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 Leopard (Retail) DVD Perfect Guide 10.5.6 Chameleon 2.0 RC1 April 7,2009


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Leopard retail instillation for Chameleon EFI & EFI v8

simplified guide( See Below After RAID Guide)




sep 22 Kext for restart Shutdown fix : Kext Attachd below OpenHaltRestart.kext attached below

fixes Restart Shutdown. Now can use Vanilla ACPIplatform.kext . No need of CHUD.pkg etc

I tested Restart & Shutdown works with it.

Sep 18, 2008 Sleep Issue. I was investigating Why Leopard Fails Sleep when idle. Found that Paragon NTFS was the cause I deactivated and Voila ! Leopard is able to go sleep on its own. Same Issue with MacFuse. This Issue affects even MacBook Or MacBook Pro


Sep 16, 2008 : Updated Vanilla Kexts for 10.5.5 , AppleACPIPlatform latest Buid 178(Ver 1.2.1) for restart Fix

AppleAHCIPort.Kext Build 60 (ver 1.5.1)

IOAHCIFamily.kext Build 58 (ver 1.0.4) shows SATA drive as internal


Attached below new kexts for 10.5.5


July 22 : Attached below latest kext package


11 July, For Restart fix -Open AppleACPIPlatform Binary in hex Editor & replace E8 A0 FF FF FF with B0 FE E6 64 F4 ( thanks to CharlesB )

attached below latest AppleACPIPlatform.kext


25 June :Latest Audio Apple HDA kext Show up in profile with HDAenabler.kext UPDATE 5 July.

Still the best is OLD APPLEHDA.kext with String , This new one produces lot of unwanted hisses when draging n droping



For Advance user only RAID Install

Two Methods Chameleon EFI & EFI v8 listed below

I prefer Chameleon EFI as you can directly boot from Software RAID


Chameleon EFI RAID Guide


You need two or more Drives I used three Drives for Stripe RAID by Disk reading Xbench score alone jumped to over 190


Use diskutility to make raid volume of your desire


Important :

1. Make sure first install the Leopard Retail to the Destination RAID Drive.You can install Retail Leopard From Disk or Carbon Copy Clone from Existing Retail Leopard install.

2. Apply post patch as usual RAID Drive

3 than Edit com.apple.boot.plist (Drag drop on the desktop edit than replace)in the RAID volume add to Kernal Flags

boot-uuid=RAID Identifier

For RAID Identifier:using "Disk Utility.app", right click on your root volume, then Information

it will look like following pic


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3

diskutil mount disk0s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk0s3
diskutil mount disk1s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk1s3
diskutil mount disk2s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk2s3

You are Done Boot to Raid Good Luck

look at mine Three Disk Striped Raid Pic



RAID Guide with EFI v8


15 June update Software Raid: Successfully Booted to Software striped Raid Xbench Score for hard Drive Jumped from 85 to over 140 and overall Xbench 250 from 215


Here is the guide link and extra Tips




.Two Hard Drives

.Partition first hard Drive into two ( 1 Gb and rest of Drive) Name I GB as Boot and other says X

.Now Partition Second Drive (GUID ) to Say Y

.Creat Software RAID by X & Y( Striped or Mirrored) and keep the Volume name RAID for simplicity of command


Now install EFI v8 on BOOT Partition as you would do any other Drive

Install Leopard on Volume name RAID ( :) can also clone your working leopard by Carbon copy Cloner quite fast and updated)

Copy folders from /Volumes/RAID to /Volumes/BOOT, Using Terminal

mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/System
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/Library
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/Library/Preferences
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/usr
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/usr/standalone
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/System/Library/Extensions* /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/System/Library/CoreServices /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/Library/Preferences/* /Volumes/BOOT/Library/Preferences
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/usr/standalone/* /Volumes/BOOT/usr/standalone
cp /Volumes/RAID/mach_kernel /Volumes/BOOT


Tip to Automatically select RAID during boot

than open the Disk Utility to check RAID Identifier(Select RAID and click info) Copy that

than you need to edit com.apple.boot..plist on the BOOT partition not the RAID


<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>boot-uuid=Paste Raid Identifier here</string>

this make sure you automatically boot from RAID Volume




Included in install Package new AppleSMBIOS which is functionally best so far with following advantages

DVD player , adobe CS3 , LogmeIn ,Carbon Copy Cloner( make your you have installed EFI to the cloning drive after Cloning )works

