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 Leopard (Retail) DVD Perfect Guide 10.5.6 Chameleon 2.0 RC1 April 7,2009


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for everyone here i am also interested as to how you managed to fit the ATX DS4 mobo in to the mac pro case??


I actually bought Lian LI Motherboard Tray and placed in the Mac Pro


Check out this site


this is the best way to fit ATX board into the mac pro case, and you don't have to even cut the back of the case

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I can confirm that your simple method of installing 10.5.4 works for GA X48-DQ6 (see sign for my specs detail)

Just some modification. I didn't use your post patch, but manually backup, remove incompatible vanilla kext, and put AppleSMBIOS, dsmos, AppleAHCIPort, IOAHCIFamily, JMicronATA, Apple HDA, Apple ACPIPlatform (from your latest kext package)


Just a couple minor things to wok on, like QE/CI still not works my graphics card (XFX GeForce 8600GT 512Mb DDR2).

I tried the EFI Studio, but not sure if I did it right. After the installation complete, I copy the EFI Studo to the desktop, run it, add my device (GeForce 8600GT 512) and write to com.apple.boot.plist. But after restart (after the Apple grey start screen), it just go black (have to remove the apple.boot.plist to the original to make it work again in VESA mode 1024x768 res).

Finally I tried the latest NVinject 0.21. The resolution is fixed at 1680x1050, but no QE/CI.


Can somebody point me in the right direction to make QE/CI work for my GeForce 8600GT 512 mb. Like EFI Studio step by step guide?


Thanks to karaakeha, Geeze, ls8 and all the people here...you guys ROCKS!!


EDIT : I found out a not so satisfying solution. When using EFI string from EFI Studio, I can only use VGA output to my monitor. Using DVi give me black screen after restart. I tried NVkush, Natit, and NVinejct but only NVinject works with DVI, but without QE/CI. Anybody know how to use DVi and having QE/CI for GeForce 8600GT 512mb?


EDIT 2 : Nevermind...I found the solution for Geforce 8600GT 512mb by modifying NVCAP value in NVinject. Now it's working with DVI output, QE/CI supported in fixed 1680x1050 res).

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@ relikwie


my problem is, that I come from a winXP system.... I have no MacOS to help me.... but I read somewhere some people getting it to work with a former MacOS on another computer.... that must work I think.....



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Need someone to tell me exactly where the files need to be extracted to from the step described below.


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,


I'm guessing the folder is /usr/


Is that right? Clarification would help. Thanks.



EDIT : Never mind it didn't really matter in the end.


I successfully installed Kalyway 10.5.2 raided by doing the following.


1. Booting from a crappy old hard drive that had a copy of Leopard already installed.

2. Used the Diskutility and created 2 GUID partitions.

3. Created a raid.....it failed with an error.

4. Restarted into leopard again with the crappy Leopard HDD again

5. A raid appeared but this was the unsuccessful one from before...I deleted it and reopened Diskutility.

6. I attempted to create a raid again from the two GUID partitions.....successfully created.

7. Inserted Kalyway DVD.

8. Opened Terminal and typed (:


open OSInstall.mpkg

9. This started up the Kalyway DVD installation saving you from rebooting and loading the CD......saves so much time this way!!!!

10. Chose RAID drive to install to and chose packages/kexts/patches to install then installed successfully.

11. Got a USB key and popped Chameleon Files provided on first post and made sure they were unzipped.

12. I added the UUID of the raid drive to my com.apple.boot.plist file located on my raid drive.

13. Rebooted into the Kalyway DVD (I may have been able to do this from a Terminal session on the crappy HDD not sure didn't try)

14. When the Kalyway DVD booted up I opened a Terminal session.

15. I needed to know where my raid partitions were ie which disk and partition etc. For those who are don't know "disk0s3" refers to Disk 1 partition 3. Partition 3 on a raid drive is the Boot OSX partition which contains you guessed it the Boot stuff. This boot partition is created at the end of every drive and are non functional which is why we need to put the Chameleon file there. Get the partition and disk info by typing :

diskutil list

16. Now follow the instructions on the first post to MANUALLY install Chameleon....if you don't know what it does exactly it basically is just setting the BOOT OSX partition on all every one of your raid drives with the Chameleon boot files....it is also setting those partitions as the Boot partitions so you can select any one of the raid hdd's and it will still boot your Chameleon raid everytime.


