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I successfully installed iATKOS.r3 once before and had it working fine after updating to X.5.2. After running in widows for a while, I rebooted to boot into mac HD (dedicated to mac only). I could not select either partition to boot from (this was before I knew to install ONLY the bootloader as from researching, it appears that when I restored one of the partitions, I made both of them non-bootable by mistake) so I attempted a re-install. I booted the DVD and reformatted in disk utility.


After doing this I went on to installation. I opened the installer log window to keep track of what was happening. It takes a good while while "validating install pkg" and as soon as it gets to "extracting", the drive falls asleep.


I keep the mouse moving the entire time, click on blank areas, switch from the installer to the log window by clicking on them, move the mouse once every minute, every two minutes, etc. You name it and I've tried it. As soon as the installer log window says "extracting" the drive goes to sleep. It happens at the same time, every time.


I had a successful install with this DVD before with this same IDE DVD to the same SATA HD.

Did I just get lucky that first time?

Should I reburn the DVD and try that?

Should I pour Red Bull into the DVD drive to keep it awake :( ?

Show it a Playboy to keep it up long enough to finish :( ?

Show it naked pics of my wife and secretary :D ?

I'm at a loss as to how to keep this from happening.

Hi everyone, I guess I have the same problem,


After customizing the installation and clickling install, the installer seems to be frozen, but the DVD and HD lights keep blinking, computer seems to be doing something, but nothing happens in the installer screen and the progress bar.


I left the computer and waited for the installer to finish, after about 12 hours I saw that only about %10 of the installation was complete, and remaining time was about 35 hours!

I thought it could be something about power management options, and I tried to set the disk sleep and spindown timers to 0 with command pmset in terminal, (pmset -a sleep 0 spindown 0), but it said that it couldn't write the preferences to disk


I have ToH AMD 10.5.1 distro and here's the specs of my computer


AMD sempron 3000+

1GB Ram

80GB Maxtor IDE HD (this is the one i'm trying to install) -- this is set to MASTER

80GB WD Sata HD (I disabled this one from the BIOS)

Samsung DVD drive -- set to SLAVE

300GB philips usb HD (this one is disabled too)

ATI radeon x300


p.s. I tried different master - slave combinations, nothing changed.

I experienced the same problems with Tiger 10.4.8, and I posted in that topic too, got no replies, I hope you can help me with leopard and tell me what I'm missing.


and if it makes sense, I keep getting "still waiting for root device" error unless I boot with -f option, with -f everything seems normal until the last screen



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