With included kexts, Hard Drive shows as internal and if in Bios is AHCI mode they are even Hot swappable eSATA

Sleep, Restarts works fine with vanilla kernel 9.4.0

In the forum down Eclau post also shows step by step how to make custom EFI String for Video card ,Time machine fix,Sound


Other people has included 9.2.0 modified kernel for complete shut down but Bluetooth keyboard does not pair with it


Here is updated Simple Guide


Leopard Retail Install with EFI v8 or Chameleon EFI

For any Retail Leopard install First requirement is working Leopard

Partition Destination Drive with Disk utility Select GUID partition

how to install EFI


To install Chameleon EFI -its very simple because now it has installer . just run and select the right drive

For EFI v8

Put the two files EFI.sh & folder pc_efi_v80 on desktop.open EFI.sh here put your user name (same as your working leopard and make sure you put Right drive and partition number where you want to install) Make sure you ejected the drive on which you are installing leopard . Open terminal

sudo -s (enter)

password (enter) .

Now drag drop EFI.sh into terminal and hit enter. after installing EFI yours drive would be mounter again

when asked to restart you select No

Install Leopard

same for both Chameleon EFI & EFI v8

Mount the Leopard retail DVD or its Image. I prefer image as instillation is very fast 5-6 mins

In terminal Copy Paste

cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

open osinstall.mpkg

Install on right Destination Drive

Than install 10.5.5 Combo update on the right drive

Now to remove incompatible kext or install requird one

Put kext file in the user folder(users/currentuser(yourusername)/

Open post patch change (destination=Name of Drive where retail leopard is installed)

Open terminal and drag drop post patch

this included Sound file is for GA P35 DS4 or similar Gigabyte motherboard & GFX EFI string for nvidia 7600 GT Card

Make sure in Post patch sh file you replace with drive name(Leopard) with yours Drive name

Boot with new Drive and enjoy :) Good luck with your built


For EFI String for VIDEO , Network, Audio

use Latest EFI Studio ,Select Devices and Click Wrtie to com.apple.boot.plist will add Automatically for you. Now you can even install EFI on destination Drive by this




how did you get all this info in hardware overview?


Please replay thanks

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Check your cables etc. I can't think of anthing else


Thanks for the advice; I did a series of experiments, trying the drive (a LaCie mobile) in the back-panel Firewire ports as well as connecting it daisy chain to a Maxtor on the back-panel ports. It would light up on one of the back-panel ports and connected through the Maxtor. I read some other sites and decided to check for updated LaCie firmware, installed that. It is now recognised in one back port and through the Maxtor. I suspect the issue may power, as it does not have its own power supply.


Anyway,something's better than nothing!

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karaakeha1, I tried the OpenHaltRestart kext, and I am happy to report that it is a tremendous improvement over the previous situation, which was zero restart and shutdown (with PS turned off) success. Many thanks for bringing an end to this misery.


I have shut down a number of times (>5) with 100% success. In the 15-20 restarts that I have done, about 3 times, the computer did not restart, waiting indefinitely. If I were to guess, I'd guess that the restart/reset signal was too fast for the power supply (or the motherboard) to cycle. Just in case you are planning to revisit the code... Many thanks again for this great kext.

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i followed your guide and i installed chameleon to boot from software raid.

When i try to boot from the first hd (The first or the raid) i get this messages:






And nothing happens..what can i do??

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i followed your guide and i installed chameleon to boot from software raid.

When i try to boot from the first hd (The first or the raid) i get this messages:






And nothing happens..what can i do??

chameleon installer won't work

you need to install chameleon as per guide by terminal

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I did both:

I installed with the installer and typing something like that as you wrote:

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2


dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3


diskutil mount disk0s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk0s3

diskutil mount disk1s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk1s3

diskutil mount disk2s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk2s3


Maybe is the double installation the problem?

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I did both:

I installed with the installer and typing something like that as you wrote:

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2


dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3


diskutil mount disk0s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk0s3

diskutil mount disk1s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk1s3

diskutil mount disk2s3

cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX

diskutil unmount disk2s3


Maybe is the double installation the problem?


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how did you get all this info in hardware overview?


