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Unless! I think I may try booting in safe mode with the 10.4.3 DVD, mount my 10.4.4 drive, and do everything from there... I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work...


So I'm wondering, can anyone else see a reason why this wouldn't work? I'd like to know before I screw anything up.

Where are you guys downloading this patch from? Just gimme a hint...


EDIT: Nevermind... Found it :(


EDIT 2: Do you think I would be able to install 10.4.4 into a volume under 10.4.1, then update it with 10.4.5, then follow the guide and hope it's bootable? Becuase, I was having major issues when trying to install 10.4.4 under 10.4.1...



thanks for the info on the typo.


The rest with the blue screen etc: Do you have a AMD CPU? If so, the AMD_Enabler batch patcher with the new cpuid_patches.txt for 10.4.5 is required:


cd /AMD_Enabler
chmod 755 patcher
./patcher cpuid_patches.txt | tee result.txt | less


Do not (!) use the cpuid_patches.txt from 10.4.4.

I have the same problem it seems, it loads perfectly until the user loading screen and then goes to a black screen with a white square in upper left corner. If in safe mode, it just sticks on the blue screen with cursor. MB: P5LD2-Vm with Pentium 4 processor with sse3. Graphics card built in 945 chipset if that helps.

MAXXUSS ive discovered that AppleSMBIOS.kext is necessary EVEN IN NATIVE!!! else i had a blank mouse cursor after the GUI on a black screen.

U can change this from ur patch instructions :)

great job

nb: i guess u had my pm about ATI SSE2 i hope ull have time to have a look to mouse tearing


GREAT GREAT MAN ! im a fan :)

MAXXUSS ive discovered that AppleSMBIOS.kext is necessary EVEN IN NATIVE!!! else i had a blank mouse cursor after the GUI on a black screen.

U can change this from ur patch instructions :)

great job

nb: i guess u had my pm about ATI SSE2 i hope ull have time to have a look to mouse tearing


GREAT GREAT MAN ! im a fan :)


Where did you plaec the file exactly, just for the record?



I made a native installation (not vmware): copied AppleSMBIOS to AppleSMBIOS.kext/Content/MacOS in /System/Library/Extensions and now it works !! I'm writing this from 10.4.5


Thank you.

I am still with dijn, no such luck here. Can the steps be repeated again and overwrite everything?

Edit: Can anyone post a working kernel? I think in trying to get it to work I may have overwrote the good one... Oops :)

guys u read my post??

copy the AppleSMBIOS

repair permissions

and then reboot and type the INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS PART2 of MAxXuss


It works for me now

I only needed to copy the AppleSMBIOS and do the kextcache stuff


Now my disk seems slow, I guess I have to copy AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext from my old 10.4.4

Cyclonefr is right. I did as he says and now it works.


I have this problem in the boot:


kld_load_from_memory() failed for module com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin

\^[[33mFailed to load extension com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.

\^[[0mCouldn't alloc class "ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin"


and now I have a fixed resolution (1024x768) in display preferences. I used to have all resolutions in 10.4.4. and 10.4.3. QE and CI are still supported.

First of all, this


kld_load_from_memory() failed for module com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin

\^[[33mFailed to load extension com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.

\^[[0mCouldn't alloc class "ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin"


is ok. It's a warning we could live with. It's caused due to missing kernel dependencies. However, anything related to SMC only matters for the orginal Intel Mac hardware: TPM chip, backlit keyboard.



I removed the instructions for updating from under 10.4.4. It did not work. I will have to figure out, what's the cause here.


The updating from 10.4.3 works. I have tried several times. However, make sure you make a backup of your system files, like Extensions.

any1 know whats new in 10.4.5?

why do i need to upgrade?

my current osx is 10.4.4



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