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Apple TV HD image makes the rounds...


Well, that didn't take long. After hearing many Apple TV users clamoring for a hard drive image to dissect and toy with, a torrent of one was released today. Here are the accompanying notes:

This is a slightly-modded AppleTV dmg file of all three partitions, for use when you screw up your own modding - you can restore to this one.


It has a startup script disabling the firewall, with ARD and sshd running. (ssh -1 frontrow@your.appletv.ip, password frontrow). It's pre-set for 720p.

We obviously can't confirm the contents of this image, nor do we encourage the theft itself, but... hey... torrented stolen files are always interesting if nothing else, right? :)


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Hi. just a simple question. Wouldnt building a similar device cost double the money one needs to buy aTV on the first place?


I have used a hackintosh for 5-6 months prior to buying a macbook pro but that was a completely different thing.


I believe that the point is to find ways to mod the device itself. There is no point building a HackinTV, costwise, let alone aesthetics. Remember that you will have to put this thing in your living room and have a way to control it remotely.

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Can I just ask which some will consider a dumb question.


  • Why does it matter if you can put AppleTV on a PC or Mac given we already have OSX available on both?

  • If it's because you want your PC/Mac to work as a AppleTV then does that not mean having your PC/Mac connected to your TV as the AppleTV does? Then wasn't the whole point of AppleTV that you did not need to do this (ie. connect your PC/Mac to the TV)?


Also panos2310 question is interesting too.

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