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I personally believe that one day the military will want to use anti matter as a weapon. They will not understand how efficient it is of converting matter into energy and destroy the planet. I also believe in the Mayan calendar theory. The Mayans were always right with there calendars at predicting stellar events to within minutes. Maybe they were right and in five years a catastrophic event will wipe us out as a species. Hopefully we will achieve inter stellar space-flight before then.

. Maybe they were right and in five years a catastrophic event will wipe us out as a species.

I'm pretty sure the end of the Mayan Calendar means the end of the fourth world, not necessarily the end of the world.

Hopefully we will achieve inter stellar space-flight before then.

Nah, we'll be dead.

ehh, i see the "end of the world" being caused as a result of something stupid that we will do.


Mr. President, operation "Install windows on the death ray" is a success.

I see M$ as the umbrella corporation in the Resident Evil series. All homes own their products, they own military contracts(maybe), and has an underground lab developing the zombie virus but a bunch of idiot interns work there.

Wait. Numberz, you said no electricity? As in no computer? Ah. {censored} that./action kills self
Maybe we could go back to some real values, then? Like sharing with real human beings? (not virtual ones)
Great, now I have to go to school depressed
Hi PM, thanks for visiting.
the end of the world?

i don't belive this, maybe the end of us humans, but who or what in this universe would care about if there are no humans around anymore?


it doesn't really matter

Bingo, we are insignificant and don't matter ;)

In response to your question:

Future of our world

Yeah, something might happen. It is probably an eclipse or something. The Mayans were smart, predicting various things. But a comet is much different than the end of the world. But, the person who was writing it may have gotten bored of making more dates. Nothing is going to happen in 3797, we might see another asteroid hit earth. They predicted one would hit Earth every ~1000 years.

Yeah, something might happen. It is probably an eclipse or something. The Mayans were smart, predicting various things. But a comet is much different than the end of the world. But, the person who was writing it may have gotten bored of making more dates. Nothing is going to happen in 3797, we might see another asteroid hit earth. They predicted one would hit Earth every ~1000 years.

Check this about Nostradamus:


Don't you know who Nostradamus is?

let me add one more [asif those werent enuf - asif! ]


Project HAARP experiments with making holes in, and heating up the ionosphere.

While HAARP is the most famous of these experiments, there are many others

such as Project Waterhole III


and others more secret.

Its easy to imagine one of these experriments working only too well

or having unforseen consequences such as destrruction of the entire ionosphere.

The sun isn't going to expand for another ~4-5 BILLION years.


The Mayan calender isn't ALWAYS right, and predictions are so vague that it can fit a number of situations, i.e. if you get a tarot card reading and they say "you will be happy in the near future" or "you will experience pain in your lifetime"


Every prediction of the world coming to an end before today has been proven false (it's still here today, isn't it?)


The sun is definitely going to expand in 4-5 billion years, but humans won't be around in 4-5 billion years. If intelligent life still exists and it originated from humans on earth, then they will have already moved to another habitable planet. Whatever is living on our planet by then won't even look remotely close to what we look like.


Chances are, we will get hit by another asteroid or another supervolcano will erupt. Gamma ray bursts are somewhat unlikely. One of the 2 poles in which the gamma rays are being ejected has to be facing us if we are going to get hit by the radiation.


Some scientists think that on Dec. 21 2012 (the end of the Mayan calender), earth is going to go below the intergalactic horizon, which will somehow affect the magnetic poles because the supermassive blackhole at the center of the milky way will distort it somehow. It's all a bunch of bs.

Try this one on for size solaar.




For the robot thing. Read "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin. If you can find it. The book has been out of print, ordered by the US government.

Thats part of it.


As far as asteroids, space mishaps, etc... Revelations says the Earth will be destroyed by "Fire and brimstone from heaven". So yes. Its possible

in any one of those, in that category.


For biohazards, nukes etc... See the videos I posted above. Part of it yes, but not THE end.

EDIT ADDITION: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaVLJSl_GDs


As far as that global warming BS... LOL. If you want to believe that stupid {censored}, go right ahead. Believe those in power. They love you! LOL.

