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OS X (Intel Build) 10.4.4 Dvd Patcher


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 OS X (Intel Build) 10.4.4 Dvd Patcher 
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PostID: 1758949
Total Size: 81.1 MB

OS X (Intel Build) 10.4.4 Dvd Patcher 
Total Files: 21 files

Misc :: Macintosh 
Upload Time: 31m 41s 

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Upload Rate: 39.8 files/hour

Reported: 07:44PM -- Tuesday February 21 2006 GMT (37m ago, 7h lag)

Status: NORMAL
Completion: COMPLETED
Viewed: 29 times


Group: alt.binaries.mac.osx.apps





MAC OS 10.4.4 x86 BOOTABLE DVD PATCH					   
																ReLeaSe		 ISO/DVD PATCHER						
CoMPaGNy		Osx86 Community						
Kind			Patch								
NoMBre De RaR	18,1Mb								 
ReLeaSe DaTe	21 Febreruary 2006					 

Format		  OSX Shell Script					   
Protection	  Steve Jobs Karma, TPM	, Apple Lawyers						 

Mac OS X 10.4.4 8G1165 DVD AutoPatcher
Warning: This requires at least 10 gigabytes of free space a working OSX
Installation and the First Restore DVD. This method works to create a bootable
10.4.4 install dvd to install 10.4.4 Natively, this Will NOT work to installNote: If you have not purchased a computer which provides a copy of OSX for Intel, the use of this script is strictly prohibited and is punishable by law. This will modify the First Restore DVD to fit on a standard DVD and install on generic hardware.	

To Use:																1) Drag the 10.4.4 restore disk image named macosx_10.4.4_dvd.dmg into
place-dmg-in-here directory located in the autopatch directory. (rename to macosx_10.4.4_dvd.dmg if it isn't already named as such)
2) Right/Ctrl-Click PatchIt in the autopatch directory and select Open With and select TextEdit.app from /Applications. (if it is not already in the list)
3) Change line APDIR= to reflect the directory in which you have placed the autopatch directory in. Example: APDIR="/Volumes/OSX1044/Users/user/Desktop/autopatch"					
4) Save File and Exit TextEdit.
5) Open Terminal. (Applications->Utilities)
6) Type sudo sh and drag the PatchIt file into the Terminal window and press enter.
7) Enter password when prompted.
8) Wait.
9) Once the script finishes go into your autopatch directory.
10) Burn BurnThisImage.iso to disk.	
11) Install 10.4.4.



A user named kiax uploaded this just recently via Usenext.


It should give you a bootable DVD to install OSX 10.4.4 native.


I don't use Usenext so would anybody be so kind and give it a try?


Please report if it works for you!

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Some company should make a "PCI TPM" :)

I would give ip to 20 bucks for one!

But why do you think you can replace the binaries only AFTER? If ou find a way to put the hacked ones in the package it would work just fine, IMO.

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I've got it downloaded, looking through it it appears legit, the script looks thorough...I just don't have the room to run it yet (it creates two images 4gb+). I'll try to clean some room off and give it a go. It never mentions anything about moving files over after the install, the script does move a lot over during building the image though. I think the 'requires working install' part is only for being able to run the script, etc. Perhaps when it creates the hfs+ partition on the image it would require a working install, I'm not sure what other unix derived OSes can do this.

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I've got it downloaded, looking through it it appears legit, the script looks thorough...I just don't have the room to run it yet (it creates two images 4gb+). I'll try to clean some room off and give it a go. It never mentions anything about moving files over after the install, the script does move a lot over during building the image though. I think the 'requires working install' part is only for being able to run the script, etc. Perhaps when it creates the hfs+ partition on the image it would require a working install, I'm not sure what other unix derived OSes can do this.



Nice :D


Waiting for your report :)


PS: If it works would you be so kind and uploud it to rapidshare.

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I just can't swing it, I trimmed down everything I could find and I'm still 1.3gb too small..It looks like you need approx. 9.5GB (guess they rounded up to be safe), but I only have 8.2 available, and I can't get rid of anything else.


here is the script if someone wants to look it over:


btw I did start it just to follow what it was trying to do, and you'll want to make adjustments if your volume label has spaces in it.



#Set this to the directory of the autopatch dir

cpfix () 
cp -r ./files/$1 $2
chown -R root:wheel $2
chmod -R 755 $2
echo $1 replaced


#Convert dmg to editable image
hdiutil convert ./place-dmg-in-here/macosx_10.4.4_dvd.dmg -format UDTO -o ./place-dmg-in-here/tempdisk.iso

#Mount new iso readwrite
hdiutil attach -readwrite ./place-dmg-in-here/tempdisk.iso.cdr -owners on

#Rename image
diskutil rename /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ 1 osx86dvd

#Delete Xcode to Free Space for Standard DVD Burn
rm -rf /Volumes/osx86dvd/Xcode\ Tools
echo Deleted Xcode

#Remove old files
rm -rf /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/standalone/i386
rm -rf /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/Extensions
rm -rf /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
echo Deleted old boot files
echo Deleted unnecessary extensions

