With the release of Transmission .7B, there's absolutely no reason not to give it a spin. Loaded with many new features and an improved interface, it's definitely worth a download... If your Mac could lose a few pounds around the edges, then go ahead and put it on a diet with Xslimmer. Xslimmer is able "to remove the code inside of an app that doesn't match your computer's architecture..." We all remember the introduction of the Sony MacBook, but did we expect a whole lineup of Apple remakes from Sony? The release of the Sony MacBook Pro has us wondering... Also, with the introduction of the MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo, you know you have a deep desire to pull it apart and take some snapshots. If you're interested, take a look at iFixit's story packed with tons of pictures and documentation.
Want to learn one more way to trick out your Safari? Then check out one of our newest blogs, Travis's Mac Tips and Tutorials?... Although there is no official winner (yet) of our iAnnoyance challenge, check out the progress made. There you can find lostgame's Applescript to enhance icons on the desktop. Good work! And finally, if the new iPod Shuffle has got you breaking more than a few of the Ten Commandments, take SNL's satirical warning of upcoming Apple products to heart. After all, who doesn't want a Pequeño?
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