Please replay thanks

You need to modify Localizable.Strings in the SPPlatformReporter.spreporter with Text editor

replace with original file For location see the pics below & setected text to see example of modification




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so has anyone else but karaakeha1 successfully got a RAID up and runnin?

and to clarify, you had hackintosh leo installed already, added 3 new drives, booted hack leo, and thru that installed leo on the other 3 w/ raid?

then you can remove your single HDD and boot off the 3 raid?


Thanks for the openhaltrestart also, that is annoying to hold the power button every restart/shutdown. trying it out tonight.

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i know this guide is not to load extra kext but if i want to load extra kext with the chameleon bootloader that i installed where i have to put them?


@lithium06: you don't need any other os installed and you don't any other disk than the raid set.

I succesfull have a raid0 set bootable but now I've some problems with kext. But it's not raid fault!

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so has anyone else but karaakeha1 successfully got a RAID up and runnin?

and to clarify, you had hackintosh leo installed already, added 3 new drives, booted hack leo, and thru that installed leo on the other 3 w/ raid?

then you can remove your single HDD and boot off the 3 raid?


Thanks for the openhaltrestart also, that is annoying to hold the power button every restart/shutdown. trying it out tonight.

If you read the whole thread many user successfully installed it .

you can boot of the RAID.

Also I mentioned in the guide its not for average neophyte user.

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Yes, i have it running with AppleRaid, in RAID0 2x500Gb

10.5.5, Chameleon on a Q9300, 8Gb, ATI 3870 based card, dual 22"screen, Gigabyte EX38-DS4 mobo, Antec nine-hundred. ALC889a sound. (I had it overclocked to 3.2ghz, but it defaulted back to 2.5. I'll just leave it like this... for now:-))


Running on a Sil3230 based Raid controller, which has the known driver (4gb memory barrier) issue and freezes the system.

I flashed the Raid card to a Satalink card,... and all is good now:-) So, if you want RAID0, DO NOT get this card,... you will be in for trouble, since you will need the driver and will have to flash the card. (if you have 4gb or more anyways). It's possible though.


Since it's a Q9300 (yorkie,45nm) i also had the sound issues, the "pop" when it starts, and the /5 sec per minute on clock loss issue (will cause the sync issues in Logic), which is solved by using chameleon:-) I can run ALL software, except.... the MS silverlight plugin:-)


What i find that some might find tricky is to enable chameleon on Raid 0, when installing from your work-install.

If so,.. install, use EFI 8,... boot, and THEN install Chameleon. The main reason why i had to do this, is because you can force kext to load in EFI, before it goes into the RAID0, from the helper partition. With chameleon, i don't know how to manually "force" this from the RAID helper partition. I'm not even sure if it's possible... i guess you'll have to place the sil kext, and install Chameleon after a the mkext rebuild completes.

(Don't waste to much time on EFI8, use a Chameleon boot132 usb stick popular generic image (or with SIl kext, as i did), and you can boot using EFI 8 too) and go ahead to install Chameleon. You can also place it in the EFI part, and force the load.


I really had EVERY possible problem in the book, but am running a rock solid system now;-)

I get some getUUIDfrom host messages in the log, but is suspect this has to do with the way i use, and swap external drives (with a windows system)

The only real "issue" i have, is the known come-out-of sleep network card (r1000.kext) loses connectivity issue, but that doesn't bother me. (although a solution is welcome;-)

While i'm posting, i'd really want to thank, and explicitly show thanks, props and respect to the topicstarter, karaakeha1, his guide is one of, or THE best out there! Globally speaking, it just works, is very comprehensive and up-2-date! There is room for improvement, since some bits are dealt with just globally, or not fully. But if ya want more,... google for more!

Secondly, many of the people who post in this topic (and this forum in general), y'all deserve a lot of credit too:-)

OW, i boot using the F12 option.

I HAD it as a boot option in the Vista64/XP32 bootloader, but... the Boot0 trick (on the XP drive) only works when using EFI.

If anyone has a option to use that same option with Chameleon. Please let me (US!) know.

Not a big issue, but a nice to have.




To keep it short and sweet.

Get back on the case! The manual works:-)


CycleBurns, out!;-)

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The only real "issue" i have, is the known come-out-of sleep network card (r1000.kext) loses connectivity issue, but that doesn't bother me. (although a solution is welcome;-)

Thanks for the Kind words.

If you assign Manual IP address(note down the IP Address in auto mode, Assign the same as manual). It won't loose connectivity after waking from sleep

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Thanks for the Kind words.

