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Retail DVD Guide, 10.5.8, PC-EFIv9 installer, EFI studio, Vanilla or Voodoo, GA-P35-DS3P (L,R), DS4, or OS X Compatible board


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For mouse i've apparently resolved ... but keyboard no !! appleps2controller.kext need patch or modify ?? or keyboard.kext ??

to the rest kalyway are installed and bootable on guid partition and retail idem but with this problem on keyboard ...

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UberNoob here.....



I really want to do this without spending about $10K for a moderately tricked out cheese grater. I have a MACbook Pro 17 and it sold me on OSx. It appears that the DS3P is no longer readily available. I'm assuming by the headers that the DS4 model will work ok if everything else is the same as your hardware list.






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UberNoob here.....

I really want to do this without spending about $10K for a moderately tricked out cheese grater. I have a MACbook Pro 17 and it sold me on OSx. It appears that the DS3P is no longer readily available. I'm assuming by the headers that the DS4 model will work ok if everything else is the same as your hardware list.







You will be good with the DS4, its a great board with mega support... LS8 and karrakeha1 both use it with a lot of success



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pardon me LTL, or anyone else willing to answer, but is that the EP-model of gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4? I've read (almost) all the previous posts, and saw where you said at one point where the ep-model of boards were giving people difficulty, but I was unable to find the P-only model of gigabyte ga-P35- boards any more. If someone can clarify this, I'll go and buy the hardware.


Also, I would like to do Premiere and Photoshop. No reason these apps shouldn't work on a home-brewed OSX system? Does anyone know if quad-core is fully utilized, or if there is little performance difference over a dual-core?


Thank you for your experiences and willingness to share!! I can't wait to buy the hardware and build this system!!!!



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I must be retarded but every time I try to run the scripts (.sh files) I get an error in terminal saying "/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"


I've tried dragging and dropping the file into terminal and also going straight to the directory and running it there via ./post-patch.sh


Same error no matter what I try. *sigh*

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pardon me LTL, or anyone else willing to answer, but is that the EP-model of gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4? I've read (almost) all the previous posts, and saw where you said at one point where the ep-model of boards were giving people difficulty, but I was unable to find the P-only model of gigabyte ga-P35- boards any more. If someone can clarify this, I'll go and buy the hardware.


Also, I would like to do Premiere and Photoshop. No reason these apps shouldn't work on a home-brewed OSX system? Does anyone know if quad-core is fully utilized, or if there is little performance difference over a dual-core?


Thank you for your experiences and willingness to share!! I can't wait to buy the hardware and build this system!!!!




I've been having trouble finding this one as well. I'm still looking for something suitable. If you come across anything suitable please advise and I will do the same

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I've been having trouble finding this one as well. I'm still looking for something suitable. If you come across anything suitable please advise and I will do the same

Not sure which problem's you're talking about. Any details?

Using latest BIOS F4 (EP35-DS4), everything runs fine here.

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pardon me LTL, or anyone else willing to answer, but is that the EP-model of gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4? I've read (almost) all the previous posts, and saw where you said at one point where the ep-model of boards were giving people difficulty, but I was unable to find the P-only model of gigabyte ga-P35- boards any more. If someone can clarify this, I'll go and buy the hardware.


Also, I would like to do Premiere and Photoshop. No reason these apps shouldn't work on a home-brewed OSX system? Does anyone know if quad-core is fully utilized, or if there is little performance difference over a dual-core?


Thank you for your experiences and willingness to share!! I can't wait to buy the hardware and build this system!!!!




Well I don´t know 100% sure if it´s fully utilized but it seems so. I´ve got the q6600 quadcore cpu running retail Leo 10.5.4 using this guide and Logic Pro 8 runs really good and it´s a pretty hungry application.

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pardon me LTL, or anyone else willing to answer, but is that the EP-model of gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4? I've read (almost) all the previous posts, and saw where you said at one point where the ep-model of boards were giving people difficulty, but I was unable to find the P-only model of gigabyte ga-P35- boards any more. If someone can clarify this, I'll go and buy the hardware.


Also, I would like to do Premiere and Photoshop. No reason these apps shouldn't work on a home-brewed OSX system? Does anyone know if quad-core is fully utilized, or if there is little performance difference over a dual-core?


Thank you for your experiences and willingness to share!! I can't wait to buy the hardware and build this system!!!!





I'm using an EP35-DS4 and no problems. Also all cores are utilized. Right now I have ATSServer using 71% (of 400%) and mdworker using 39.2% spread out over all four cores (damn ebooks), with 71% of my full processor still idle. The quad core is great for multitasking. As for other applications most that do utilize more than one core for a single task usually use only two. Others use a core per task. An example of this would be ffmpegX. When converting a movie it only uses one core, but if you convert two movies it uses two cores, three movies three cores, four movies four cores. I know ClamXAV uses all four cores at once when scanning for viruses, but I can't think of any others that use four for one task right now.


