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 Leopard (Retail) DVD Perfect Guide 10.5.6 Chameleon 2.0 RC1 April 7,2009


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Hi Karaakeha1 -- Thank you for all of your work and knowledge. I have a hackintosh which was running well o 10.5.5 as below, but I wanted to try your guide. I followed all the Simple steps, using your kext set plus OpenHaltRestart and HDAEnabler, and restarted my system to boot into the new install. My HD setup is:

> disk 1: 3 partitions -- Macintosh, Utility, Other

> disk 2: 2 partitions -- Data and OS Backup.


My working system is in Macintosh. I did your guide install to Utility. When I restarted from Mcintosh, as it was closing down it said it was updating the boot cache. I used F8 to bring up my boot choice, but it never got there. It showed "Verifying DMI Pool data ..." and then a blue block appeared at the end of that line. A reset restart gave the same result. A power off/on restart gave a flashing hyphen cursor after the verifying mesage. I tried rebooting from the DVD (having set DVD boot in BIOS) gave a message: Boot from CD/DVD but nothing -- no DVD spin, no disk lights.

***** Edit: Actually, the disk lights flash a few times, so does the DVD if I try to boot from it, but it doesn't spin up.


I'm at a complete loss -- surely some disastrous hardware failure can't have happened just at this time. I even tried setting BIOS to fail-safe defaults, got the message "Update success" at the end of the "Verifying DMI ...." line, then 6 small rectangular blocks on the screen -- a blue, a red, the rest white.


Any suggestions on how to get something working please??????????

Did you install Chameleon & Video drivers

Try installing on single partition hard drive with GUID partition first

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Leopard retail instillation for Chameleon EFI & EFI v8

simplified guide( See Below After RAID Guide)




sep 22 Kext for restart Shutdown fix : Kext Attachd below OpenHaltRestart.kext attached below

fixes Restart Shutdown. Now can use Vanilla ACPIplatform.kext . No need of CHUD.pkg etc

I tested Restart & Shutdown works with it.

Sep 18, 2008 Sleep Issue. I was investigating Why Leopard Fails Sleep when idle. Found that Paragon NTFS was the cause I deactivated and Voila ! Leopard is able to go sleep on its own. Same Issue with MacFuse. This Issue affects even MacBook Or MacBook Pro


Sep 16, 2008 : Updated Vanilla Kexts for 10.5.5 , AppleACPIPlatform latest Buid 178(Ver 1.2.1) for restart Fix

AppleAHCIPort.Kext Build 60 (ver 1.5.1)

IOAHCIFamily.kext Build 58 (ver 1.0.4) shows SATA drive as internal


Attached below new kexts for 10.5.5


July 22 : Attached below latest kext package


11 July, For Restart fix -Open AppleACPIPlatform Binary in hex Editor & replace E8 A0 FF FF FF with B0 FE E6 64 F4 ( thanks to CharlesB )

attached below latest AppleACPIPlatform.kext


25 June :Latest Audio Apple HDA kext Show up in profile with HDAenabler.kext UPDATE 5 July.

Still the best is OLD APPLEHDA.kext with String , This new one produces lot of unwanted hisses when draging n droping



For Advance user only RAID Install

Two Methods Chameleon EFI & EFI v8 listed below

I prefer Chameleon EFI as you can directly boot from Software RAID


Chameleon EFI RAID Guide


You need two or more Drives I used three Drives for Stripe RAID by Disk reading Xbench score alone jumped to over 190


Use diskutility to make raid volume of your desire


Important :

1. Make sure first install the Leopard Retail to the Destination RAID Drive.You can install Retail Leopard From Disk or Carbon Copy Clone from Existing Retail Leopard install.

