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I have an app that is taking up real estate in my dock (even though I need it running all the time). It would be nice to potentially make a menubar icon [NSStatusItem/NSMenuExtra] for the program instead of having a dock icon for it. I'm no XCode dev, but I assume this entails using Cocoa.


Macosxhints suggests the following:

In order to get rid of the dock icon, you must modify the file named 'Info.plist' inside the Application's package:


Or use DockDodger, instead.


Would be nice to have a way to add the app to the menubar now...

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It's the ZyDas WLan utility for AirLink USB adapters. The installer adds a kext and alters networking kext (I'm assuming) then installs WLan.app.


Here is the app sans installer pkg.


(I'm hoping this is copacetic, since the app is freeware).

Well unfortunately your goal is kind of impossible, after investigating some. NSUIElement (when set to 1) basically gets rid of any trace of a GUI for an app — in other words, no windows will show up. I made a template that will work ONLY if you do not set NSUIElement to 1… which basically defeats the purpose of your original goal. However, if you still want this app, I can give it to you.

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