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Retail DVD Guide, 10.5.8, PC-EFIv9 installer, EFI studio, Vanilla or Voodoo, GA-P35-DS3P (L,R), DS4, or OS X Compatible board


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I like the guide but i also think it's highly speculative mentioning this way works more stable than for instance a Kalyway release.


All the stuff that was mentioned in the starting post does not crash my Kalyway based setup and is probably based on individual experiences and not on fact.


Also, If you use Kalyway (or JaS or whatever) with vanilla kernel and select no special hacks or kexts during installation i don't see how one can claim that an install from a retail DVD will be that much different. It's the same files using the original kernel.


What i am trying to say is, great guide, many thanks for putting the effort in it. But i don't agree on the so called "facts" and "conclusions" that are made on hack releases since there's no proof of concept anywhere. The guys putting these releases out there deserve more respect than some wild comments based on feeling and individual experiences.


Experiences on stability and usability differ heavily. One person uses it like a real mac, the other just doesn't get things to work or even boot stable.


Based on the startpost i would really like to know how this method would be different to using a release like vanilla of JaS without any extra's combined with vanilla kernel?? Explain how this method would be more stable or reliable.......


I can easily be convinced but not by non argumented "facts".

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Actually I just reinstalled 10.5, went straight to the 10.5.3 Combo Update, readjusted some BIOS settings and I have full restart, shutdown and sleep as well as USB is working fine. I altered the post-patch.sh a bit to not copy over most things...I think I let it copy over the IONetworking stuff and that was about it.


BIOS setting I changed, over and above the regular settings for an install on an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe board:


"(from another site)


Set IDE Detect Timeout (Sec) [0] to at least 5.

Set ALPE and ASP to enabled.

Set Virtualization Technology [Enabled]

Enhance C1 Control [Auto]

CPU Internal Thermal Control [Auto]

Intel® SpeedStep™ tech. [On - or auto or whatever]


I found that if I didn’t have speedstep and C1 on, sleep would not work. If I enable them and use the real apple kernel with efi boot, then sleep will work. Unfortunately having these enabled limits your overclocking potential as you can not increase the cpu voltage. It is up to the individual to decide what is more important. You have done a mild overclock so it probably doesn’t mater that you can’t increase cpu voltage in your case.

Hyper Path 3 [Disabled or off or whatever]


It is normally recommended to disable Hyper path 3 if you want to be doing overclocking above a certain amount. You have done a mild overclock so it probably doesn’t matter in your case."


That's all, and it worked for me!



Can you post some more details about your install, have a buddy with the same board having a hard time... BIOS settings or link to them, and files used



