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Apple Senior VP of Hardware Retires


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<font size="+4">T</font>hey come, make great changes, and leave with their shining talents for another star to rise to the plate. None of us are strangers to the Apple hardware but the senior engineer that is behind the scenes pulling the strings many of us are not fond of. Bob’s Mansfield is the man that orchestrated the development of Apple’s most renown product lines from the Mac line right down to the iDevices we currently walk around with.



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Being with Apple for more than a decade, Mansfield’s role in the hardware department has been pivotal to the company’s success. The Mac products that you’re reading this article (sans us hackintoshers and hackintoshees that use custom hardware) are thanks to the above mentioned man’s aspiration to bring together better hardware in a computer. The design in California Apple products are all thanks to Mansfield’s artistry and passion to the Apple products that we’ve grown to love.




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With his stock sold just more than a year ago, some may have foreseen Bob’s retirement but the reality has finally set in as his plans to retire in Bonny Doon are pieced together. Dan Riccio, Apple’s current Vice President of iPad Hardware Engineering will be taking over Mansfield’s position in the months to come. Stock holders and people alike should not fear, Riccio is no stranger to the hardware department of Apple as he’s dwelled within the iPad development. To our head of Hardware Engineering, Bob we bid you farewell as you head on Highway 1 to your new hamlet.




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Source: <br><br>

<a href="http://9to5mac.com/2012/06/28/apple-senior-vice-president-of-hardware-engineering-bob-masfield-retiring/">9to5mac </a>


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