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You can use efix on netkas forum to make efistrings for ethernet, gfx and sound without the need for modded kexts (sound may need a modded kext)


ethernet strings solve the timemachine problem


I did a restore from TimeMachine, my system is a BadAxe2 started w/Kaly 10.5.1 updated to 10.5.4, Chameleon bootloader and vanilla kernel. First I had an Error 13, reinstalled Chameleon, now I only get a few seconds into the gray screen and the system shuts down. Here is the -v text, right before shutdown:

This also happens to me. It because timemachine doesnt restore the /dev directory

you should try copying it from a cd, or another installation (what i did)

This also happens to me. It because timemachine doesnt restore the /dev directory

you should try copying it from a cd, or another installation (what i did)


Ah, thanks. Although I already re-installed completely (a cleaner, vanilla GUID install via Munky) and then restored from TM. Now need to make Time Machine work for backups.

Quick question on ethernet strings...if I'm already using a graphics string, would I need to add the ethernet string to a new device properties section, or append the hex code to that of the graphics string? Haven't been able to find a clear answer on that one. I'd rather go with the ethernet string method than modding IONetworking since I've already got my Realtek onboard ethernet working smoothly as en0.

hi, i am on a 10.5.5 ideneb. Everythings seems fine except Timemachine.

Itried the the IONEtworkingFamily Fix and backup seems to work now.


What is wrong that the Timemachine Animation does not Start.

Any ideas?

Every time I click on the Timemachine Icon in Dock, Finder opens two Windows.


Is that a Graphic Adapter Problem? I have a HD 2600 PRO on a Gigabyte P35-DS3.


Any god advices would be very nice.

For those of you who installed Airport Extreme Update 2008-004, it does break Time Machine as it overrides IONetworkingFamily.kext in addition to the IO80211Family.kext. (At least it broke it in my case.) The original update which got pulled (Airport Extreme Update 2008-003) was only overriding IONetworkingFamily.kext. Reverting back also involves a multitude of files in two frameworks plus a file in the /usr/libexec. And removing the receipt of the update. I had to revert all files back to before this update, and the timemachine kicked right back in. Do not install this update without backing up first. May be best not to install at all. You can see what is being installed where before you do so with Pacifist.

For those of you who installed Airport Extreme Update 2008-004, it does break Time Machine as it overrides IONetworkingFamily.kext in addition to the IO80211Family.kext. (At least it broke it in my case.) The original update which got pulled (Airport Extreme Update 2008-003) was only overriding IONetworkingFamily.kext. Reverting back also involves a multitude of files in two frameworks plus a file in the /usr/libexec. And removing the receipt of the update. I had to revert all files back to before this update, and the timemachine kicked right back in. Do not install this update without backing up first. May be best not to install at all. You can see what is being installed where before you do so with Pacifist.


just reapply the ionetworkingfamily.kext aka time machine fix floating around and time machine will come back/work without problems

I got the same problem after installing Airport Extreme Update.


Just restore IONetworkingFamily.kext and IO80211Family.kext that once work. For my case, I dig out from TimeMachine Backup (the version before updating AirPort Extreme). Now, everything works as before.

i fix the problem in this way:

restored the ionetworkingfamily.kext and l'io80211family.kext from backup.

deleted the dolders system/library/frameworks/IOKit.framework/versions/a/Privateheaders and system/library/frameworks/kernel.framework/versions/a/Privateheaders thet aren't in the back up (so i think thet this folder are installed whit yhis update).

restored usr/libexec/airportd from backup.

fix permissions and restart.


now tm work again...

i forgot anything??

i installedAirport Extreme Update 2008-004 and now my tm didn't work. i have a full backup of the system drive. wich file i have to restore??

ionetworkingfamily.kext, io80211family.kext and??


mny thanks


Scroll up three posts...

I tried the IONetworking.kexts thats been floating around. None worked

I had already my onboard yukon marvell ethernet working with a little tweak to the 10.5.5 IONetworkingFamily.kext and was pissed off by the only issues left being the Timemachine and Sleepmode not working.


I had the onboard ethernet as EN0 and ASUS WL-138G V2 Wi-fi PCI adapter (which i got today and worked right out the box) as EN1.

No dice. So switched onboard to EN1 and Wi-fi to EN0. Still no luck


The UUID 35 problem went away when i got the wireless as EN1 network device to accompany my ONboard ethernet EN0 ( TM didnt work yet though)







If someones looking for how to switch EN0 and EN1 take note.



go to bios


Disable the onboard ethernet (if you have one) form the bios


then shutdown


and remove the PCI adapter (if you have one)


Then backup these 2 files from


VOLUME(name of your disk)/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.





to somewhere, on your desktop for instance.


then remove those 2 files from

Volume(name of your disk)/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration


Reboot ---> You got clean Network settings screen in system preferences (unless you have firewire stuff there aswell).