Look for those in power to pass whats called a "carbon tax" using current global warming propaganda. If you are not a COMPLETE idiot, you would know that PLANTS use carbon dioxide to make food, reproduce, and live. Also, if you haven't been completely brainwashed by Al Gore's stupid {censored}, and actually went to school at some point, you will know that plants filter out %98 of the carbon monoxide that comes out of our cars, factories, etc.... The rest ends up in the oceans, and the water table before it is filtered by other plants, animals, sand, and dirt. We are talking about the same idiot that said he created the internet. LOL.


The earth changes all the time. Recently the sun has been very quiet. No sunspots, no solar flares. Nothing until now. Research it. Its scary.

http://www.spaceweather.com/ - Solar Wind caught by Japan's Hinode spacecraft.


http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html...9669D946497D6CF - In 1905



This would explain the depression post from earlier.


"When I began studying stock cycles, I noticed some cycles were very sharp while other cycles seemed gradual. I though cycles with curved profiles, like sine or cosine curves, might be related to some economic phenomena, but I had no explanation for the very sharp drop and rises until I purchase and read: Cycles: The Science of Prediction, written by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dankin. In this book, I discovered some evidence that sunspots had an effect on animals, plants and human emotions. Sunspots are strong localized magnetic energy fields that appear as spots on the sun. Apparently they appear and disappear periodically. When they appear they seem to affect our emotions negatively (we become less confident). I don’t think everyone is affected to the same degree, but enough speculators are affected to want to sell some stock, i.e. to take some profit."


Some freaky {censored} indeed. BTW. About an hour ago, an EMP just hit the town I live in. My power went out, my cell phone rebooted, and

my iMac went crazy while it was on the UPS. I went online after my network came back up, and checked out NASA's space weather site.

North MS was directly hit with a solar wind force that is 1,280 times the magnetic field of the moon. I don't expect the media to talk about it.

But they might. I knew it was an EMP because of the cell phone. Ive never seen that happen before. My bedroom, when I built the house, is

one giant faraday cage which protects from EMPs, but it was not screened small enough to stop what hit it then. It IS strong enough that

when I shut the door, the cell phone signal will drop to 0, and a radio will not pick up anything. It will protect against even a good strong EMP. But not one on that scale.


Just now, while typing this, on NASA TV, they announced the solar wind spike. It was caused by the above I mentioned about the sun's spike on spaceweather.com.


As far as nano tech. Just look into RFID, there you will find your answer. Just don't stamp it on your right hand or forehead.


The dead have risen, and we are close to the end times. If you don't believe that, just watch ghost hunters, or go out with a digital tape recorder

in a grave yard, and see for yourself.


I could post everything, but this messageboard won't hold the some 20,000 videos, and documentation I have on the subject. It would break you, and change you as a person if you have read what I have. You would become a different person if you knew what was going on in the world, and turn off the pop culture TV that the majority of you watch.


EDIT: Things will happen slow, but watch for the signs, they are obvious if you know what to look for. But to people who don't know what they are, they are subject to propaganda from those in power, and the fabricated 'news' that you watch on TV. There is nothing "liberal" about the media, in case you haven't noticed, it is mostly propaganda, like Al Gore's idiotic theories. Al Gore is an Elitist. But most of you wouldn't have known that if I wouldn't have told you. Look into his memberships into these secret societies. There you will find more answers to what you seek.


As for the idiots out there, that think these illegal wars have anything to do with 'religion'. You need to do your research, and find out WHY every war since WWII was fought. U.N. resolutions. The same U.N. that some of you advocate. The Same U.N. that sells children, drugs, and war machines. Money, and power. Those in power use propaganda to go to war. Idiots fall for it. %90 of war is propaganda, and getting people behind you when you want something. I have studied in the arts of war, and know a fair deal about it.

The mayans said that the magnetic field that surrounds earth will start to change to another frecuency of vibration , as a consecuence of this the cicles on earth are going to change .Other thing that they said was that this will not be the end of the world , they said ...if the humans that cant understand this changes will not succed because they will be out of sinc with this new cicles on earth .


PS: The egipcians concurr with this theory too .


My personal view is : I dont know if this will happen but this guys had the most perfect maths on earth so they were not talking of premonitions , they talked about this based on their mathematics ...you know the same maths that we are still using as reliable source of results .


Whenever religion gets entangled in politics and generally in ideologies that better stay worldly I can smell gun powder...

Silly stuff...


Try globalism, money, power, and communism.

If you think Bush is a Christian, you are a {censored} idiot.

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