Anywho I didn't want to take the glory from this thread but just wanted to share my experience and thank all you've provided this valuable info and help.


Cheers karaakeha1

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Need someone to tell me exactly where the files need to be extracted to from the step described below.


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,


I'm guessing the folder is /usr/


Is that right? Clarification would help. Thanks.

EDIT : Never mind it didn't really matter in the end.



No it 's not /usr

These files should be in /user/yourloginnamehere

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I have an Asus P5b deluxe with ICH8R and 2 WD Raptor Drives.


I tried the software raid and it sets up fine and I even did the bootlist uuid additions and the command line installation of chameleon.


Everything installs fine until I get to the OS itself which boots ok, but I now have hard drive STUTTERING again which I had solved back in the Tiger 10.4 era. I even checked off the "put hard drives to sleep" box and the OS recognizes the hard drive controllers (ICH8R) fine in system profiler. I'm in AHCI (not RAID) mode in the Bios.


Back in the Tiger era, I had solved the hard drive stuttering (long 15 second beach-ball pauses), by installing some ICH8 drivers package from an old JaS installation disk. I'm using now the Kalyway 10.5.2 disk and have performed a perfect installation (no stuttering) on 1 raptor drive. This stuttering thing only happens when I software raid on 2 drives.


Please help, I've been working on this problem for almost a week now until 5am every night!!! Thanks in advance.

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I have an Asus P5b deluxe with ICH8R and 2 WD Raptor Drives.


I tried the software raid and it sets up fine and I even did the bootlist uuid additions and the command line installation of chameleon.


Everything installs fine until I get to the OS itself which boots ok, but I now have hard drive STUTTERING again which I had solved back in the Tiger 10.4 era. I even checked off the "put hard drives to sleep" box and the OS recognizes the hard drive controllers (ICH8R) fine in system profiler. I'm in AHCI (not RAID) mode in the Bios.


Back in the Tiger era, I had solved the hard drive stuttering (long 15 second beach-ball pauses), by installing some ICH8 drivers package from an old JaS installation disk. I'm using now the Kalyway 10.5.2 disk and have performed a perfect installation (no stuttering) on 1 raptor drive. This stuttering thing only happens when I software raid on 2 drives.


Please help, I've been working on this problem for almost a week now until 5am every night!!! Thanks in advance.

I never HAD this issue.

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For Advance user only RAID Install

Two Methods Chameleon EFI & EFI v8 listed below

I prefer Chameleon EFI as you can directly boot from Software RAID


You need two or more Drives I used three Drives for Stripe RAID by Disk reading Xbench score alone jumped to over 190

Use diskutility to make raid volume of your desire


Important :

1. Make sure first install the Leopard Retail to the Destination RAID Drive.You can install Retail Leopard From Disk or Carbon Copy Clone from Existing Retail Leopard install.

2. Apply post patch as usual RAID Drive

3 than Edit com.apple.boot.plist (Drag drop on the desktop edit than replace)in the RAID volume add to Kernal Flags

boot-uuid=RAID Identifier

For RAID Identifier:using "Disk Utility.app", right click on your root volume, then Information

it will look like following pic


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3

diskutil mount disk0s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk0s3
diskutil mount disk1s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk1s3
diskutil mount disk2s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk2s3

You are Done Boot to Raid Good Luck

look at mine Three Disk Striped Raid Pic




I have been trying to install to a striped raid (per your guide above) for over a week, but am not having any success. I would really like to get it up and running. Is there anyway that you could lend me some assistance? I seem to be running into an issue with the diskutil mount diskXsY commands as the volume will not mount. I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

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i figured out the stuttering! I had a feeling it had something to do with the SATA Controller (ICH8R) on my P5b-deluxe. Apparently when set to AHCI in the SATA mode, I get stuttering (beach ball for 15 sec then back to normal).