Now you can choose which of your network Devices gets to be EN0 (needed by Time Machine to identify the Backup Volumes using you ethernet MAC adress [someone could explain this] ) by rebooting and either enabling the preferred device from the BIOS

or shutting down and installing the PCI card first. which ever you do first get the EN0 spot.





What i did to make Time Machine work was to use EFI-Studio to add both GFX EFI string (had it already but added it again) and Ethernet EFI String to the com.apple.boot.plist. You have to generate both strings before "writing" (clicking the write to com.apple.boot.plist button) them to the com.apple.boot.plist.


BEWARE!!! ---> Your ethernet network adapter (EN0) has to work already inorder for you to make a working EFI string for it. I had already made the IONetworking-Tweak to get my Onboard LAN working.

If you make the Ethernet String without a working nic you´ll end up unable to boot.

Also if you have done EFI string for GFX earlier make it again at the same time with the ethernet so to that EFI studio writes the com.apple.boot.plist to have both the strings for GFX and Ethernet.


Now remember you have to copy the last section of code from the backup of your original preferences.plist to the new preferences.plist in order to you computer having a host name (the one you see on your "about this mac/ system profiler"




open timemachine choose NONE from backup menu. unmount & erase the future backup volume. Switch Time Machine On and then choose the backup volume. then wait for the count down. If you hurry and just click the Icon it will get interrupted before it started stating "backup volume not found " or somethign like that.


VOILA! IT WORKS!!! backing up as i speak!



Tried to make this NOOBproof. hope this helps someone.

Sounds like you need the moddified IONetworkingFamily.kext by ToH. Here it is...




After placing it it /System/Library/Extensions


sudo -s



rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext


reboot, and keep your fingers crossed




The Baron


You're a star! Worked a treat after I'd tried about a million other things. Only thing I did different was to simply use the 1.6 kext from my backups directory, rather than the one you listed - it's 2.6Mb compared to 1.61's 4.2Mb. Thanks again. :D

I finally got the time machine working by using the following patch:



It didn't work after the first reboot, I almost restored my IONetworkingFamily.kext as I did with many previous IONetworkingFamily patches. It worked when I rebooted for the second time.


I believe the UUID error prevents Time Machine from working. You can check if you still have UUID errors by

grep UUID /var/log/system.log


I've got the UUID error 35, everywhere in my log. I just got my Time Machine working using a combination of these methods, but am curious as to how to make these UUID errors go away?


Thanks for your help

I've got the UUID error 35, everywhere in my log. I just got my Time Machine working using a combination of these methods, but am curious as to how to make these UUID errors go away?


Thanks for your help


...by using EFI strings:







I got the same problem after installing Airport Extreme Update.


Just restore IONetworkingFamily.kext and IO80211Family.kext that once work. For my case, I dig out from TimeMachine Backup (the version before updating AirPort Extreme). Now, everything works as before.

thanks I was going crazy then I got my kext from backup volume dated b4 airport update and that s it up and running :D





What i did to make Time Machine work was to use EFI-Studio to add both GFX EFI string (had it already but added it again) and Ethernet EFI String to the com.apple.boot.plist. You have to generate both strings before "writing" (clicking the write to com.apple.boot.plist button) them to the com.apple.boot.plist.


BEWARE!!! ---> Your ethernet network adapter (EN0) has to work already inorder for you to make a working EFI string for it. I had already made the IONetworking-Tweak to get my Onboard LAN working.

If you make the Ethernet String without a working nic you´ll end up unable to boot.

Also if you have done EFI string for GFX earlier make it again at the same time with the ethernet so to that EFI studio writes the com.apple.boot.plist to have both the strings for GFX and Ethernet.


Now remember you have to copy the last section of code from the backup of your original preferences.plist to the new preferences.plist in order to you computer having a host name (the one you see on your "about this mac/ system profiler"




open timemachine choose NONE from backup menu. unmount & erase the future backup volume. Switch Time Machine On and then choose the backup volume. then wait for the count down. If you hurry and just click the Icon it will get interrupted before it started stating "backup volume not found " or somethign like that.


VOILA! IT WORKS!!! backing up as i speak!

Tried to make this NOOBproof. hope this helps someone.


Using EFI Studio this worked perfectly on my computer with an installed PCI wireless card as well as on-board ethernet. Very easy. Thanks for the work and sharing the solution!


I do find it interesting that this particular application is so temperamental about system configuration.



If you downloaded the kext using Safari, it has added an extended attribute to the file that will prevent the system from using it. This is new to 10.5 and is obviously an extended security measure. You can easily check this because there is an "@" symbol at the end of the permissions block on an ls : e.g., "drwxr-xr-x@ 10 root wheel 340 2 Nov 14:47 Contents"


The people who got this to work probably downloaded using Firefox.


I downloaded using firefox on a windows machine then copied it with a USB drive. It still got blocked! Quelg's unblocker still worked ;-)

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