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Yay they took my suggestion and stickied this thread!
that took me by surprise actually!Well, I have to apologize AGAIN for taking so long to get to 10.5.3. Two factors were that my system was running perfectly and I started a second company so now I am going to two offices in two different sides of town each day :D Last night I made a commitment to all of you and spent the day doing installs, making notes, etc.First I created an image of my 10.5.2 install and put it aside for safe keeping.Next I downloaded the 10.5.3 update and started working on my v2 file kit. I went to my usual sources and did some research regarding the various files we all use, etc. I cleaned up the kernels part of the kit, I added my personal AppleSMBIOS which works better for me than any of the other ones I have found around. I updated the AppleACPIPlatform.kext if you use that.I know that a few of you have had issues with Time Machine. Again, using my system and these files my time machine works perfectly. If you are having any issues, download my v3 pack and use these files.So while logged into my main install, i restored a fresh OSX install image I have (really small 6GB) to a drive. That left me with a fresh 10.5.2. Ran the pre-patch on that drive and booted into it, then booted back into my main. I installed the 10.5.3 combo update on that test drive, ran my post-patch and booted into it. I tested dot mac, back to my mac, idisk, networking, rebooting, shutdown, time machine, etc. Everything worked fine. So while logged into my test install, I installed the 10.5.3 combo on my main, ran the post-patch and then booted into my main. It's running smoother than .2 and I'm really happy about how the day went.I updated the guide this evening here in Bangkok and am going to bed soon after a long day. When you guys get a chance to go through things, send me your feedback and let me know if I messed something up along the way today.I'll be in the USA for the month of July, I leave in a few days. First place I'm going is to Pearl Jam on the 30th of June in Boston, then New York and Miami so bare with me if I'm slow to respond after this week. I'll be back on August 1st.Thanks for all the positive feedback .. it means a lot.Good LuckLTL :D
This is not the worlds most easy to follow guide for sure for a foreigner, man it took some thinking to get there. Why is it the brainy guys here always try to force us to get maximal training experience in using the search function and a bit of programming on top of that :P . Has it ever struck to you we just want to use the damn thing and have absolutely no interest in how it works :D as long as it does. In my case I´m an old Logic fan so that´s why I moved over to the Mac world and the mac mini I own just does´nt cut it in the long run.OK never mind my BS cause the good news is that the Retail stuff also works (if you manage to understand what this guide says in a few critical points) on an old Asus p4p800 mobo with an old P4 3Ghz singelcore cpu. Even the onboard network, LOOK UNDER HERE NEXT LINE I UPDATED MY REPLY. EDIT 1: guys my bad sorry had to remove the part about about having to add a PCI Lan/network card cause the onboard Lan card decided to work after (EDIT 2: THIS IS THE RIGTH THING FOR THE ASUS P4P800SE MOBO)) installing the skge.kext. I never managed to figure out how to get that PCI Lan card to work anyway but it seems it´s not needed for this Asus P4P800se mobo so who cares :D . EDIT 3: I even managed to update to Leo 10.5.3 without any problems just do it before ju run the last comand in Terminal before it says reboot in the advanced guide.As far as I understand you need a USB mouse and keyboard though, at least I do. Probably there´s kexts around here to make it possible to use your old keyboard and mouse (serial or parallell or whatever it´s called who cares :D ). I´ll check out and add here if I find out how to make that happend, probably you can use the same stuff you used in Kalys Leo but I´m not sure at the moment.OH BY THE WAY I´M TYPING THIS ON MY:ASUS P4P800SE MOBOP4 3GHZ SINGLECORE CPU3 gig DDR OLD TIME MEMORYPNY GEFORCE AGP 8 X 6200 256 MB VIDEOCARDREALLY CRAPPY OLD IDE HDDRUNNING RETAIL LEO 10.5.1 updated to 10.5.3 WITH HELP OF THIS TRICKY GUIDEDon´t give up guys this is just a tricky piece of text a bit hard for us foreigners to understand but it works when you do. Good luck
It's really an English test. Sorry, next time I'll translate into 25 languages :D And of course, its you fly me to your location and buy me women and beers, I will install it for you.
Everything is working perfectly except that my DVD drive will not recognize/mount most CDs and DVDs. It will only recognize blank disks and OSX install disks. Any ideas?Drive: TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S203BThanks.
I downloaded and extracted Jmicron ATA.kext 64 bit and the IOATAFamily.kext 64bit from this thread. Seems it´s working a bit fatser but it could be my imagination playing tricks on me hehe. Well if it´s true 64bit it should make a difference I guess.http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=77165
Right now I'm using the vanilla Jmicron.kext and the modified IOATAFamily.kext in my guide....looking forward to hearing your feedback as I have no problems with my system.
But lets not forget that the original purpose of this thread was NOT another Kalyway install, it was using Kalyway to get yourself booted up and then do a retail install directly from the DVD image. But in reality, Kalyway does not. It uses injectors as well as some files that have been hacked in order to make them work. I have used Kalyway, iaTkos, Leo4All and straight vanilla retail and have gotten my best scores with the retail install. YMMV.Of course, I do not know what others are running as far as their hardware. I use an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe and have tried to keep my hardware and software as close to a real Apple machine as possible. All I did was answer someone's question, that no you do not need to do the update though the version numbers (10.5 -> 10.5.1 -> 10.5.2 -> 10.5.3) when 10.5.3 contains all the same fixes that 10.5.1 and 10.5.2 has. Of course folks need to remember that if you are following the guide in the very first post of this thread, you can skip the Leopard graphics update, but do not forget to run the post-patch.sh which of course will replace a few files. But on my machine, I am using EFI strings for my 8800GT video card, ethernet and HD Audio so that 99.9 % of my system is vanilla. Again, YMMV.
Thanks for getting my back... that guy has a foul attitude :D
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there's something that is'nt clear to me about the info about how to install

when i am in the moment to make the 10.5.2 update do i need to do something spacial like you gave in the link:


or to just do the update?

and if i need to make the thing in the link i don't understad how to do it in the right drive


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hey LTL : your tuto is simply the best !!!


finest concept for applying the update etc ... (i'm working on os x leop. server)


i just never install while running a osx86install, instead i do all your tuto , with kalyway DVD 10,5,2 (so just one empty hdd)


and do all the work with terminal and disk utility ...


