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[Compilation] Dell XPS M1330, M1530, Vostro 1400, 1700, Inspiron 1420, 1520, 1720


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i want to connect my second screen with my Dell XPS 1530, but the laptop does not detect it!

if i call him to find new screens both screens will be black. So i really dont know how to handle that!

I hope u can help me. I have a Samsung LCD and if i connect him before booting and turn the screen of the XPS off, the booting screen will be shown on the LCD, but after the silver apple screen it turns off again.



thanks a lot


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Here's a zip of my Extra folder, with all my extensions, smbios file, dsdt.aml, etc.


Mine is a Dell XPS M1330 with a 2Ghz Core 2 Duo, Broadcom wi-fi, and Intel X3100 integrated graphics chipset.


You'll need to edit the wireless kext after installation to get Broadcom wi-fi working (insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23684, not the exact thread i used, but I'm relatively certain it's what I did, except instead of repairing permission myself I used KextUtility).


You'll also want these preference panels, which I'm also attaching separately.




1. Battery life isn't GREAT. Speedstep is working, but generally Mac guesses at 3 hours of Battery life, though I think it's actually getting more time than that (so maybe this isn't really an issue?)

2. No ethernet (but keep an eye here http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...1488&st=220 )

3. Webcam doesn't work after waking from sleep

4. Occasional kernel panics

5. Voodoo preference pane settings aren't restored on reboot

6. Must boot in 32-bit mode, x3100 won't accelerate otherwise


Thanks to jisare for posting his dsdt - without it I would've had a fair bit more trouble (this is not the same as his though, some other fixes have been applied to mine. I don't think mine can be decompiled since I patched it...i'll get around to posting the source eventually, but if you need it please post or PM me)



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Thanks to these forums and several good guides for the XPS M1530 laptops, I've got what appears to be a 95% working Hackintosh. Got my Vanilla SL up and going and upgraded to 10.6.4.


Dell M1530 laptop

C2D 2.5Ghz

8400GS 128MB dedicated graphics


500GB HD


Spent a ton of time on it this past weekend. Did some bad things, had to reinstall 4 times, but learned a lot in the process (this is my first Mac experience). While it's not much, I'm proud to just be at this point.


No trackpad options in System Preferences. There is no icon for the trackpad. The basic trackpad functions work, but it's way too fast. According to the ALPS trackpad guides, I need to edit info.plist that is in the Trackpad.prefpane file under S/L/PreferencePanes. How do I do that? I can open it using TextEdit, but can't save it.


What's the best driver/kext for the M1530's trackpad (it's an ALPS trackpad)?

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Hi :wacko:


I'm expecting some issues on my Snow Leopard 10.6 installation.


I have a Dell XPS M1530 with T8100 CPU and 8600M GT GPU.


Here is what I have:


- Chameleon 2 RC4


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">


<key>Graphics Mode</key>




<key>Kernel Flags</key>










Here is what DO work:

  • speedstep (I checked with CoolBook and I'm able to change CPU Load)
  • shutdown and sleep (not restart)


Here is what DON'T work:

  • sound (I have no sound!)
  • graphic card (no QE, hardware acceleration, mirroring)
  • trackpad is way too sensitive (can't use it) and of course scrolling doesn't work (when I'm tring to open the VoodooPS2 prefpanel I'm getting this error "ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found")
  • wifi can't connect to Internet after a wake up

And I think that's all.


Can you help me? It's been 3 days that I've tried to fix theses things :unsure:


Thank you.

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Running vanilla, custom dsdt, hadn't run updates in a while and just tried to go from 10.6.2 to 10.6.4 and reboot. Getting kernel panic now.


Did I miss a step before rebooting? Is there something else I need to do after installing 10.6.4 to get my M1530 back up and running now? Sorry if I missed something obvious, I scoured this thread for updating existing installs and didn't see anything on it. Just guides on starting from scratch.

