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Retail DVD Guide, 10.5.8, PC-EFIv9 installer, EFI studio, Vanilla or Voodoo, GA-P35-DS3P (L,R), DS4, or OS X Compatible board


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Things does not go well for me here. After installation (10.5.2 + post), it boots up shows a no entry sign on the Apple logo and it just stuck there. Anyone knows what's the problem ?


I have tried erase & installing many times. Sometimes it is able to boot up, and the welcome screen comes up, everythings fine. Most of the time it just shows no entry sign. When things work, it require USB mouse/keyboard, lucky I have old iMac (1st gen) keyboard and USB mouse. Also the system profiler shows no ATA attached, I have a DVD drive on PATA.


Is really frustrating, maybe should just go back to Kalyway...

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Things does not go well for me here. After installation (10.5.2 + post), it boots up shows a no entry sign on the Apple logo and it just stuck there. Anyone knows what's the problem ?


I have tried erase & installing many times. Sometimes it is able to boot up, and the welcome screen comes up, everythings fine. Most of the time it just shows no entry sign. When things work, it require USB mouse/keyboard, lucky I have old iMac (1st gen) keyboard and USB mouse. Also the system profiler shows no ATA attached, I have a DVD drive on PATA.


Is really frustrating, maybe should just go back to Kalyway...


You should follow the noob guide and do it over and over again until it works

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"After some research it comes down to the Vanilla kernel not being compatible with my processor, the Q9300"


Your research is wrong. This processor works flawlessly with a full retail vanilla install. I'm running it at 3.3 gig with virtually no replaced kexts (2 or 3). Only the usual removed ones. Shutdown (with power off chud fix) and restart work. I never use sleep so I'm not sure about that.


10.5.4 Vanilla kernel

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You should follow the noob guide and do it over and over again until it works


LTL just found the problem. The hard disk was not connect to channel 0. After plugging the right SATA cable, no more no entry sign.


Now to solve other problem, not able to access DVD drive and P/S2 keyboard and mouse no access.

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Solved problems automount DVD and USB Hardrives


I followed the guide step by step to 10.5.3


My Problems were gone after using the right system.kext for the kernel.


Sleep Kernel from 10.5.2 = system.kext from 10.5.2


maybe this helps some noobs like me.



PS: sorry for my bad english


MOBO: Gigabyte EP35-DS3P


I dont´t check every post if someone post this earlier i will delete my posting to hold this faboluos Guide clean.

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LTL just found the problem. The hard disk was not connect to channel 0. After plugging the right SATA cable, no more no entry sign.


Now to solve other problem, not able to access DVD drive and P/S2 keyboard and mouse no access.


I had the same issue as you and found it was not the channel so much as how the channels are configured in the bios. Sata devices can be configured in AHCI mode or older legacy-IDE mode. Each requires a functioning driver kext. My rig has 3 AHCI devices - 2 hds and my dvd - plus a legacy PATA IDE drive. When I first installed I had to use ACHI to avoid the no access symbol on boot because there were issues with the legacy driver. I realized it was a driver issue when my legacy hd did not show up, but it did under Kalyway. After a bit of fiddling I was able to get legacy working and now I can boot in either mode and see all my dives. AHCI seems to be faster so I keep them that way.

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Thanks for the install pack and guide LTL.


I have installed from retail DVD and updated to 10.5.4. I have kexts dsmos, IntelCPUPowerManagementDisabler, SMBIOSEnabler installed on HDD. When I boot, I need -f every time. I have never had this happen in the past. Can anyone tell me what may be causing it and/or how I can fix it? I tried the 9.3 kernel from the install pack and still I need -f. Thank you.

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I'm a long time lurker, first time poster.


LTL, thanks for the guide. It has helped me both install the OS as well as learn alot. It took me a while to get this thing even close to working (about 20 hours of installing/uninstalling etc) As you can see from my signature, I copied your exact hardware when I went to go buy my new computer so I wouldn't have any issues.


Problem: I had Kalyway working and had retail working with an update to 10.5.3 but about 5 mins after I got into my retail setup (with all the kexts working properly) I got a kernel panic - The grey "You must restart your Mac message". I know all the parts in your tutorial went smoothly because I used the same drive names and followed your instructions to a T. The place I went wrong is somewhere in the uprade to 10.5.3 when following DEVIN's tut.


When I typed

sudo nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1

I got an empty file or it did not exist.


I also tried

sudo nano /Volumes/Macintosh/System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1

but did not exist either


I am confused about:

while sleep 1; do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done

Is that supposed to change to:

while sleep 1; do rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


I guess my problem here is that I don't know if the code has to change because I am not upgrading the OS "in use".


Thanks to anyone who can help this noob.

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I guess my problem here is that I don't know if the code has to change because I am not upgrading the OS "in use".


If you are upgrading the disk that is not "in use" then you don't need to use Devin's method. You can just do the upgrade direct from Software Update & point it at the target disk. Afterwards you need to re-apply any fixed/modified kexts that have been overwritten by the update e.g. just copy over the kexts that you used to get it working in the first place.

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Thanks for the tips Nigel + Ice. Too quick. I'll give that a go tonight when I get home.

One more question: Do the InstallAtStartup (Steps 7 through 13 in DEVIN's guide) scripts still need to be modified or is simply installing the update then running LTL's post-patch enough?

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Problably something with your kexts getting replaced or important ones you need just is not there. I had the same probs had to do the install to a (new) IDE HD using my old P4 rig. In my case I´m pretty sure it did´nt work cause the jmicron.kext for my IDEs was´nt there so at the point when the new drive was to be in charge after reboot it paniced. After I got it running on the old rig I mowed the HD over to my new GA P35 DS3R q6600 8 gig rig fixed the Jmicron and some other stuff and I´m typing this from it now (Retail 10.5.3).