100% certified working with server release.


Just two questions :



why , with efi_pc v8, must we change the orginal kernel ? (in your script i notice that you use kernelSR insted of vanilla kernel --original server kernel in my case--)


and can we consider this kind of installation as Vanilla because we change original kernel (vanilla server in my case) ?


and why we cannot do the software upgrade with pc_efi + vanilla install ? (while testing i do the software update from 10,5,0 to 10,5,3 ... it's crash everything)


Can we work on usb stick (8gb ... in order to have the retail .dmg ...) which can boot and do all this work ?

with a gui you just have to choose which update you want and give DVD retail ...and zouppps : it's copy everything in your usb stick in order to make an update OR fresh install of your choosen release of mac os ten on your pc ?


i definitively thinking of doing that kind of work , aren't you ?

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Hi LTL are you using Vanilla Kernel with 10.5.3

or as in your post Patch Replacing it with netkas kernel (mean using older kernel with 10.5.3

Because Restart shut down don't work with Vanilla kernel

You mentioned using unmodified AppleACPIPlatform.kext which is know for NOT WOKING with Vanilla Kernel

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This forum sucks the threads regarding edit and also the search just does´nt work sometimes. I quoted your reply but it came out very strange so I edited it down to just my reply.


Well I´m using both a SATA and IDE hard drive and DVD and in the end I managed to make it work OK with the drivers/kext you provided her but even better with the 64 bit drivers I´m reffering to. Have´nt tested your new kexts yet cause I´m still stuck on the shutdown/restart and also the video drivers issue for QE and dual displays for my GA Geforce 7300 gs 256 mb video card. Worked just OK with 0.1.5 Nvinject and Kalys 10.5.1. I´m a Logioc Pro 8 fan so that´s why I need dual displays to work if I´m to stick with the 10.5.3. Bought the OS though :) yeah I really did gonna upgrade my mac mini to.

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there's something that is'nt clear to me about the info about how to installwhen i am in the moment to make the 10.5.2 update do i need to do something spacial like you gave in the link: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...mp;#entry618748 or to just do the update?and if i need to make the thing in the link i don't understad how to do it in the right drivethanks
Each update is going to be different... .1 was easy and could be done thru software update for most people, while .2 was special and you need to follow the directions. .3 is the same and should not be done thru software update. It all comes down to the files that are replaced and or new files that are added that could cause your system to not boot or be unstable if you ran the update thru software update. Safe and slow...When you install the update, you can "choose location" during the setup of the install and point it at your main or test install.I suggest you install the updates from your test or kalyway install ... pointing the install at your main. Then you can easily follow the instructions, and post-patch and then reboot!
hey LTL : your tuto is simply the best !!!finest concept for applying the update etc ... (i'm working on os x leop. server)i just never install while running a osx86install, instead i do all your tuto , with kalyway DVD 10,5,2 (so just one empty hdd)and do all the work with terminal and disk utility ...100% certified working with server release.Just two questions :why , with efi_pc v8, must we change the orginal kernel ? (in your script i notice that you use kernelSR insted of vanilla kernel --original server kernel in my case--)and can we consider this kind of installation as Vanilla because we change original kernel (vanilla server in my case) ? and why we cannot do the software upgrade with pc_efi + vanilla install ? (while testing i do the software update from 10,5,0 to 10,5,3 ... it's crash everything)Can we work on usb stick (8gb ... in order to have the retail .dmg ...) which can boot and do all this work ?with a gui you just have to choose which update you want and give DVD retail ...and zouppps : it's copy everything in your usb stick in order to make an update OR fresh install of your choosen release of mac os ten on your pc ?i definitively thinking of doing that kind of work , aren't you ?
Thank you and your method of install from the terminal via booting into the Kaly disk is fine... just to complicated for some people so its easier to spell things out. As well, I like to have a few test installs on diff drives so I can test diff kext's etc.I don't think that there is any one particular agreed definition of vanilla out there. Some would argue that point and I would probably agree with mostly anyone's point since its not important to me. The point is that vanilla should be as close to retail or factory as possible, meaning the fewest modified files it takes to get your system working for you. So while I started using a vanilla kernel, i eventually switched to the SpeedStep/Reboot kernel so I could get around those issues. While my computer rebooted with the vanilla kernel, I found that the screen saver would not lock, and I would have issues with network time sync and dot mac. So after switching to the modified kernel...all those issues went away immediately and I have been on a modified kernel since. So that is why I say that you need to play with the post-patch like my noob guide talks about, start with the least amount of modified files and then work your way up one file at a time until you get your particular rig running smoothlyIf your rig will boot to the USB disk, yes you can. I keep images of different types of install and just use disk utility to restore them to various drives to do tests or restores personally.Good luck =)
Hi LTL are you using Vanilla Kernel with 10.5.3 or as in your post Patch Replacing it with netkas kernel (mean using older kernel with 10.5.3Because Restart shut down don't work with Vanilla kernelYou mentioned using unmodified AppleACPIPlatform.kext which is know for NOT WOKING with Vanilla Kernel
Hey bro! Your right, I have personally chosen not to use the vanilla kernel as I find the modified to work better for me, that has no bearing on anyone else of course. I had no problem with shut down and or restart with the vanilla kernel, my issues were with not being able to lock the screen saver and my computer is at my office... I need to be able to lock it while I am out. I used to use a modified version of that file when I was running the vanilla kernel. Personally, I like the modified kernel better than the vanilla... but thats just my experiences and I am open to try something new when I have the time to do some testing.
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Exactly which version kernel are you using? I have the exact same m/b as you (GA-P35-DS3P) but have shutdown/restart issues as eveyone else does with vanilla kernel from 10.5.2 & 10.5.3 When I tried a modifed kernel that gave shutdown/restart then hot-swap of USB devices was broken. Does USB hot-swap work for you? I don't wat to replace one problem with another & while it's rare to need to restart Mac OS plugging in a USB memory stick is a common action.