2. Apply post patch as usual RAID Drive

3 than Edit com.apple.boot.plist (Drag drop on the desktop edit than replace)in the RAID volume add to Kernal Flags

boot-uuid=RAID Identifier

For RAID Identifier:using "Disk Utility.app", right click on your root volume, then Information

it will look like following pic


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3

diskutil mount disk0s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk0s3
diskutil mount disk1s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk1s3
diskutil mount disk2s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk2s3

You are Done Boot to Raid Good Luck

look at mine Three Disk Striped Raid Pic



RAID Guide with EFI v8


15 June update Software Raid: Successfully Booted to Software striped Raid Xbench Score for hard Drive Jumped from 85 to over 140 and overall Xbench 250 from 215


Here is the guide link and extra Tips




.Two Hard Drives

.Partition first hard Drive into two ( 1 Gb and rest of Drive) Name I GB as Boot and other says X

.Now Partition Second Drive (GUID ) to Say Y

.Creat Software RAID by X & Y( Striped or Mirrored) and keep the Volume name RAID for simplicity of command


Now install EFI v8 on BOOT Partition as you would do any other Drive

Install Leopard on Volume name RAID ( :blink: can also clone your working leopard by Carbon copy Cloner quite fast and updated)

Copy folders from /Volumes/RAID to /Volumes/BOOT, Using Terminal

mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/System
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/Library
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/Library/Preferences
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/usr
mkdir /Volumes/BOOT/usr/standalone
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/System/Library/Extensions* /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/System/Library/CoreServices /Volumes/BOOT/System/Library
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/Library/Preferences/* /Volumes/BOOT/Library/Preferences
cp -R /Volumes/RAID/usr/standalone/* /Volumes/BOOT/usr/standalone
cp /Volumes/RAID/mach_kernel /Volumes/BOOT


Tip to Automatically select RAID during boot

than open the Disk Utility to check RAID Identifier(Select RAID and click info) Copy that

than you need to edit com.apple.boot..plist on the BOOT partition not the RAID


<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>boot-uuid=Paste Raid Identifier here</string>

this make sure you automatically boot from RAID Volume




Included in install Package new AppleSMBIOS which is functionally best so far with following advantages

DVD player , adobe CS3 , LogmeIn ,Carbon Copy Cloner( make your you have installed EFI to the cloning drive after Cloning )works

With included kexts, Hard Drive shows as internal and if in Bios is AHCI mode they are even Hot swappable eSATA

Sleep, Restarts works fine with vanilla kernel 9.4.0

In the forum down Eclau post also shows step by step how to make custom EFI String for Video card ,Time machine fix,Sound


Other people has included 9.2.0 modified kernel for complete shut down but Bluetooth keyboard does not pair with it


Here is updated Simple Guide


Leopard Retail Install with EFI v8 or Chameleon EFI

For any Retail Leopard install First requirement is working Leopard

Partition Destination Drive with Disk utility Select GUID partition

how to install EFI


To install Chameleon EFI -its very simple because now it has installer . just run and select the right drive

For EFI v8

Put the two files EFI.sh & folder pc_efi_v80 on desktop.open EFI.sh here put your user name (same as your working leopard and make sure you put Right drive and partition number where you want to install) Make sure you ejected the drive on which you are installing leopard . Open terminal

sudo -s (enter)

password (enter) .

Now drag drop EFI.sh into terminal and hit enter. after installing EFI yours drive would be mounter again

when asked to restart you select No

Install Leopard

same for both Chameleon EFI & EFI v8

Mount the Leopard retail DVD or its Image. I prefer image as instillation is very fast 5-6 mins

In terminal Copy Paste

cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

open osinstall.mpkg

Install on right Destination Drive

Than install 10.5.5 Combo update on the right drive

Now to remove incompatible kext or install requird one

Put kext file in the user folder(users/currentuser(yourusername)/

Open post patch change (destination=Name of Drive where retail leopard is installed)

Open terminal and drag drop post patch

this included Sound file is for GA P35 DS4 or similar Gigabyte motherboard & GFX EFI string for nvidia 7600 GT Card

Make sure in Post patch sh file you replace with drive name(Leopard) with yours Drive name

Boot with new Drive and enjoy :blink: Good luck with your built


For EFI String for VIDEO , Network, Audio

use Latest EFI Studio ,Select Devices and Click Wrtie to com.apple.boot.plist will add Automatically for you. Now you can even install EFI on destination Drive by this






How did you change the hardware overview?


Thanks for the help in advance.

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Did you install Chameleon & Video drivers

Try installing on single partition hard drive with GUID partition first


I did install Chameleon, was going to do my graphics card with EFIStudio -- never got that far! My first problem is to get my system to let me boot anything -- it won't even boot from DVD at the moment -- see above. I'm thinking of disconnecting the hard drives to see if that frees things up. Any advice will be very welcome :)

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Hi everyone,


thank you so much for the information and kexts provided, karaakeha.