I must be retarded but every time I try to run the scripts (.sh files) I get an error in terminal saying "/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"


I've tried dragging and dropping the file into terminal and also going straight to the directory and running it there via ./post-patch.sh


Same error no matter what I try. *sigh*


did you remember to change directories?

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On an unrelated note, has anyone used the eSATA ports yet? I'm looking at external enclosures for backup hard drives (going to store them in a fireproof container). Does it work right (reliably) with OS X and is it worth it over firewire 400? I'm asking this here since we all have the same board and installation. :P


I went ahead and bought an two eSATA enclosures. First of all I found out that the two Gigabyte SATA ports work fine :) (the ones that say "Generic ACHI (null)" in the system profiler). I was under the impression that those needed JMicron and didn't work right even with it. I plugged in my hard drives, optical drives, and an eSata drive and it worked as well as the intel ports (as far as I can tell). I could even boot from them. I also don't have any JMicron kext installed. My simple speed test was ripping from a dvd (4GB folder) to hard drive with the optical drive in the GB port, then hard drive (9.3GB folder) to hard drive with the HD in the GB port. According to my stopwatch (I did say simple :P ) it took the same amount of time.


As for the eSata, it will only work if you have your external enclosure plugged in and powered on when you turn on/restart your computer. It shows up as internal. If you want to swap disks go to disk utility, dismount it, plug in your other drive, then mount it. Once you dismount the old drive the name stays on the list even when it is disconnected. When you plug in the new drive, mount the old name. Once it mounts the name changes to the current drive. If you try to connect an eSATA drive when it wasn't connected or powered on during start up, nothing happens.

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Hi, great guide. But I find it strange that shutdown/restart does not work with vanilla kernel.

I did a boot-132 method and everything worked well including restart/shutdown except my wireless card (strange behaviour).

Boot-132 uses Chameleon EFI. So my reasoning was that if this method made use of Chameleon instead of PC-EFI,

would fix restart/shutdown with vanilla.



I've tried this guide with Chameleon on a USB disk, but this was no success (boot issues), but

I experience the same boot issues with PC-EFI on this USB disk. Next I'll wipe out my installation and

try Chameleon with this method on the internal drive.


There is a reasonable speed difference between vanilla and netkas kernel, where vanilla is faster.



Regards, reliwie.




Probably you cannot boot a USB HDD from a sceond parition. Even creating one bootable parition boot, but

Leopard would hang eventually. So wiped my previous Leopard from my main drive and tried this guide with Chameleon instead of PC-EFI and it worked.

It worked better. My 7600GT worked without patches and without me adding GFX strings, reboot/sleep worked. Only shutdown was an issue.

So I gabbed ACPI kext from ls8 and fixed my Shutdown. Grabbed TM fix and everything is smooth on vanilla kernel. All working except one issue.

My wireless pci-e card is recognized OOB as Airport Extreme, but it is as slow as hell. Even a ping to a local server is extremely slow.

Wonder why that is.

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I must be retarded but every time I try to run the scripts (.sh files) I get an error in terminal saying "/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"


Did you edit the scripts with a windows editor before? It looks like the shell is trying to execute the "bash^M" command instead of the "bash", where "^M" is the representation of "carriage return/line feed" of a windows file in a UNIX editor. This happens when a file comes from a windows os and was saved with notepad or some other editor.

This error caused me some headaches in the past, too.

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Did you edit the scripts with a windows editor before? It looks like the shell is trying to execute the "bash^M" command instead of the "bash", where "^M" is the representation of "carriage return/line feed" of a windows file in a UNIX editor. This happens when a file comes from a windows os and was saved with notepad or some other editor.

This error caused me some headaches in the past, too.


Yes, that's precisely what happened. I ended up retyping everything all over in OS X and it worked just fine.


Thanks for the suggestion though. I appreciate it.

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I'm also having a problem with the scripts, though this is a bizarre one. Whenever I try to run the .sh files I get the get this response:

-bash: ./pre-patch.sh: Permission denied


I've tried all methods of sudo, and the drive is unmounted. (I am using TWO hard drives) I've even gone so far as to boot into the Kalyway disc and try to run the files from the first hard drive, but it also results in permission denied. I was able to get this working before, but it just isn't working anymore.


I also tried manually executing the pre-patch commands, but when I get to the part where you run startupfiletool, I once again get permission denied.


What do I do!?