After 15 leopard installations and troubleshooting, I figured out when SATA is set to IDE, the stuttering goes away. WTF?! And I thought there were drivers to have AHCI working with the ICHxR controllers these days. Anyways, hope this helps somebody.

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i figured out the stuttering! I had a feeling it had something to do with the SATA Controller (ICH8R) on my P5b-deluxe. Apparently when set to AHCI in the SATA mode, I get stuttering (beach ball for 15 sec then back to normal).


After 15 leopard installations and troubleshooting, I figured out when SATA is set to IDE, the stuttering goes away. WTF?! And I thought there were drivers to have AHCI working with the ICHxR controllers these days. Anyways, hope this helps somebody.

good to know you figured out the problem. Looks like unique problem, Nobody reported this before.

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I have been trying to install to a striped raid (per your guide above) for over a week, but am not having any success. I would really like to get it up and running. Is there anyway that you could lend me some assistance? I seem to be running into an issue with the diskutil mount diskXsY commands as the volume will not mount. I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

How many partition you have on your RAID configuration, try to install with one partition only. after successfully done so , you can create later more RAID partitions

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I've installed iATKOS v4i either on GUID or MBR but not yet RAID


My config is:

Asus P5E3 (ICH9R)

Intel C2D E6550

2Go DDR3 1333

ATI Radeon HD3870


For RAID configuration; do I have to change BIOS settings?


I can choose RAID/IDE/AHCI and my logic tells me to choose RAID but i'm not sure.


Great thanks for your job



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I've installed iATKOS v4i either on GUID or MBR but not yet RAID


My config is:

Asus P5E3 (ICH9R)

Intel C2D E6550

2Go DDR3 1333

ATI Radeon HD3870


For RAID configuration; do I have to change BIOS settings?


I can choose RAID/IDE/AHCI and my logic tells me to choose RAID but i'm not sure.


Great thanks for your job



Choose AHCI

IN BIOS only need AHCI setting no RAID

As this configuration is Apple software Raid

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Topic Cleaned.


MACinized if you've successfully installed OSx86 then I suggest you move along from this topic now. No need to reply to this post of mine btw.


karaakeha1 if you need anything cleaned up in the future let me know. I would like to keep this great work of yours as clean and clear as possible.

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Topic Cleaned.


MACinized if you've successfully installed OSx86 then I suggest you move along from this topic now. No need to reply to this post of mine btw.


karaakeha1 if you need anything cleaned up in the future let me know. I would like to keep this great work of yours as clean and clear as possible.

Thanks Mebster for great spirits and kind words.

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Just a question about chameleon.


In the guide it says just run the installer, how do you do that excatly? I mean you can't boot into Leopard to mount the package.


Can you mount and install after booting from the install DVD? How do you do this?

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Just a question about chameleon.


In the guide it says just run the installer, how do you do that excatly? I mean you can't boot into Leopard to mount the package.


Can you mount and install after booting from the install DVD? How do you do this?


THis guide is about installing Retail Leopard From any working Leopard.

So you can run the chameleon & install on the Target drive attached to the working Leopard

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Gottcha I think.


You mean installing from A retail dvd if you already have leopard running from one of the pre patched distro's?


Guess I am in the wrong place, I just restored my Kallyway machine from a time machine backup and i'm trying to make it boot without luck. Someone recommended me using Chameleon installer so was just trying to figure it out from this guide.