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not being able to lock the screen saver and my computer is at my office... I need to be able to lock it while I am out. I used to use a modified version of that file when I was running the vanilla kernel. Personally, I like the modified kernel better than the vanilla... but thats just my experiences and I am open to try something new when I have the time to do some testing.

Screen Lock Down with screen saver working perfectly with Vanilla Kernel One Reason to use the EFI 8 or Chameleon EFI or Retail DVD method is being able to use unmodified apple update with latest kernel one little change with new Chameleon EFI Leopard boot is faster.

But Restart is fixed with Modified ACPI

This is for majority of P35 Gigabyte boards

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It's really an English test. Sorry, next time I'll translate into 25 languages :unsure: And of course, its you fly me to your location and buy me women and beers, I will install it for you.


Right now I'm using the vanilla Jmicron.kext and the modified IOATAFamily.kext in my guide....looking forward to hearing your feedback as I have no problems with my system.


Yeah Yeah you have it much to easy you guys since everybody all over the planet for some reason choosed to comunicate with eachother in your language :wacko: . I wonder what you guys would say if you had some 30 channels on your TV where they speak French or Chineese etc. and to be able to read stuff on a forum like this on top of that you had to learn it to. So from now on I suggest we all move over to lets say to the language of Island to make it fair for everybody ;) .


You do´nt have to do all the 25 just a few from round here where I live then you might enjoy the beer and the women better :D .


Ok seriously now I´ll check out the taste of that vanilla icecream stuff and drink a few beers with the Hiawata family and report back to you pronto. Can you imagine what people learn just by watching TV


Have a safe flight now

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Screen Lock Down with screen saver working perfectly with Vanilla Kernel One Reason to use the EFI 8 or Chameleon EFI or Retail DVD method is being able to use unmodified apple update with latest kernel one little change with new Chameleon EFI Leopard boot is faster.

But Restart is fixed with Modified ACPI

This is for majority of P35 Gigabyte boards


If I use the 10.5.3 apple kernels, my screen saver lock doesn't work either. Did you change anything with the 10.5.3 install?

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Hi, I don't know if I'm in the right thread.. I just tried to update my osx86 leopard 10.5.2 with mysticus 10.5.3 v.1.4a, but it didn't work :-(( When I restarted the system, it didn't start and continued to say "still waiting for root device".. With 10.5.2 all was fine (Vanilla Kernel 9.2.2 - Kalyway install 10.5.2).

Could you please help me? Do you think I've to install all from the beginning?? :-((


Many thanks!!