Also this guide is all that you need and you can go by the advanced guide it´s not hard, the hardest thing was to figure out how you navigate between folders but you can copy/paste those lines from the noob guide. If you just remember to change name for drives etc. in the patches to the exact match of your gear and watch out when it comes to what kexts and other stuff your personal install needs it saves time for you.

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Thanks for the tips Nigel + Ice. Too quick. I'll give that a go tonight when I get home.

One more question: Do the InstallAtStartup (Steps 7 through 13 in DEVIN's guide) scripts still need to be modified or is simply installing the update then running LTL's post-patch enough?

Just install the update & then run LTL's post-patch script.
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Well my perfectly good Retail 10.5.3 install broke when I was uppdating to 10.5.4 :huh: it did the same thing when I originally tried to install retail Leo on this one (my GA P35-DSR3 quadcore rig), had to use my old Asus P4 rig to install it. It goes a bit in to the installationprocess then it just shuts down and panics man it´s frustrating. I´m having a hard time believing it to be a problem related to Bios settings or hardware since the damn thing is already running Leo 10.5.3 so the installer should´nt be able to detect stuff like that. When it first happend I thought this was cause I had Kalys Leo runing on an IDE drive and that there where no IDE kexts in the Retail installation but that´s obviously not the case got to be something else. Well better start up my brain figure it out.

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I fixed it seems it was Bios settings after all so if you have both IDE and SATA drives remember to set your bios to IDE before you run the update. Kalys Leo saved me, I just completed the broken update to retail Leo 10.5.4 from Kalys instead and before I booted it up again I set the bios back to AHCI and my Retail Leo harddrive voila it worked again. Lost my USB but I´ll figure that out.


Edit: Seems to me anyway I have to update from my Kalyway install cause if I do it from my Retail install it panics. So like I said above here set bios to IDE but do the update from your hacked install then go by the instructions in the guide from after it says update to 10.5.x.

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Your research is wrong. This processor works flawlessly with a full retail vanilla install. I'm running it at 3.3 gig with virtually no replaced kexts (2 or 3). Only the usual removed ones. Shutdown (with power off chud fix) and restart work. I never use sleep so I'm not sure about that.


10.5.4 Vanilla kernel


Watch your system clock. If there is a problem it will loose time as the day progresses. This can effect other parts of the system including audio during playback on certain media players. My understanding is that it is an issue only remedied by a patched kernel.

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Regarding the installation of kexts, I noticed that this install guide does not make use of the chown and chmod commands, i.e.

sudo chown -R root:wheel

sudo chmod -R 755


Are these unncessary with LTL's set of instructions? Should I use them for installing new kexts after doing the initial install? Or can I just use


sudo cp -r (insert path info here)







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I've never had to use them. Just repair permissions after changing any kexts.




On an unrelated note, has anyone used the eSATA ports yet? I'm looking at external enclosures for backup hard drives (going to store them in a fireproof container). Does it work right (reliably) with OS X and is it worth it over firewire 400? I'm asking this here since we all have the same board and installation. :(

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iam resently started using macosx


i have iATKOS 2.0I without network (Marvel yukon) and sound (Adi1988B) mobo asus formula maximus(p5.)

So i used kalyway before played c&c generals with my saphire 3870 like yours and it was like i was playing with a x300 xD


my question is can you matbe help me just instaling the right drivers cus those kext you have which one i need

you post is about making a own dvd right? iIalready have the adi1988b.txt for applehdpatcher.

my 4 cores are working on mac and shows its working. I realy need your help with my video hd3870.

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I'm a long time lurker, first time poster.


LTL, thanks for the guide. It has helped me both install the OS as well as learn alot. It took me a while to get this thing even close to working (about 20 hours of installing/uninstalling etc) As you can see from my signature, I copied your exact hardware when I went to go buy my new computer so I wouldn't have any issues.


Problem: I had Kalyway working and had retail working with an update to 10.5.3 but about 5 mins after I got into my retail setup (with all the kexts working properly) I got a kernel panic - The grey "You must restart your Mac message". I know all the parts in your tutorial went smoothly because I used the same drive names and followed your instructions to a T. The place I went wrong is somewhere in the uprade to 10.5.3 when following DEVIN's tut.


When I typed

sudo nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1

I got an empty file or it did not exist.


I also tried

sudo nano /Volumes/Macintosh/System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1

but did not exist either


I am confused about:

while sleep 1; do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done

Is that supposed to change to:

while sleep 1; do rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


I guess my problem here is that I don't know if the code has to change because I am not upgrading the OS "in use".


Thanks to anyone who can help this noob.


I was a Long Time Listener ;)


How is it going now? Sorry, am on vacation with little access to computer




iam resently started using macosx


i have iATKOS 2.0I without network (Marvel yukon) and sound (Adi1988B) mobo asus formula maximus(p5.)

So i used kalyway before played c&c generals with my saphire 3870 like yours and it was like i was playing with a x300 xD


my question is can you matbe help me just instaling the right drivers cus those kext you have which one i need

you post is about making a own dvd right? iIalready have the adi1988b.txt for applehdpatcher.

my 4 cores are working on mac and shows its working. I realy need your help with my video hd3870.


3870 Drivers

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I have successful installed and booted osx 10.5 retail on my Asus F3SC-AP257C; the problem is osx are unable to find (touchpad-mouse) .... with kaly 10.5 don't have this problem


what need change ?? =)



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