who knows.


So where does this newbie go to learn the ins and outs?? Thanks!

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I'm new to this, but I do have a copy of OFF 08 w/ serial number, says it's registered to me. It just recently started giving me the same message-- I should contact MS before-- 6 days! Since I have it on a disk, do you think it'll let me reinstall? Would I have to uninstall the older one? Can you tell this is all new to me?!


I'm a convert and am just learning all of this. I got a copy of leopard and learned how to reinstall my software bundle from Tiger after a clean install of Leo, since Leo has no iweb or other goodies. I'm learning!! It gave me back trial periods of office 04, aperture, iwork... but no clue where to go from here. So does anyone think the same will happen w/ office 08?

Also, what will happen to all of my docs, etc.? I'm a little worried. :)


As for word crashes... same happened to me in the beginning. had to save every three SECONDS. I would move my finger on the tracking pad to move in the window and word would simply disappear with an error message. It happened repeatedly, every couple of seconds. Yes, frustrating, but it stopped as quickly as it started. who knows.


So where does this newbie go to learn the ins and outs?? Thanks!

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I'm new to this, but I do have a copy of OFF 08 w/ serial number, says it's registered to me. It just recently started giving me the same message-- I should contact MS before-- 6 days! Since I have it on a disk, do you think it'll let me reinstall? Would I have to uninstall the older one? Can you tell this is all new to me?!


I'm a convert and am just learning all of this. I got a copy of leopard and learned how to reinstall my software bundle from Tiger after a clean install of Leo, since Leo has no iweb or other goodies. I'm learning!! It gave me back trial periods of office 04, aperture, iwork... but no clue where to go from here. So does anyone think the same will happen w/ office 08?

Also, what will happen to all of my docs, etc.? I'm a little worried. :)


As for word crashes... same happened to me in the beginning. had to save every three SECONDS. I would move my finger on the tracking pad to move in the window and word would simply disappear with an error message. It happened repeatedly, every couple of seconds. Yes, frustrating, but it stopped as quickly as it started. who knows.


So where does this newbie go to learn the ins and outs?? Thanks!

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My friend seems to be suffering from a bad case of epic douchebaggery and has decided to keep the patch to himself. I'll be sure to talk to him about this last minute decision of his...

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