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iAnnoyance Winner: "Stoplight"


Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!


Andy Matuschak and his pal Joe Osborn (both of Pixen fame) have submitted the winning entry for our first iAnnoyance Challenge with an app they're calling Stoplight. (Which is a great name - we'll stick with it. :))


Stoplight is a SIMBL plug-in that works via a Preference Pane. It allows you to change the windowing behavior for any and all Cocoa based apps (Carbon apps don't work at the moment, but hey, that's why this is open source...).


Here's how to install it:


1. Download and install SIMBL from http://culater.net/software/SIMBL/SIMBL.php (Make sure you're running the latest version, 0.8.1)

2. Drag StoplightHack.bundle into ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/

3. Double-click Stoplight.prefPane.

4. Configure as you like on a per-application basis, or exclude certain apps.


After you change an application's attributes, restart the app for it to take effect.


Go ahead and test it out and let us know what you think!


Download the latest version here!

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