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I'm also having a problem with the scripts, though this is a bizarre one. Whenever I try to run the .sh files I get the get this response:

-bash: ./pre-patch.sh: Permission denied


I've tried all methods of sudo, and the drive is unmounted. (I am using TWO hard drives) I've even gone so far as to boot into the Kalyway disc and try to run the files from the first hard drive, but it also results in permission denied. I was able to get this working before, but it just isn't working anymore.


I also tried manually executing the pre-patch commands, but when I get to the part where you run startupfiletool, I once again get permission denied.


What do I do!?


Sounds like you altered the script to fit your situation, but when you saved it, the file's permissions were changed. In the terminal, cd to whereever this script is and try sudo chmod +x pre-patch.sh and see if that fixes it. It should execute properly then.

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LTL, where should i get kalyway from and how big is it? because i don't really want to be downloading something over 1gb...


If you do not have Kaly running, there are other choices. You can follow instructions on how to single boot as per my noob guide, there is a link in there if you read closely. As well, there are new methods using BOOT-132. You will need to, based on your hardware, do some home work and come up with that solution.


In regards to getting Kaly, i can't tell you exactly where to get it..but its all over the usual places as they say


so good luck


Here is some info on BOOT-132:






I went ahead and bought an two eSATA enclosures. First of all I found out that the two Gigabyte SATA ports work fine :( (the ones that say "Generic ACHI (null)" in the system profiler). I was under the impression that those needed JMicron and didn't work right even with it. I plugged in my hard drives, optical drives, and an eSata drive and it worked as well as the intel ports (as far as I can tell). I could even boot from them. I also don't have any JMicron kext installed. My simple speed test was ripping from a dvd (4GB folder) to hard drive with the optical drive in the GB port, then hard drive (9.3GB folder) to hard drive with the HD in the GB port. According to my stopwatch (I did say simple :D ) it took the same amount of time.


As for the eSata, it will only work if you have your external enclosure plugged in and powered on when you turn on/restart your computer. It shows up as internal. If you want to swap disks go to disk utility, dismount it, plug in your other drive, then mount it. Once you dismount the old drive the name stays on the list even when it is disconnected. When you plug in the new drive, mount the old name. Once it mounts the name changes to the current drive. If you try to connect an eSATA drive when it wasn't connected or powered on during start up, nothing happens.


You should try V4 ...


pardon me LTL, or anyone else willing to answer, but is that the EP-model of gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4? I've read (almost) all the previous posts, and saw where you said at one point where the ep-model of boards were giving people difficulty, but I was unable to find the P-only model of gigabyte ga-P35- boards any more. If someone can clarify this, I'll go and buy the hardware.


Also, I would like to do Premiere and Photoshop. No reason these apps shouldn't work on a home-brewed OSX system? Does anyone know if quad-core is fully utilized, or if there is little performance difference over a dual-core?


Thank you for your experiences and willingness to share!! I can't wait to buy the hardware and build this system!!!!




I think that the P is hard to find these days


you can try to get the DS4, it works just as well

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I've installed with the v4 package, everything clicks right along and I wind up with the welcome video, sound working, sleep, shutdown, restart, etc... all working. I did change the AppleHDA file in the v4 folder with one of my own (Taruga for ALC888)


Then I go into EFI Studio, make an EFI string for my nVidia 8500 GT, and reboot. Now I have 1920 x 1200 video w/ QE/CI, but I've lost sound.


Is there an easy way to get my sound back? Or can I make and EFI string for that?


I'm running this on a Dell 530 Q6600 w/ nvidia 8500 GT, ALC888 audio, USB/ethernet adaptor.


Thanks for any help.

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I've installed with the v4 package, everything clicks right along and I wind up with the welcome video, sound working, sleep, shutdown, restart, etc... all working. I did change the AppleHDA file in the v4 folder with one of my own (Taruga for ALC888)


Then I go into EFI Studio, make an EFI string for my nVidia 8500 GT, and reboot. Now I have 1920 x 1200 video w/ QE/CI, but I've lost sound.


Is there an easy way to get my sound back? Or can I make and EFI string for that?


I'm running this on a Dell 530 Q6600 w/ nvidia 8500 GT, ALC888 audio, USB/ethernet adaptor.


Thanks for any help.



try using EFI studio to install EFI strings.




install Vanilla AppleHDA, patch it via Taruga - check for sound - no sound - then install EFI strings



Start off with a Vanilla AppleHDA. Then try this tool from PCWIZ - i believe it supports ALC888 (but no promises)




You can check this out:


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<br />Can i connect my mac to my pc and then use it's disk utility somehow to prepare my pc?<br />


If you was to put the hard drive in an external case then you can do the entire install from your Mac then add the patched .kext you needed to install plus put either the EFI or Chameleon boot loader there as well and put the drive back in the machine you want and boot it.

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