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Retail DVD Guide, 10.5.8, PC-EFIv9 installer, EFI studio, Vanilla or Voodoo, GA-P35-DS3P (L,R), DS4, or OS X Compatible board


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I used a combination of EFIstudio and nvinjector v.52 ( at work on a difrent system ) I also used a kext installer that came with one of the other drivers i needed , it worked beatuifully for installing all my other drivers like sound , ethernet and odds and ends i have in the system.


as for pluged into the wrong port : The video is smooth , its things like .Gifs and ( yes im a dork) world of warcraft that show the poor performance. When i get home I will change ports and see if that resolves the isue. If not then i will try the nvkush.


You want to use either EFI strings or Injector.. not both. My suggestion is EFI strings, and if you want to get crazy, you can flash the BIOS of your 8800GT


otherwise, just use NVKush

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Since a lot of EP35 users visit this topic, I'll try my question here :thumbsdown_anim: I've also tried in another topic (sorry for double posting) but I think this one is more appropriate.


I'm about to buy a EP35C-DS3R board from someone to build a home server running OS X Server, and I would like to run my drives in a RAID 5 config. I know this is possible using the ICH9R, but I don't know if it's even possible to boot OSX86 having the controller set to RAID (instead of AHCI) and still use all 6 SATA ports.


This is the setup I have in mind:



SATA 2: RAID 1 setup to boot OSX86 from





SATA 6: RAID 5 setup for data storage


So I would need all SATA ports. I might skip the RAID 1 to boot from if that's really not possible, but does anyone know if this is possible at all?! Or is anyone able to try this out for me? I did try to boot from my current setup (ICH7R) with RAID mode, but I didn't get far, probably because I didn't load the correct kext for it. But I don't know if such a kext does even exist...


If this would never be possible, is there another cheap way to get a RAID 5 setup possible? What would be the most affordable hardware RAID solution for this problem?

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Since a lot of EP35 users visit this topic, I'll try my question here :) I've also tried in another topic (sorry for double posting) but I think this one is more appropriate.


I'm about to buy a EP35C-DS3R board from someone to build a home server running OS X Server, and I would like to run my drives in a RAID 5 config. I know this is possible using the ICH9R, but I don't know if it's even possible to boot OSX86 having the controller set to RAID (instead of AHCI) and still use all 6 SATA ports.


This is the setup I have in mind:



SATA 2: RAID 1 setup to boot OSX86 from





SATA 6: RAID 5 setup for data storage


So I would need all SATA ports. I might skip the RAID 1 to boot from if that's really not possible, but does anyone know if this is possible at all?! Or is anyone able to try this out for me? I did try to boot from my current setup (ICH7R) with RAID mode, but I didn't get far, probably because I didn't load the correct kext for it. But I don't know if such a kext does even exist...


If this would never be possible, is there another cheap way to get a RAID 5 setup possible? What would be the most affordable hardware RAID solution for this problem?


I have not looked for a hardware RAID solution .. but there is a software solution that is well documented in this forum

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I know there's a tutorial which explains how to boot from a software RAID that has been set up through Disk Utility. But Disk Utility does unfortunately not support RAID 5, which I want to use, and I do not need to boot from the RAID 5 array. (I want to boot from a RAID 1 array if possible, but it's not really necessary if it's too hard to accomplish.)


If I can't find a way to use a RAID 5 array created with the ICH9R in OS X, I'll probably will fall back to a RAID 10 made with Disk Utility, but only when necessary. That's why I'm asking if someone has set up a RAID 5 which is working in OS X. (I won't have to boot from it! It's just for data storage.)


Thanks for looking into it :) I'm sure somebody must've tried this before me!

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Hi all,


Did anyone succeed to get audio working on a GigaByte EP45-DS3R ? I followed the guide precisely and everything else works beautifully (CPU: Xeon 3350, GPU: Nvidia 8800 GTX). I did a codec dump using an Ubuntu Live CD and tried patching the AppleHDA.kext with AppleHDAPatcherv1.20, but I don't get anything to show up anywhere. In system profiler, I get "No Built-In Audio". If I manually kextload AppleHDA I don't get any error, but also no sound. Weirdly enough I did get sound output sometimes before using an kalyway 10.5.2 install updated to 10.5.4 - but it would most of the time be gone after a reboot :/. Thanks in advance.

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In system profiler, I get "No Built-In Audio". If I manually kextload AppleHDA I don't get any error, but also no sound. Weirdly enough I did get sound output sometimes before using an kalyway 10.5.2 install updated to 10.5.4 - but it would most of the time be gone after a reboot :/. Thanks in advance.

If you are using EFI strings to get your audio working, it should be fine. PS: system profiler saying no built in audio means nothing. I have an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe board that works perfectly once you figure out how to get audio working, but the system profiler still said no builtin audio, although I believe that has been fixed by way of an updated kext file...don't remember which one.


On another note, when doing the following step:

  1. TYPE or cut n past into Terminal:
    cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

  2. TYPE or cut n past into Terminal:
    open OSInstall.mpkg

I have simplified that into one step as


open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg


which seems to work just as well.