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No problem :angel:


Let us know if it all works out


Is there anything special that you did to get sleep/wake working? I have a similar setup as you except for a C2D T7250 (dsdt would be incompatible?). I finally got my x3100 working with aceleration. Everything pretty much works except for sleep/wake. When the laptop goes to sleep the display turns off but I'm guessing it's not really sleeping since the battery light is still on and the fan still spins. I also cannot get the display to wake regardless of what I do.


edit: got it working with a sleepenabler kext. Lid close/open activates it too. Distros really gave me headaches. This retail install has been golden to me :D


BTW, how do you verify that speedstep is working? My battery life is at about 1:45. But even in my previous windows install I was looking at 2:30 or so. 3 hours was about the max I could ever get even on a new battery (actual usage not system estimates).

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All of you m1330/m150 folks with sound, sleep etc problems should be using Immo's guide HERE


It is a proven method and you just need to pick the anycpu DSDT for either the m1330 or m1530 depending on which laptop you have.


They only kexts you need are:












That is with Chameleon 2RC4


RE: the kexts you put in /S/L/E, if you don't know what you're doing, use KextUtility. That is likely the problem if you're not getting sound or the card reader working.


For those m1330 users who've gotten the headphones working with VoodooHDA but not the speakers, there is a solution


not optimal because the internal mic doesn't work, but better than VoodooHDA for those m1330 owners who have the weird problem with speakers.

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Here is the spec of my Dell XPS m1330

13.3 hd widesceen display

Intel Core 2 Duo T7250

4gb Dual CHannel DDR2 memory at 667 Mhz

320gb Hard Drive 5400rpm

slot loading dvd+/-RW

wireless 802.11b/g mini card

integrated intel graphics media accelerator 3100

built in 2.0 megapixel webcam

biiometric fingerprint reader

6 cell battery


currently running windows 7


what would be the best way to install OSX on my laptop?

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Here is the spec of my Dell XPS m1330

13.3 hd widesceen display

Intel Core 2 Duo T7250

4gb Dual CHannel DDR2 memory at 667 Mhz

320gb Hard Drive 5400rpm

slot loading dvd+/-RW

wireless 802.11b/g mini card

integrated intel graphics media accelerator 3100

built in 2.0 megapixel webcam

biiometric fingerprint reader

6 cell battery


currently running windows 7


what would be the best way to install OSX on my laptop?


Don't mess around with "distros". Get yourself a retail OSX DVD and then follow immo's guide HERE, you can skip the part about generating and patching the dsdt. Just use the anycpu dsdt for 1330 that is linked on the first post.


It says there is a perquisite of a working vanilla install but ignore that and follow the link to SuperHai's method. I used his bootcd, successfully on both m1530 and m1330.


You will probably want to get yourself a Dell TrueMobile 1505 wireless mini-pci card off of ebay (about $20) to replace the one you have since the Dell just works without any nonsense.

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Okay now everything seems to work fine except for few thing.


I have sound, trackpad, a proper DSDT for my graphic card and CPU, speedstep, shutdown/sleep, etc.

So for normal usage I have no issue but when I'm playing a game in full screen mode my Dell shuts down brutally after about 10 minutes. It's weird because if I play in window mode I don't have that problem, even for the same game.


What can I do for that?


Edit: It seems my Dell becomes too hot and shuts down to protect himself of burning. But It never happened on Windows or Ubuntu.

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Okay now everything seems to work fine except for few thing.


I have sound, trackpad, a proper DSDT for my graphic card and CPU, speedstep, shutdown/sleep, etc.

So for normal usage I have no issue but when I'm playing a game in full screen mode my Dell shuts down brutally after about 10 minutes. It's weird because if I play in window mode I don't have that problem, even for the same game.


What can I do for that?


Edit: It seems my Dell becomes too hot and shuts down to protect himself of burning. But It never happened on Windows or Ubuntu.