Here is my actual configuration:

Motherboard ASUS P5K PRO

Cpu Intel 8400 core duo

Ram Corsair 2x2gb

Graphic card Nvidia 8600 gt ddr2 512 mb ram

Burner Pioneer Sata

Hd Sata WD 500 gb


Please help me!!! :-)



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LTL,Exactly which version kernel are you using? I have the exact same m/b as you (GA-P35-DS3P) but have shutdown/restart issues as eveyone else does with vanilla kernel from 10.5.2 & 10.5.3 When I tried a modifed kernel that gave shutdown/restart then hot-swap of USB devices was broken. Does USB hot-swap work for you? I don't wat to replace one problem with another & while it's rare to need to restart Mac OS plugging in a USB memory stick is a common action.
Make a backup imagine of your current install, then use my v3 kit... if you have my mobo, you will be running smoothly. Just remove the natit for the 3870 ATI.I am currently using the speedstep/restart kernel and everything is running as advertised. Shut down and restart are working just fine. Even tho I had them working with my vanilla kernel as well. But I like to lock my screen saver since my Hackintosh is my office computer :D I can plug USB devices in, and replace them with others...it's not an issue. I personally find NO benefit to using the vanilla kernel when the modified one takes all the bugs away while allowing me to use the most vanilla .kexts.Another issue that I had was using a plantronics headset to make skype calls, when I plugged it in using a modified AppleHDA and the vanilla kernel... my console would flood with error messages (off hand I can not remember exactly what they were).. well, after switching to a vanilla AppleHDA and the modified kernel...that went away. Thats important for me...maybe not for you. As well, when I would transfer large files, I would get some noise and my music would skip...that also went away after switching to the modified kernel and the vanilla AppleHDA. Yes, the AppleHDA is patched with Targas patcher for my sound (that is in my file download for the advanced guide). Actually, my exact AppleHDA is in there and the kernel I am using.Sorry for the ramble, I just woke up
Screen Lock Down with screen saver working perfectly with Vanilla Kernel One Reason to use the EFI 8 or Chameleon EFI or Retail DVD method is being able to use unmodified apple update with latest kernel one little change with new Chameleon EFI Leopard boot is faster.But Restart is fixed with Modified ACPI This is for majority of P35 Gigabyte boards
Huh? Your run on sentence is a little hard to follow- sorry :angel: I am using EFI8 and found no benefit to using the latest kernel when it would break a lot of things, costing me time to find a work around and making me use more modified kexts. I would rather have a stable system that I don't have to tinker with every week or day. I would rather work and make money and then deal with updates as they come. My rig is not a toy, I use it at my office and run 3 companies with it, and manage 20 people in two countries. I need to count on it. I am using a vanilla ACPI. Again, its 6 of 1, half dozen of another. For me, I would rather use the modified kernel and less modified kexts, it makes my OS X experience more vanilla for me.
Yeah Yeah you have it much to easy you guys since everybody all over the planet for some reason choosed to comunicate with eachother in your language :D . I wonder what you guys would say if you had some 30 channels on your TV where they speak French or Chineese etc. and to be able to read stuff on a forum like this on top of that you had to learn it to. So from now on I suggest we all move over to lets say to the language of Island to make it fair for everybody :D .You do´nt have to do all the 25 just a few from round here where I live then you might enjoy the beer and the women better :D .Ok seriously now I´ll check out the taste of that vanilla icecream stuff and drink a few beers with the Hiawata family and report back to you pronto. Can you imagine what people learn just by watching TV Have a safe flight now
I'm proud to say that I actually helped someone in Espanol one time! He wound up building a microwave instead of a Hacintosh, but at least I tried
Hi, I don't know if I'm in the right thread.. I just tried to update my osx86 leopard 10.5.2 with mysticus 10.5.3 v.1.4a, but it didn't work :-(( When I restarted the system, it didn't start and continued to say "still waiting for root device".. With 10.5.2 all was fine (Vanilla Kernel 9.2.2 - Kalyway install 10.5.2).Could you please help me? Do you think I've to install all from the beginning?? :-((Many thanks!!Here is my actual configuration:Motherboard ASUS P5K PROCpu Intel 8400 core duoRam Corsair 2x2gbGraphic card Nvidia 8600 gt ddr2 512 mb ramBurner Pioneer SataHd Sata WD 500 gbPlease help me!!! :-)ThanksDaniela
Wrong thread... :blink: Did you make a back up image of your system before installing that update?
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I would rather have a stable system that I don't have to tinker with every week or day. I would rather work and make money and then deal with updates as they come. My rig is not a toy, I use it at my office and run 3 companies with it, and manage 20 people in two countries. I need to count on it. I am using a vanilla ACPI. Again, its 6 of 1, half dozen of another. For me, I would rather use the modified kernel and less modified kexts, it makes my OS X experience more vanilla for me.


