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Passwords Are OverRated


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While searching for fingerprint scanners for her mac, Macgirl discovered that the same company who make the scanner for Dell Computers has a beta for Mac. Macgirl has posted a guide on how to set up the software to scan your finger in instead of using a password to log in.




Macgirl's Guide

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Thanks, Numberz™


I hope they can develop the passord for sites on the mac as the Windows counterpart.


I also found another company that has a SDK for Mac, no support for the Thomson Biometrics Coprocessor on their device list, but for the UPEK readers, http://www.neurotechnologija.com/scanners.html & http://www.neurotechnologija.com/vf_sdk.html

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While biometric security is a cool gimmic, people shouldn't lull themselves into a false sense of security when using it. It's only a physical security layer that can easily be bypassed (viz. physically disconnected) by a thief. The best security still comes from encrypting data with a very strong key (ie. password). Yes, despite the headline, password security is not at all over-rated and is ignored at your peril.

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Anyone seen the Mythbuster episode where they beat the fingerprint scanner, that had a lot of extra security features? all they needed was to lift the finger print of the victim, and I guess if your laptop gets stolen you are gonna have a lot of your fingerprints on it...

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I have seen that exact sensor in HP Tablet PC. Couple that with rumors of a thin Laptop and Multi-Touch Screen and Mouspads Patents by Apple.




I think we are gonna have an iTablet with an iPhone-like interface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



or maybe I have gone nuts.

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While biometric security is a cool gimmic, people shouldn't lull themselves into a false sense of security when using it. It's only a physical security layer that can easily be bypassed (viz. physically disconnected) by a thief. The best security still comes from encrypting data with a very strong key (ie. password). Yes, despite the headline, password security is not at all over-rated and is ignored at your peril.
But if it is disconnected you cannot enter.I don't care about security, for me is a faster way than type the password each time.
Or the person could cut off your finger in the robbery, either way -_-
In your case you may use an eye scanner, so the thief cut and pop out your eyeballs :P
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The software unlocks Keychain

press release

I knew it, and I use it, and it is better than the Windows because it preserves the passwords on keychain, but once keychain is unlocked it does not ask for your fingerprint each time you enter to a site with a password, so if I left my computer for a moment I want to ask each site, or does this is controlled keychain setting?

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