That way I finally got shutdown/restart working properly (no sleep unfortunately.. It goes to sleep mode, but fails to reactivate my second screen on wake up).


Anyway, the one problem I had since my latest update to 10.5.5 is that sound stopped working.

I have found this thread and tried your AppleHDA and ALCEnabler kexts and was cheering already when I discovered,

that only one channel works.

I'm using on-board sound (ALC883) of my Gigabyte DS3 board.


I hope someone can help me out or point me into the right direction (I have tried reading this thread by 44 pages is simply too much :)).

I wonder why my old solution (ALCInject + AppleHDA I suppose.. Can't remember version or source, though) stopped working after the update? It worked for all other Leopard versions.





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Anyway, the one problem I had since my latest update to 10.5.5 is that sound stopped working.

happens to me too, both on ideneb install and insthackintosh. Works first but after a couple of restarts it just does not. Tried all usual packages/injectors/kext with no luck.

I'm reverting to 10.5.4

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Did you install Chameleon & Video drivers

Try installing on single partition hard drive with GUID partition first

Success! After getting over the problem I was having (to do with active partitions, I think) I followed your guide again, installing onto a hard drive with a single partition. I used your kext list, plus OpenHaltRestart and HDAEnabler. On the first reboot it hung on the grey screen with the revolving wheel frozen. I left it for about 5 minutes, and although I could see some disk activity I didn't think it would come good. I restarted and at the F8 prompt I used -x, and it booted in safe mode. I did EFI Studio for my 8800GT graphics, LAN and HD audio. Then reboot was fast and all is going well! :D Many thanks, Karaakeha1!


The front panel sound, USB and Firewire all work! Only your guide and Kalyway 5.2 have done that.


I've attached some screen shots. Whereas other installs by different guides showed the system as a Mac Pro, this more vanilla install just call it a Mac with EP35-DS4 as the model. The graphics card is described accurately, and the Linksys WMP300N wifi has always been recognised as an Apple Airport Extreme.


Once I got rid of my partition problem, this was an extremely easy and simple install. Your guide and script script are excellent.




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Hi karaakeha1, I hope you can help me.

First of all this is my configuration:

Gigabyte P35-DS3P bios F9

Intel C2D E8400

4Gb Corsair XMS2 PC6400 CAS4

Retail Leopard 10.5.5 with EFI V8

XFX Geforce 8800GTS 320Mb

2 HDD sataII with the motherboard set in ahci mode

Audio, Video and lan work with efi strings

About once a week I randomly get the grey screen that tells me to reboot the system; when I reboot the system, no panic.log has been created and if I look into system.log, the last line wrote before the kernel panic is always "mdworker[82] (Error) SyncInfo: Boot-cache avoidance timed out!"

I tested the ram with memtest and it didn't find any error, I have format the driver and installed leopard again from the beginnig but nothing changed.

P.S. I don't use JmicronATA.kext so the problem isn't related with the use of more then 3Gb of ram.

Have you ever heard of a problem like this? Can you help me somehow?

Thank you very much!


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To have a more stable system can we better use EFI v8 or Chameleon EFI?


They both work equally well Chameleon has the advantage in that you do not need to unmount all partitions on the drive while installing it.


EDIT: And also can we use 1000Mhz memory (stock, not oc'ed) to overclock a Q6600 or is it better to stay with 800Mhz memory?


Well if you think that you will get the FSB over 400hmz for 3.6ghz+ (9x400) final speed then you can do it without overclocking the ram using the 1000mhz, somehow I doubt you will get this high without using water cooling with a lot of voltage being applied to the chip..

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Well if you think that you will get the FSB over 400hmz for 3.6ghz+ (9x400) final speed then you can do it without overclocking the ram using the 1000mhz, somehow I doubt you will get this high without using water cooling with a lot of voltage being applied to the chip..


Thanks for your quick reply :blink:


Even if I set more than 4gb, let's say 8gb it will not crash? So if you were me, you took the 1000Mhz?

It would be those one's I have in mind; CLICK ME

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Linksys WMP300N wifi has always been recognised as an Apple Airport Extreme.


Once I got rid of my partition problem, this was an extremely easy and simple install. Your guide and script script are excellent.

