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I am lonely

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OK, man, it sounds like you(or your parents) are really keeping you back. You really need to do something to make your life more fun. I mean, come on, no soda? WTF? You can't join those half-ass clubs with a bunch of pussies in them(mostly). No idea how it is at your school, but I can just walk into a conversation and no one really cares. Maybe people will tell you to go away, if they do that, be like "Hey, F uck you." If there is a party at someone's house and you're not invited, ]IT DOESN'T F UCKING MATTER. Try to do this after you have friends that are in the party. If you go to a school dance(and it doesn't suck, but most do), and they start a slow dance, just ask someone. That is actually how I met my girlfriend. Also, do something that makes you stand out. Buy a couple kickass hats that no one else has. Make yourself look cool. If you don't know people, don't believe that "They'll like you for what's inside" {censored}. ;)

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i'd just do something to get noticed. on friday, i did some throw-up on a train station, crashed 3 college partys and raided an abandoned church with the people who noticed me doing the throw up and the people i met at the partys. just leave your computer for 5 hours, go outside, do something

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You can't join those half-ass clubs with a bunch of pussies

Clubs are {censored}

If you don't know people, don't believe that "They'll like you for what's inside" {censored}.

ya rly

Any other tips on what I can do to get out of this always-on-the-computer and lonely life to spending-time-with-a-girlfriend or hanging-out-with friends life?

The two can coexist! You can get pussy and have a 1337 rig. Step one is to get rid of your mac, no badass kids who build rigs have Macs. And we all know the girls get moist over guys who build their own rigs.

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Last I checked it wasn't the guys who get moist. Also, if you want to ask someone out on a date for the first time, you can't just say some retarded thing, you have to plan it out. :unsure:

My bad I meant to say:

And we all know the girls get moist over guys who build their own rigs.

(It was a joke btw)

Also, if you want to ask someone out on a date for the first time, you can't just say some retarded thing, you have to plan it out.

Ya, no 'pick-up' lines.

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Any other tips on what I can do to get out of this always-on-the-computer and lonely life to spending-time-with-a-girlfriend or hanging-out-with friends life?


Well, the advice you got previous to that post is very good. But maybe you are too young to realize it and you expect some magic recipe. Well, I have got news for you: the magic is other inside yourself or nowhere else.

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Okay here's your one tip for success:


My guess is that you are not too comfortable around girls? If you're not well then still do this.


Next time your in school or at church FORCE yourself to sit by a girl(s). FORCE IT! Don't go sit by the same people. And say something.



Cheesy dating tip: If you ask a girl out on a date, find one of their friends and say something like," I want to get ________ but I don't know if she is alllergic to it. Do you know if she is allergic to anything?" So know you know she is allergic to _________. Then go up to the girl and say I was thinking about cooking you ________( something with the allergy in it). She will say," I am allergic to ________." Then you say,"So am I!"


Do that, or find something in common and EXPLOIT it and it will bring you in common, this doesn't have to be on a date just with any girl. Find something in common.


Also, it's not about sex or drugs. Ignore that {censored}.


Peace out,

Go God.


BTW if you are a Christian check out Needtobreathe: They are an AMAZING Christian/Rock band.

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Yes, cooking and exploiting are the right ways to get a girl! ;) Honestly, if all you are doing it for is popularity, than do that. But if you want a real relationship, this sounds {censored}, but, be yourself. Seriously.

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Not trying to be combative here but did you see the CHEESY remark before that whole statement.


Anyways do what Numberz says. Be yourself. Who wants to be in a relationship where you have to act?

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......One more time I put cheesy before that. Also, if anyone didn't catch that, it was a whole quote from Scrubs.



Real note, a good way to just to get comfortable with a girl is find something in common with them, but not by lying about food allergies, because when you marry them and on your honeymoon when the waiter asks you if you want something that has that certain allergy in it and you don't remember, well goodbye sweet wedding night.

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......One more time I put cheesy before that. Also, if anyone didn't catch that, it was a whole quote from Scrubs.

Real note, a good way to just to get comfortable with a girl is find something in common with them, but not by lying about food allergies, because when you marry them and on your honeymoon when the waiter asks you if you want something that has that certain allergy in it and you don't remember, well goodbye sweet wedding night.


lol, I wasn't trying to use that example specifically, just wanted to give a bit of general advice. I did see "cheesy" and wouldn't have taken it seriously even if you hadn't. ;)

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Okay. Just makin sure.


One quick question ( and I know i will get ingnited(not just flamed) for this) but why would you ask how to improve your social life on a computer forums? Just a thought.

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I feel like I'm in that commercial that was on a while back......don't remember what it was for but it showed a guy asking for a line to ask a girl and all of his friends gave him stupid ( but yet funny ) stuff to say. If anyone could remember what it was for that would be awesome.

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