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Hello Karaakeha1


just a few words to report my success with my new PC

- Gigabyte GA EX38 DS4

- Q9450+ OCZ vendetta cooler + 2GB PC6400 CL3 OCZ Reaper

- 8800GT ECS sold with built in accellero S1

- 2x SATA 750GB samsung

All that in a GMC Toast minitower that is one of a rare PC case that has an elegant design


I used your method with two little modifications :


The worst thing that happened to me is that I have been pulling my hair for A FULL DAY before I understood that for a unknown reason (until someone can explain maybe?) your supplied dsmos.kext (in LS8v12) was not working in my config.

Once I found this, I just installed dsmos.pkg from Leo4all, over the installed retail leopard + combo update 10.5.4


Then it booted really fast and since then it is the best MacOS computer I ever owned! I am serious, I really bought many Macs before switching to OSX86.


Second thing I wanted was to have VMWare fusion running XP on boot camp partition. This way I can boot native XP with the same shared partition, at full speed, for 3D games for example.

I had also pulled my hair previously because I wanted to run XP on a hybrid GUID/MBR single disk.

However I have never been able to complete a XP installation, because when it reboots in the middle of installation, I never found a way to make the installation complete as it does with a MBR drive. It seems that XP mess with the hybrid partition, even though it recognized the target NTFS partition at first.


Finally I gave up the hybrid GUID/MBR and choose the plain MBR. Now I could install XP normally.

However I wanted to install Leopard from the retail DVD, and as you know the standard installation refuses to install to partitions that do not reside on GUID formatted drives.


The solution was to to use Flat Package Editor (within PackageMaker) to remove the checks in OSInstall.mpkg.


Everything works great now, and I can run XP software from OSX, it is as close a perfect dual OS system as it is conceivable today. I can run XP software either natively by rebooting, or within MacOS, or even in a Leopard window, thanks to Fusion.


Let me finish by thanking you for your guide, and we can also be all very grateful to the talented independent developers making all this possible, Netkas, Kalyway team, Leo4all team, JAS, Toh, the turk team, and all others. They make it possible to build and enjoy the greatest MacOS machines, to use the exact hardware we want, while saving big amounts of money not going to overpriced Apple hardware.

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Hello Karaakeha1





Finally I gave up the hybrid GUID/MBR and choose the plain MBR. Now I could install XP normally.

However I wanted to install Leopard from the retail DVD, and as you know the standard installation refuses to install to partitions that do not reside on GUID formatted drives.

I have installed Leopard with GUID and Vista Ultimate x86 on the same drive successfully.


1. Mount Drive in Leopard (working) .Make two Partitions 1st MS DOS (FAT) 2nd GUID with DISK UTILITY

2. Install Vista on first partition( while installing format 1st to NTFS

3. Attach Drive to working Leopard and install Leopard on 2nd GUID partition from retail DVD

4 When you boot press F8 you have two Options Foreign OS (which is Vista ) and Leopard to select from.

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I have installed Leopard with GUID and Vista Ultimate x86 on the same drive successfully.


1. Mount Drive in Leopard (working) .Make two Partitions 1st MS DOS (FAT) 2nd GUID with DISK UTILITY

2. Install Vista on first partition( while installing format 1st to NTFS

3. Attach Drive to working Leopard and install Leopard on 2nd GUID partition from retail DVD

4 When you boot press F8 you have two Options Foreign OS (which is Vista ) and Leopard to select from.


Thanks karaakeha1.


but from what I understand, Vista is much more GUID friendly than XP. (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/GPT_FAQ.mspx#ELD)

Did you try this with XP instead of Vista? Because I followed the sames steps, with two different CD of XP installation. XP recognizes the hybrid GUID/MBR as MBR , but when rebooting, it has never been able to complete.

I had used Disk Util to format a hybrid MBR/GUID, and to make 3 partiitions 2 macs and the last one is windows NTFS ot FAT32

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@Karaakeha1; just a simple HD question :tomato: .I've got 2x Samsung's SP1614C 160gb that I would upgrade to 2x WD WD6400AAKS 640gb and do some raid following your :) guide. The thing is that I'm hesitating to take these WD's while I think my SP1614C are still fast vs those WD. What do you think?

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