So True I agree :D. But you commented on Red Oak in other Topic. Saying your restart and Shutdown works with Vanilla Kexts. It is misleading indeed you are using patched kernel. You didn't mention that.

We all care only how OSx86 works, Not about if one is Big Boss or small worker at work :P

you wouldn't able to install without those who have passion for this, without caring for money,time ( netkas or anyone here at insanely mac)

If one is big enough won't use hacked osx86 will use Real Mac PRO :P ( all systems not 1 out of 6 or what ever) Same goes for me.

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So True I agree :D. But you commented on Red Oak in other Topic. Saying your restart and Shutdown works with Vanilla Kexts. It is misleading indeed you are using patched kernel. You didn't mention that.

We all care only how OSx86 works, Not about if one is Big Boss or small worker at work :P

you wouldn't able to install without those who have passion for this, without caring for money,time ( netkas or anyone here at insanely mac)

If one is big enough won't use hacked osx86 will use Real Mac PRO -_- ( all systems not 1 out of 6 or what ever) Same goes for me.


Let me explain:


Using a vanilla kernel and very few modified kexts as per my noob guide, I could still reboot and shutdown. My issues using vanilla kernel was locking screen saver, Network time server, and USB issues with my Plantronics headset (it threw off errors filling up my Console). I do not sleep my machines, so I can not comment on that. Maybe there are solutions for those issues now, but I have not researched that due to lack of time.


I leave my machine running 24/7 so I want speedstep and with the modified kernel I can lock my screen, use my plantronics headset and hopefully my computer goes into a low power consumption mode...with speedstep


So while I started off using a vanilla kernel.. I have recently switched and find it a much more enjoyable experience


I wasn't trying to say I'm a big shot at all... cuz i'm not, i'm a humble small business owner...and its a lot of work - I'm proud of that, as anyone would be. I appreciate everyone in this forum and all the work they do... hence the time I put into my guide, time I spend helping people, etc. Just like yourself. It's a great community from Netkas, Devin, etc... everyone here is selfless. I'll never forget Devin posting a how to for 10.5.2 within hours of its release... just amazing. I was just saying that I need my machine to run and I need to count on it, its on active duty at my office! not in the test bay :D


I have real macs, I'll buy more in the future, and I was about to buy a Mac Pro until I ran into this forum. I had no idea if it would work when I set out to build it. The outcome, thanks to everyone here, has been amazing and now I want to help others enjoy like I have. I love computing... and My hackintosh is my most favorite computer...ever... aside from my first, my VIC-20 :D


Hope that clears my comments up.. I'm sure we are all on the same page


1st World Wide Convention ? Boston 2008? :(

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Let me explain:


My issues using vanilla kernel was locking screen saver, Network time server, and USB issues with my Plantronics headset (it threw off errors filling up my Console). I do not sleep my machines, so I can not comment on that. Maybe there are solutions for those issues now, but I have not researched t



Hope that clears my comments up.. I'm sure we are all on the same page


1st World Wide Convention ? Boston 2008? -_-


Yeah now we are on same page :( But

With Vanilla Kernel No issue with Sleep,screen saver, USB works fine, I am running Q6600 @3.2 GHz so Speed Step not required

Lets have convention at world biggest apple Store Boston :D

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Hey all,


I'm a newbie here, first post but I just wanted to thank everyone for all the work done on this site.


I was looking to buy a new Mac when I saw a comment about this site at Ars Technica so I checked it out. Within a few days I had sold my dual 2.0 G5 and bought the parts to build my Hackintosh.


My setup is an ASUS P5K-E WiFi-AP motherboard w/Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 and an XFX 8600GT 256mb video card.


I set it up mainly according to karaakeha1's guide as a retail install booting off of a Kalyway install but I also learned a lot from LTL's guide.


I've been using it for over a month now with no problems and for the most part it is just like my other Macs. The biggest problem I had was burning the Kalyway image so I could boot initially - I was using iTunes to burn the disk instead of Disk Utility. Go figure, I didn't say I was smart.