Make sure you are using the latest chameleon-rc5 pre. Make sure you installed slice's monitoring version of fakesmc.kext using Kext Utility.

I know you were pointed to this stuff in immo's guide thread. Make sure the only kexts in /Extra/Extensions/ are AppleACPIPS2nub, ApplePS2Controller and VoodooBattery (if using VoodooHDA, and voodoSDHC make sure you installed them with kext utility). Kext utility will clear and rebuild your kext caches. So make sure you run that last last.


When running your laptop hard like that it is a good idea to prop the butt end of it up at half inch so the fan on the back left corner can circulate better, don't block the fan. You might want to get yourself a laptop cooler.

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I'm new to Insanelymac.com.... :rolleyes:


I'm trying to install SL on my Dell XPS m1330... In every forum you've posted a link to superhai's Preboot CD and eveyone who used it has said that it has worked seamlessly...


Sadly, the link to his site is expired, even external forums have posted links to his expired website. Do you have another link to his resources!? or has anyone posted a copy anywhere else? :( I would be grateful ....


Thanking you in anticipation...


Peace.. :angel:

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Tried to upload but SuperHai's Pre-boot CD iso is 11.3MB and the limit is 10.


I am attaching the dmg. You can make an iso from it. Instructions for OSX HERE


If you're stuck on Winblows look HERE


To repair (MBR) boot, I've used Windows PE from Macrium. Works fine on my XPS M1530.

I don't think you need Dell boot CD, unless you did not save all your partitions (DellMedia included).

Now I have double boot OSX/Win7 on the same HD and was able to restore all my Win7 installation from Ghost thanks to Macrium Reflect tools only + an utility called gptsync which converts a GUID partition into an hybrid MBR one (needed for windows).


I have a few remaining problems on my Dell XPS M1530 under OSX 10.6.3 Snow Leopard :

- Keyboard is not working **that** well (some keys are bad, I'm using AZERTY french kb)

- wifi is not working (intel 4965)

- BluRay drive is not recognized as a BluRay (but is there a mac with a bluray drive ?)

- sleep/reboot is not working


Except that, it's a real pleasure to have MacOSX and Win7 on the same computer. I want to start iphone development. Is there a possible restriction using AppStore & so on with a hackintosh computer ?


Any info would be nice !

Thanks a lot.


Note: for sound only VoodooHDA.kext works fine on my computer.

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To repair (MBR) boot, I've used Windows PE from Macrium. Works fine on my XPS M1530.

I don't think you need Dell boot CD, unless you did not save all your partitions (DellMedia included).

Now I have double boot OSX/Win7 on the same HD and was able to restore all my Win7 installation from Ghost thanks to Macrium Reflect tools only + an utility called gptsync which converts a GUID partition into an hybrid MBR one (needed for windows).


I have a few remaining problems on my Dell XPS M1530 under OSX 10.6.3 Snow Leopard :

- Keyboard is not working **that** well (some keys are bad, I'm using AZERTY french kb)

- wifi is not working (intel 4965)

- BluRay drive is not recognized as a BluRay (but is there a mac with a bluray drive ?)

- sleep/reboot is not working


Except that, it's a real pleasure to have MacOSX and Win7 on the same computer. I want to start iphone development. Is there a possible restriction using AppStore & so on with a hackintosh computer ?


Any info would be nice !

Thanks a lot.


Note: for sound only VoodooHDA.kext works fine on my computer.


Of course you don't *need* the bootCD but it is an easy way to get the job done.

You shouldn't have keyboard problems if you followed immo's guide.

You could ditch that intel 4965 and get a Dell Trumobile 1505 on ebay for $20, it is a drop in replacement and just works out of the box.

There is no bluray support in OSX. Steve Jobs is being annoyingly obstinate about it.


Sleep and shutdown will work fine,a nd restart will work most of the time if you follow immo's guide.