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Thanks for the reply bigpoppa. I tried using EFI strings for audio, but there are still no audio outputs. In EFI Studio I can generate strings for AZAL, not for HDEF - is that normal? Did you use HDAenabler.kext as well as patching the AppleHDA... ? Before the gigabyte I had the same board as you and was able to get audio running on that btw. The few times I suddenly had audio output on the Gigabyte I did see the correct device and in/out information in System Profiler - which would of course be ideal, but I wouldn't mind not having that if audio did work.

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In the meantime I got everything to work! The problem with sound was caused by me thinking HDAenabler.kext belonged inside AppleHDA.kext... Now that it sits in the extensions folder, audio works great (at least headphones out and digital out.. haven't tested the other connectors yet). It also shows up correctly in system profiler and audio ports have correct names. Overall things went very well with the GigaByte EP45-DS3R.

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For some resaon I had problems installing a fresh install with my GA EP45-DS3 mobo (probably cause of the P45 chip on these newer mobos) but hanks to this good guide and the 123 boot guide I finally made it. For some reason I could´nt install a fresh one using only this method with this mobo but with the 123 boot method and by reading what´s said in the post-patch.sh from the advanced guide from here about what kexts you need and installing the Chameleon it works. This guide is the best around here, if you have this mobo and problems installing check out my reply in the new releases 123 boot thread.

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Thanks for the reply bigpoppa. I tried using EFI strings for audio, but there are still no audio outputs. In EFI Studio I can generate strings for AZAL, not for HDEF - is that normal? Did you use HDAenabler.kext as well as patching the AppleHDA... ? Before the gigabyte I had the same board as you and was able to get audio running on that btw. The few times I suddenly had audio output on the Gigabyte I did see the correct device and in/out information in System Profiler - which would of course be ideal, but I wouldn't mind not having that if audio did work.


Can't help you on a Gigabyte board as I only have the ASUS P5W DH Deluxe which works great for me. I figured out the audio strings by reading everything I could over in Netkas' forums. But first thing I did was to patch AppleHDA as per Taruga's thread here. Nowadays you can use EFIStudio to generate the same info, so I inserted the finalized string into com.apple.Boot.plist rebooted and I have full audio. As the system profiler still said no audio, I added HDAEnabler.kext and all is good. Still don't know if I have HD audio as I only have a pair of speakers, but sound works.

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I am following Guide v4.2, with the exception that I using the 10.5.2 Combo Update (because I am stuck on dial-up Internet access at the moment and I happened to have previously downloaded the 10.5.2 Combo Update).


The "retail" installations I create this way do not seem to be bootable, my BIOS skips over them and boots on other OS X partitions.


Should the difference between using the 10.5.2 and 10.5.4 Combo Update be significant for Guide v4.2? Or should I be looking elsewhere for the source of the problem?


EDIT: I am beginning to suspect that the problem here is that the Boot Flag on the GUID partitioned drives.


EDIT2: This is how you active partition "diskXsY", where X is the disk number and Y is the partition number (run "Get Information" on Disk Utility.app or execute "diskutil list" on the command line to get the values of X and Y):


fdisk -e /dev/rdiskX


f Y






Apparently it is necessary to manually "activate" the partition after running Chameleon on some motherboards like the Intel Bad Axe (this could be a 945/975 chipset related issue).

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Various Netkas or Vanilla Kernel, EFI v8, older but very stable and working kexts and fixes. my current rig uses these files


v3 Downloads:




Step 1 – Preparation


  1. ...

    16. Unmount the Macintosh drive


Step 2 – Installing EFI and making active (bootable)


  1. ...

    7. then type: ./pre-patch.sh


When I unmount the "Macintosh drive" in Disk Utility, I get the following errors with "pre-patch.sh":


vsdbutil: Couldn't get volume information for '/Volumes/Macintosh': No such file or directory
vsdbutil: no valid volume UUID found on '/Volumes/Macintosh': No such file or directory


Furthermore, "pre-patch.sh" appears to unmount the "Macintosh drive" itself.


So, it appears to be that V3 - Step 1, Line 16 should not be executed, i.e. one should leave the "Macintosh drive" mounted in Disk Utility.


However, I have yet to get V3 or V4 working on my system, so I do not know for sure.




Step 5 – Run post-script.sh


  1. ..

    4. TYPE:
    /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Macintosh


    6. TYPE:


Is there reason why line #4: /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Macintosh was not simply included in "post-script.sh"?


EDIT: I am not using the "vsbutil" command and my internal installations seem to working. I am still not exactly sure what this is supposed to do. I have read that it is only necessary when installing on external USB devices.

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As always you have helped me to understand the big picture. I had been reading about many of the individual advancements that you have included in your new guide but I am not sure that I would have ever had the confidence to jump in and try them out. The LTL stamp of approval and the clear guide mean a lot to me. Thank you.