If you assign Manual IP address(note down the IP Address in auto mode, Assign the same as manual). It won't loose connectivity after waking from sleep


Only being real! It's obvious you've spent quite some time on this!

OK, static IP... good one!;-)


Ow,... the UUID error 35. No problem anymore. manually change the iobuiltin node to true in some plist. (find the sneosx solution), i did mine manually.

And there's a silverlight 2 beta (no systemcheck) floating around somewhere! Works like a charm!

And i overclocked my stuff...again! Disable USB legacy support, and fixing the PCI clock to 100, did the trick!

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I succesfuly installed from retail dvd using boot-132 method and updated to 10.5.1, next 10.5.5 (ComboUpdater from Apple) and installed needed kexts.

Everything seemed to work, but I noticed that DVD drive stoped respond (no ejected) after few minutes with disk in it (can't eject other removables too).

Tried different combinations, various of kexts, no results. I've the same problem with GA-G33-DS3R. Both mobos has ICH9R.

Anybody noticed that issue? How can I resolve it?


Mobo: GA-G33M-DS2R (SATA in AHCI and Native mode)

CPU: C2D E6600

RAM: 4x1GB OCZ SpecOps 800MHz

VGA: Quadro FX 570 (256 MB)


HDD3: Seagate 400 SATAII

DVD: Liteon LH-20A1S SATA

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karaakeha1 you rocks. thanks for this guide everything working great except time machine and ps2 but i must get some sleep now

will post again later you should come to jamaica for your next vacation, irie man.

For time Machine When Using EFIStudio also select the Ethernet(Videocard & Sound) and then add the string.

Time machine should work.

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iv got video sound and ethernet in the string and im using on other sound or video drivers maybe the problem is that two on serial port

is showing unknown achi i will be away for one week will be back on the 27 oct so maybe i can get some sleep now

and my wife is,nt too happy right now ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks a million. irie man


Intel ICH7-R AHCI:


Vendor: Intel

Product: ICH7-R AHCI

Speed: 3.0 Gigabit

Description: AHCI Version 1.10 Supported




Capacity: 465.76 GB

Model: ST3500320AS

Revision: SD15

Serial Number: 9QM5TN0G

Native Command Queuing: Yes

Queue Depth: 32

Removable Media: No

Detachable Drive: No

BSD Name: disk0

Mac OS 9 Drivers: No

Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)

S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified


mac bk:

Capacity: 120.17 GB

Available: 111.89 GB

Writable: Yes

File System: Journaled HFS+

BSD Name: disk0s2

Mount Point: /Volumes/mac bk

mac bk_2:

Capacity: 345.14 GB

Available: 345 GB

Writable: Yes

File System: Journaled HFS+

BSD Name: disk0s3

Mount Point: /Volumes/mac bk_2




Capacity: 465.76 GB

Model: ST3500320AS

Revision: SD15

Serial Number: 9QM5TN0G

Native Command Queuing: Yes

Queue Depth: 32

Removable Media: No

Detachable Drive: No

BSD Name: disk0

Mac OS 9 Drivers: No

Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)

S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified


mac bk:

Capacity: 120.17 GB

Available: 111.89 GB

Writable: Yes

File System: Journaled HFS+

BSD Name: disk0s2

Mount Point: /Volumes/mac bk

mac bk_2:

Capacity: 345.14 GB

Available: 345 GB

Writable: Yes

File System: Journaled HFS+

BSD Name: disk0s3

Mount Point: /Volumes/mac bk_2


Intel ICH7-R AHCI:


Vendor: Intel

Product: ICH7-R AHCI

Speed: 3.0 Gigabit

Description: AHCI Version 1.10 Supported


External Disk 0:


Capacity: 931.52 GB

Model: External Disk 0

Revision: RGL10364

Serial Number: 070C05F_021357_4_0_8

Native Command Queuing: No

Removable Media: No

Detachable Drive: No

BSD Name: disk1

Mac OS 9 Drivers: No

Partition Map Type: MBR (Master Boot Record)

S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified




Unknown AHCI Standard Controller:


Vendor: Unknown

Product: AHCI Standard Controller

Speed: 3.0 Gigabit

Description: AHCI Version 1.00 Supported


Unknown AHCI Standard Controller:


Vendor: Unknown

Product: AHCI Standard Controller

Speed: 3.0 Gigabit

Description: AHCI Version 1.00 Supported

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