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i got about 70% through the usenet upload only to find out that my damn ISP puts a bandwidth limit on downloads from news servers...what a joke.


As far as this torrent goes...so far i'm looking at 0 peers and 0 seeds.


If the usenet upload was defective..does that mean that this torrent is too?

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The way I read it, the usenet upload was defective because the uploader made a mistake with generating multiple spanning files, not that the source itself was defective. In case of the torrent a single dmg file has been uploaded and it's just not seeded well, so I hear it isn't defective but will take ages to download.

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I think the seed is just fine. Think about 1000 ppl leaching from only 4 seeds. If those 1000 ppl have the same file sizes, they are relying on the 4 seeders. So the way I see it, and I might be wrong, you devide up the bandwidth from those 5 completed seeds to the 1000 ppl (slow as hell).


So those same 1000 ppl have been online for say 20hrs. I come along and download it from them. My speed would be blazing fast because the 1000 ppl are giveing me what I need. When they have no more to give me, I'm on the same boat as them.

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hey guys, much good luck

there are about right now 10k leechers and only about 30 or less seeders


it's impossible to get, i stay dling for 14hours for only 20%

but there are some custom packs on demonoid, like iphoto only, imovie only


i'm about to finish imovie only to see here

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Well, reguardless on speed, there is no way I will be able to install it due to lack of space. I hope someone does a small writeup on it when tested on vanilla boxes. Less than 100 bones is not that bad considering the demos I just watched. It might just be a well spent investment.

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Well, reguardless on speed, there is no way I will be able to install it due to lack of space. I hope someone does a small writeup on it when tested on vanilla boxes. Less than 100 bones is not that bad considering the demos I just watched. It might just be a well spent investment.



I just got iMovie and like others, I can't use the interface. It loads and all the controls are present, I can even import by dragging a clip into it. It just flat out wont let me select anything.

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I've an question, therefore someone already did download the iLife 6 by Demonoids? And they did the installation in 10.4.1 or 10.4.3? Therefore is a file of 6 gb and it do the download and not install is much bad.



i got iphoto and imovie and both works fine on 10.4.3, forget 10.4.1 it's a dead platform, nothing will work on it

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ouchpotato: none of us would be here without having stolen various versions of OSX for Intel from apple, so quit whining. some of us HAVE purchased iLife 06 (i own iLife 04, 05 and now 06, along with rather a lot of apple hardware, including some from the pre-PowerPC days), but it matters not - we're all within satan's little circle here, so lets not get all morally uptight, mkay? mkay.


and i wouldnt be too sure they've changed too much - iLife 06 runs perfectly well on my ppc machine, which i have yet to upgrade to 10.4.4

Edited by munky
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