Can you pl tell

How much Connection speed is in network utility forWMP300N

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Thanks for your quick reply ;)


Even if I set more than 4gb, let's say 8gb it will not crash? So if you were me, you took the 1000Mhz?

It would be those one's I have in mind; CLICK ME


8gb is what I have in my machine it works fine I only have the 800mhz ram though, G.Skill's a decent enough brand name and that is certainly cheap enough so yeah I would go for them.

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Hi karaakeha1, I hope you can help me.

First of all this is my configuration:

Gigabyte P35-DS3P bios F9

Intel C2D E8400

4Gb Corsair XMS2 PC6400 CAS4

Retail Leopard 10.5.5 with EFI V8

XFX Geforce 8800GTS 320Mb

2 HDD sataII with the motherboard set in ahci mode

Audio, Video and lan work with efi strings

About once a week I randomly get the grey screen that tells me to reboot the system; when I reboot the system, no panic.log has been created and if I look into system.log, the last line wrote before the kernel panic is always "mdworker[82] (Error) SyncInfo: Boot-cache avoidance timed out!"

I tested the ram with memtest and it didn't find any error, I have format the driver and installed leopard again from the beginnig but nothing changed.

P.S. I don't use JmicronATA.kext so the problem isn't related with the use of more then 3Gb of ram.

Have you ever heard of a problem like this? Can you help me somehow?

Thank you very much!


I have forgotten to say that everytime I get the kernel panic I always repair the permissions...if I don't do that, I experience the same kernel panic more frequently, even twice in a day.

Please help! I'm becoming crazy!




as you say that sound is working for you..

Which kexts are you using and are all channels working or only one output?





I don't use any kext (except for AppleHDA) because I use efi string

I don't know how many working channels I have because I use digital out.

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I don't use any kext (except for AppleHDA) because I use efi string

I don't know how many working channels I have because I use digital out.


I think with digital output you should have all channels working.

So is there any howto you followed to add the EFI strings? (Using EFI Studio as proposed in this topic did NOT work for me).

And which version of AppleHDA are you using? Did you get an already patched one or rather patched it yourself using the tool?

If yes, which version of the tool? :(


Unfortunately I don't think that I can help you with your own issue..

Are you sure that it is related to the permissions?


Have you tried to delete Extensions.mkext once?






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This is my first post on this forum, I installed the retail 10.5.5 following your guide, it is awesome.Everithing works perfect except the time machine.

Any suggestions ?



Welcome to the forum

Post your signature with specs

Use EFIStudio to add Ethernet string ,time machine would work

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I installed the retail 10.5.4 following your guide, and it works perfect...

I deleted AppleEFIRuntime.kext and IntelCPUPowerManagement.kext only and copied AppleSMBIOS, dsmos.kext and the new OpenHaltRestart.kext...

When I want to upgrade to 10.5.5 copying the same kexts, can't boot to the partition... I also have copied all 10.5.5 kexts from your guide but no success. Somebody knows what kext could be in error?

Thanks in advance


My configuration:

MOBO: Intel DG33BU (ICH9)

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 4500

2 Gb Memory (Dual channel)

Graphics: NVidia 8500 GT 512

Generic Encore Ethernet

3 Sata drives

1 Sata DVD Writer

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Welcome to the forum

Post your signature with specs

Use EFIStudio to add Ethernet string ,time machine would work


Thx it's working.


The machine is:


Intel E6750 Core 2 Duo

8500GT 256MB

2GB Ram

Audio ALC883 HD front panel working.

AttansicL1Ethernet 1Gb/s AttansicL1Ethernet.kext build with xcode

Asus P5k

320GB WD 7200

Shutdown, sleep working

Apple USB keyboard Firmware updated.

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Hello Karaakeha1,


When I first did my install following your guide, my front-panel Firewire port was working; now it's not. The only changes since then have some Apple updates that seem unrelated: Airport utility, Quicktime, Java, iTunes, iMovie, iDVD and Security Update 2008-07. I've also added a few applications.


Anyway, should I redo the post-patch?




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Hello Karaakeha1,


When I first did my install following your guide, my front-panel Firewire port was working; now it's not. The only changes since then have some Apple updates that seem unrelated: Airport utility, Quicktime, Java, iTunes, iMovie, iDVD and Security Update 2008-07. I've also added a few applications.


Anyway, should I redo the post-patch?





Check your cables etc. I can't think of anthing else

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