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Hi guys,


I updated my iPod touch to 1.1.3 the day it came out. everything was fine with the iPod untill i came to connect it back to my Powermac G5 to update music etc.

the iPod wouldn't connect to the mac at all, i tried my wifes iPod video which connected fine.


(since i updated my iPod i have upgraded my mac to 10.5 from 10.4)


I tried to connect the iPod via recovery mode (iTunes will see it) but i can not get it to retore i get a unknown error message!


any of you have a clue what i can do


my iPod hasn't been jailbroken etc....

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i went to my sort of local apple store (60miles away) and they fixed it, but it still doesn't work on my mac... seems like i have an issue with 10.5 - i did an update to 10.5 which seemed to go through fine, but it seems it has some issues! i've now done a erase and a full install of 10.5 and it works fine with my iPod, maybe something to look at if anyone else has issues



It's annoyed me some what... only if i tried my iPod on my mates iMac when i picked him up to go to the store!

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