Hey there, InsanelyMac!
I've just finished editing the video and photos from our trip to Mac Expo 2006 in London, and they are now ready for your viewing pleasure!
You can check out the 6 minute video blog here.
Edit: Somehow Youtube's video processing has broken lip-sync towards the middle. I'll try to get this fixed a bit later on. Plus it's a bit... well... compressed. Maybe someone can advise me a way to improve Youtube quality?
There's also a set of photos here, although I'll be posting some higher resolution versions after this weekend.
It was a very small show, with not a lot (or anything) to report in terms of Apple-related news, but it was a fun look at a few of the Mac and iPod products which Apple and the 3rd-party developers/manufacturers are pushing at the moment.
Thanks to Ted, the camera man! (Although this is his first time shooting video, so be prepared for a few "shakey" moments!)
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