Now that I have everything running smoothly I regularly burn a fresh image of my system to a partition on a separate drive to keep up with changes ala LTL. Great idea.


I have tested restoring the image to a fresh partition and installing the bootloader with Chameleon EFI and it works flawlessly, so I'm ready for disaster recovery.


This has been a rewarding experience and again I want to thank everyone here for their hard work.


I will be donating to the site ASAP.



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Can you post some more details about your install, have a buddy with the same board having a hard time... BIOS settings or link to them, and files used




I started off using the BIOS settings from lifehacker's site and the install he did. I then altered the settings slightly with the changes from the earlier post I sent to this thread. That was all. Honestly I've done nothing else to this system and sleep, shutdown and restart worked for me. System is down right now for other reasons, think I screwed up the MB. Cheers!

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Congrats about that microwave advice, I mean hot coffe that´s what it´s all about to manage to handle all the hours one have to spend making this OSX on PC hardware happend.


Thanks to you and a couple of other guys from here and other places on the internet and way way to many hours trying to figure out what you guys say I now have a pretty much close to a clean retail Leo 10.5.3 install with dual displays and QE working.


Since some of theese guys for some reason has locked on trying to make us all programmers I decided to make life a bit easier to get dual displays and QE working for those who have the GA Geforce 7300gs 256 mb videocard (might even work with other Nvidia 256 cards). So either you jump over and check out my thread in the hardware and drivers graphics or you could just download and try out the Nvinject.kext I managed to edit so it works at least with my gear that I´ve hopefully if it works managed to uppload to this thread.


This kext hopefully gives you VGA DVI (in that order), if you want DVI VGA well check out my thread.


Have it good guys


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So restart and shutdown are still not possible with the 10.5.3 vanillla kernel then I take it?

it's possible.


you need to change the appleSMBIOS.kext.


i have written a script that is using LS8 install way. LS8 want to be as closed as possible of a FULL vanilla install.


he just modify this kext :



# INSTALL hacked kexts

# Install AppleHDA patched with Taruga 1.20
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/[b]AppleHDA.kext[/b]" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Audio driver installed\n"

# AppleACPIPlatform.kext (FIX given by LS8)
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/[b]AppleACPIPlatform.kext[/b]" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " ACPI driver installed\n"	

# Page decryption EFI module - required for vanilla and binary hacked kernels, not required for kernels compiled from sources
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/[b]dsmos.kext[/b]" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Page decryption EFI module installed\n"

# ICH9R SATA drivers - vanilla kext version 1.1.0 (from 10.5.3) with "internal disk displayed as external" fix
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/[b]IOAHCIFamily.kext[/b]" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Intel SATA driver installed\n"

# PC EFI compatible AppleSMBIOS-28 Rev.? by mac.nub (choose version: desktop/laptop)
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/smbios/imac/[b]AppleSMBIOS.kext[/b]" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"



the script is in test (LS8 is working with me on it)


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Yeah now we are on same page :D But With Vanilla Kernel No issue with Sleep,screen saver, USB works fine, I am running Q6600 @3.2 GHz so Speed Step not required Lets have convention at world biggest apple Store Boston :D
Why do you say no speed step required if your using a Q6600? vs. my E8500? Don't get me wrong, I was fine without speedstep as well, but like the idea that my CPU calms down when I'm not around.We can go into the Boston store and taunt the employees... :)
So restart and shutdown are still not possible with the 10.5.3 vanillla kernel then I take it?
It is possible... and while you will come to see... there are many ways to skin a cat. So it all comes down to what works for you, vanilla kernel or non-vanilla kernel. I like having a modified kernel with fewer modified kexts as i have mentioned...for me ..it gives me a more vanilla experience. :P
Yeah now we are on same page :) But With Vanilla Kernel No issue with Sleep,screen saver, USB works fine, I am running Q6600 @3.2 GHz so Speed Step not required Lets have convention at world biggest apple Store Boston :D
I would love to stripe two Raptor drives... hmmm but would love to do hardware raid...not software
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Why do you say no speed step required if your using a Q6600? vs. my E8500? Don't get me wrong, I was fine without speedstep as well, but like the idea that my CPU calms down when I'm not around.


You don't need speedstep for that if you enable the C1E then it is taken care of by the hardware itself, one disadvantage is that if overclocking then you have to use the default multiplier of the chip along with the stock voltage for the C1E to work so it can limit your overclock.

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