After reading the guide and looking at the post patch script in v4.2 I thought it would be helpful to post my few questions. Perhaps I am the only one with these questions or perhaps they will lead to minor adjustments.


I have the same ALC889a chipset as you. I will install the AppleHDA that is pre patched with Targas. Does this mean that i do not need to install the HDA patcher that you include a few lines later in the script? I assume that this is included for people with different sound chips.


The AppleSMBIOS that you include indicates that it is for PC_efi_v80. I am going to follow the guide so that I can switch from PC efi to Chameleon. Does this mean that I should hash out this line? This doesn't feel right to me as I thought that I always need a modified AppleSMBIOS for a Hack?


The final question has to do with the Realtek ethernet drivers. I followed your suggestion elsewhere in the thread and use a trendnet card for ethernet. I am curious if you would recommend still installing the Realtek kext? In the past I have hashed out the line and turned off lan in the bios. The trendnet works fine but I have to set a static address.


Thanks for the update to the guide

It is much appreciated


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Hello again,


I went ahead and installed v4.2 but now I hang on the Apple screen. I am sure that this has something to do with the fact that I am installing on a small partition (It is the first partition). Is there a trick that i am missing with Chameleon when installing on a partition? I have googled the site and have not found anything that was helpful.



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As always you have helped me to understand the big picture. I had been reading about many of the individual advancements that you have included in your new guide but I am not sure that I would have ever had the confidence to jump in and try them out. The LTL stamp of approval and the clear guide mean a lot to me. Thank you.


After reading the guide and looking at the post patch script in v4.2 I thought it would be helpful to post my few questions. Perhaps I am the only one with these questions or perhaps they will lead to minor adjustments.


I have the same ALC889a chipset as you. I will install the AppleHDA that is pre patched with Targas. Does this mean that i do not need to install the HDA patcher that you include a few lines later in the script? I assume that this is included for people with different sound chips.


The AppleSMBIOS that you include indicates that it is for PC_efi_v80. I am going to follow the guide so that I can switch from PC efi to Chameleon. Does this mean that I should hash out this line? This doesn't feel right to me as I thought that I always need a modified AppleSMBIOS for a Hack?


The final question has to do with the Realtek ethernet drivers. I followed your suggestion elsewhere in the thread and use a trendnet card for ethernet. I am curious if you would recommend still installing the Realtek kext? In the past I have hashed out the line and turned off lan in the bios. The trendnet works fine but I have to set a static address.


Thanks for the update to the guide

It is much appreciated




Leave all the defaults in the post-patch.sh - your over thinking things and making problems for yourself :yoji:


Don't bother installing the realtek, install modbin kernel, and then run EFI studio to patch your sound and lan as per the instructions


try over and over again, take notes of your process and start to cross out the things that are not working for you


this method works flawlessly if you do it correctly


let me know


- do an install with all the defaults and make sure you have enough room on your partition or buy a new drive

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Over thinking things! Thats the story of my life. I have no doubt that this method works flawlessly, me on the other hand... I will report back after a few more installs


thanks for the help


UPDATE: Switching to the Modbin kernel made the difference and I was able to boot successfully! I have not had a problem with Vanilla kernel until 10.5.4 but that is a subject for a different topic...

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I need help with EFI Studio :

After having a working instal of Leo 10.5.4 (post-patched) and the Chameleon bootloader, when I turn on EFI STUDIO in order to get my video card working, I'm a bit confused about the place to put in the gfx string on.

When I follow the differents tutos, I always get the monitor shutdown on reboot.

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I need help with EFI Studio :

After having a working instal of Leo 10.5.4 (post-patched) and the Chameleon bootloader, when I turn on EFI STUDIO in order to get my video card working, I'm a bit confused about the place to put in the gfx string on.

When I follow the differents tutos, I always get the monitor shutdown on reboot.


Do not use EFI strings for your video and use the following solution:



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Do not use EFI strings for your video and use the following solution:




Oh yeah !


Thanxs LTL.


You rock !


I'll try this afternoon... and I'll report...


Edit : DL@ 2:16 PM (Paris), testing....


EDIT 2 : ATI 2400 Pro full WORKING QE/CI enabled on 10.5.4 Apple Combupdate (VGA only but that's not really a problem to me) using the link on the second page of the topic


Thanxs again for this guide LTL!!!

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I just followed all the steps in 10.5.x GUIDE v4.2 FOR THE ADVANCED USER:


I have a GA-P35-DS4 motherboard and I installed the new OS on a 2nd HDD. When I try to boot into the new OSX on the new drive with the newly installed OSX I am getting a strange error. The gray screen comes up with the apple and then the little circle thing spins like it's loading... then I get this error:


"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Retart button" This is in English and 3 other languages. It comes up everytime I try to boot into the newly installed OS. I've attached a screenshot.


Anyone ever get this error or have a solution?


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Anyone ever get this error or have a solution?


Hit the F8 key when booting to bring up the boot menu then use the hit any key option then type in and hit the enter key -v this will boot in verbose (text) mode you will now be able to show us exactly where the error occurs with a screen shot.

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