I've been using windows for years so initially I tri-booted OSX, Windows, and Ubuntu. After about a year I realized I was never using Windows or Ubuntu so I freed up the disk space and haven't looked back. But that is just my personal observation plenty of people are doing windows development or something that requires it.


I doubt there is any restriction on iphone development. The Xtools work for other development just fine.


good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys (and girls).


I start trying to install snow leo on my dell xps m1330. started with superhai's preebot, but i after changing the DVD to the Snow Leo (its 10.6.3) i got a blavk screen and nothing else happens. Has anyone an idea about this and what to do ?

And i can't take the paperclip method for testing, cause i haven't an extern monitor. I read a lot of guides here, but i haven't found the right yet, wich is working in my case.


My Dell has:


Intel Core 2 Duo

3 GB DDR2 Ram

160 GB Harddisk

Intel GMA X3100

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I just updated to 10.6.4, everything works except for hdmi/vga. I have nvidia 8600M. I tried NVEnabler but that just resulted in a black screen on boot. Are there any fixes out there yet?


hotcorez put together this great guide to achieve HDMI video on 10.6.4. Hot-plugging does not work so you must reboot after plugging in the HDMI cable. One or more of the files in post #2 might be of help to you. Good luck!

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All right, I'm gonna give this one more go. Every time I posted before, this thread was dead and no one bothered to help. I have everything working on my dell m1330 except for the sound and the card reader. I don't really care about the card reader, but I do need sound for some editing work.

My voodoohda kext from superhai's boot cd worked until I updated to 10.6.2 and after that it just stopped working. I tried to see if updating could do anything, but to no avail, and now I'm on 10.6.4. I've tried to install quite a few different kexts, but none work. Nothing ever comes up in the audio devices panel. I also have the voodoohda prefpane installed but I keep getting the error "You can’t open ${PRODUCT_NAME} preferences because it doesn’t work on an Intel-based Mac."

I'm not quite sure how to get sound working at this point. It seems that tons of people have it working perfectly somehow. If anyone would mind either A) Uploading their kext or :unsure: Telling me how to get my kext working (I got it from superhai's boot cd), I would greatly appreciate it.



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All right, I'm gonna give this one more go. Every time I posted before, this thread was dead and no one bothered to help. I have everything working on my dell m1330 except for the sound and the card reader. I don't really care about the card reader, but I do need sound for some editing work.

My voodoohda kext from superhai's boot cd worked until I updated to 10.6.2 and after that it just stopped working. I tried to see if updating could do anything, but to no avail, and now I'm on 10.6.4. I've tried to install quite a few different kexts, but none work. Nothing ever comes up in the audio devices panel. I also have the voodoohda prefpane installed but I keep getting the error "You can’t open ${PRODUCT_NAME} preferences because it doesn’t work on an Intel-based Mac."

I'm not quite sure how to get sound working at this point. It seems that tons of people have it working perfectly somehow. If anyone would mind either A) Uploading their kext or :( Telling me how to get my kext working (I got it from superhai's boot cd), I would greatly appreciate it.




With VoodooHDA you have to remove AppleHDA after every Apple System update, so that is very likely your problem. It is probably a good idea to back it up before deleting. After deleting you have to clear/rebuild the extension cache or it won't have any effect, use Kext Utility.


Both VoodooHDA and VoodooSDHC (for the card reader) need to be installed in /System/Library/Extensions. You should probably use Kext Utility to do this as it will clear and rebuild the caches for you.


Make sure you use the System Preference to set the sound output. With some 1330s the sound works on headphones but not speakers, if your m1330 is one of those and you care, look back in this thread for instructions from me on how to use a different method, but if it used to work, then you probably don't need to.


Following these instructions should solve both of your problems.


Good luck.

PS This thread is not dead but sometimes people get particular about answering questions which have already been answered. The info about removing AppleHDA is pretty widely documented. I found that the info about putting VoodooSDHC in /S/L/E was not that well documented.

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