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Hello out there,


yesterday I tried to build Darwin with the DarwinBuildTools supplied by the macosforge.org website.

With the instructions I found in the README file I was able to build the xnu kernel.

But there is more to an OS than the kernel, so I tried to build the other tools like launchd or BootX.

It didn´t work! The compilation stoped. I think in terms of dependencies.

So I looked an found script which should generate a ordered by dependecies list of tools to compilie in the right way. And I found a script which would compile the tools in the list automated.

But the buildorder-script does not work.

There is even a script called darwinmaser which should create a iso-image file out of the compiled packages.


Is there anyone out there with some expirience to this problem or got a solution?


All i want to get is a minimal darwin-system with all the necessary tools to run.

All the rest i want to build with macports or pkgsrc which allows to compile i.e. kde and all the other open-source stuff onto darwin. So i should get yet another unix.


kindest regards


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