Good reading from Infoworld's Tom Yager regarding what has to be the nastiest piece of Window's malware I've seen. I think it's safe to say that most Windows users - even conscientious ones - have had a least one or two "Thank God for that backup image." moments due to malicious code... I know I have.
At the end of the article, Tom dissects what allowed the exploit to occur on his Windows box and (you saw this part coming, didn't you?) then explains why something similar couldn't happen under OS X.
I'm no server guru, so I'll take Tom at his word. I do know, however, that pride always comes before a fall, and while OS X is indeed more secure, I'm of the opinion that any dominant OS is going to be exploited.
What do you think? Is Windows more vulnerable by its very nature or does OS X have similar but unique security questions?
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