#Move Necessary Files
cpfix mach_kernel /Volumes/osx86dvd/mach_kernel
cpfix translate /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/libexec/oah/translate
cpfix translated /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/libexec/oah/translated
cpfix i386 /Volumes/osx86dvd/usr/standalone/i386
cpfix Extensions.mkext /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/Extensions.mkext
cpfix loginwindow.app /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app
cpfix SystemUIServer.app /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app
cpfix ATSServer /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support/ATSServer
cpfix mds /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds
cpfix diskimages-helper /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources/diskimages-helper
cpfix 1165patchesSSE2.pkg /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/1165patchesSSE2.pkg
cpfix OSInstall.dist /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg/Contents/OSInstall.dist
cpfix postflight /Volumes/osx86dvd/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg/Contents/Resources/postflight

#Generate Bootable ISO
# This give's you a DVD-R sized Disc Image
# The following can be anywhere you like its the the output image

mkdir -p /tmp/i386
cp $MSTRCDMNTD/usr/standalone/i386/* /tmp/i386/
cd /tmp/i386
#"$MKISOFS" -R -V "$VOLNAME" -no-emul-boot -T -J -c boot.cat -b cdboot -hide-joliet-trans-tbl $MKISOFS_QUIET -o "$I386ISO" .
"$MKISOFS" -V "$VOLNAME" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -c boot.cat -b cdboot $MKISOFS_QUIET -o "$I386ISO" .

sectors=`du "$I386ISO" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`

# create a bootable image and remove any previous copies
if [ -f "$CDDMG" -o -f "$CDDMG".dmg ]; then
	rm -f "$CDDMG" "$CDDMG".dmg
hdiutil create $HDIUTIL_QUIET "$CDDMG".dmg -size $SIZE -layout NONE
dev=`hdid -nomount "$CDDMG".dmg | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
rdev=`echo $dev | sed s/disk/rdisk/`

pdisk $rdev -initialize
blocks=`pdisk $rdev -dump | grep 2: | awk -F" " '{print $4}'`
if [ "$QUIET" == "" ]; then
	pdisk $rdev -dump
# create the partition on the image
pdisk $rdev -createPartition "$VOLNAME" Apple_HFS $sectors `expr $blocks - $sectors`
# figure out what slice the partition was created on
slice=`pdisk $rdev -dump | grep "$VOLNAME" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`

# copy the data onto the image
dd if="$I386ISO" of=$rdev skip=64 seek=64 bs=512
newfs_hfs -v "$VOLNAME" ${rdev}s${slice}
mkdir -p /mnt
mount -t hfs -o perm ${dev}s${slice} /mnt
ditto -rsrc "$MSTRCDMNTD" /mnt
bless -folder /mnt/System/Library/CoreServices -bootinfo /mnt/usr/standalone/i386/boot -label "$VOLNAME"
umount /mnt
hdiutil eject $HDIUTIL_QUIET $dev
cd /tmp/

diskutil eject /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ 1

#Update PreBinding
update_prebinding -root /Volumes/osx86dvd -force

#Rename to original image name
diskutil rename /Volumes/osx86dvd Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ 1
diskutil eject /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ 1

#Rename image to actual extension type
mv "$CDDMG".dmg "$CDDMG".iso
hdiutil mount "$CDDMG".iso -readwrite -owners on
diskutil rename /Volumes/osx86dvd Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ x86
hdiutil eject /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ Disc\ x86

#Remove tempdisk & other dirs since they are useless now
rm -rf "$APDIR"/place-dmg-in-here/tempdisk.iso.cdr
rm -rf /tmp
rm -rf /mnt

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Used my local newsgroups and outlook express to pull the files, and then had to use some par2 program to rebuild the rar file, then had to extract the rar file then had to unzip the intel patch... jeez, newsgroups suck. Anyhow, I do have it and I am building the temp iso now (see the above script) Will let you all know by the end of the evening where I stand with it. I already had one hickup, I put it on a volume that HAD a space in the name, DOES NOT LIKE THAT! No spaces or use the _ key if you must. Rename your hard drive now.... TRUST ME!

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Process completed. It creates and ISO that is 4.3GB in size. Burning, will let you all know if the dvd boots by 9pm est. I may not be able to actually install it tonight unless I can find yet another hard drive laying around.


This is so much more fun than downloading porn. :o;)

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If I ever get this download to finish I’ll make a .PPF patch... that "should" simplify things little


Edit: it seems while I was posting that philter already uploaded the patch... I don’t want to sound like a horrible person but I’m not wasting my time uploading useless {censored}.

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Process completed. It creates and ISO that is 4.3GB in size. Burning, will let you all know if the dvd boots by 9pm est. I may not be able to actually install it tonight unless I can find yet another hard drive laying around.


This is so much more fun than downloading porn. :o;)

That means it gets rid of some files to burn on a normal DVD. That rules.

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It removes the Xcode package. It is a very nice script that seems to be well documented.

Awww, thats the one it should keep, should have lost ilife, you can already find that easily enough. (should be noted that the xcode on apple's developer pages won't install on my intel imac.)

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