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Maybe this does not need a new thread but we'll see. I removed leopard tonight mostly due to it not working with the ntfs-3g drivers so I am going back to Tiger for now. Also the transition into Front Row is surprisingly gone. The new features such as stacking and space were nice but until ntfs support is back I am staying away. I think installing remote buddy on leopard screws up my keyboard, I have to quit remote buddy for my keyboard to act right.


Also I was joking about Leopard being the new Vista (I think most people realize being like "Vista" is not a good thing) , I think its core is more similair to tiger than disalike, thus not breaking too many things.


I think the jump between XP and Vista is bigger than 10.4 to 10.5 or even 10.0 to 10.5. I know a lot of under the hood improvements are there in the OS X revisions but really all I care about is the 3rd party programs that run on the platform, I could care less about everything else. Although I think spotlight is one of the few very useful additions since the first OS X.

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I think for people who use mac, Leopard has been the most anticipated release. Also I am really satisfied with the features that leopard offers and hence just cannot go back to tiger, leopard with all it flaws(if there are any) has much more to offer, people including myself who have used vista and xp, prefer xp, whereas i love leopard, its much more advanced and worthwhile than tiger, it lives up to the mac name.

if you're having problems with ntfs-3g you should probably fill bug reports with the ntfs-3g project for osx since apple doesnt have anything to do with that.


i think you should actually wait until its released before complaining about third party software issues with it, its not meant for ppl like you.

can i say... LOL ? :D


1) ntfs-3g is slow and pretty dangerous.. fuse approach is pretty risky

2) for me ntfs support is not important imho, after all you can format everything in hfs+ leaving 15 gb ntfs for vista, keeping all your documents(and programs folder also) pretty shared between the 2 OSes

3) who cares of the frontrow transition?.. oh my...

There is not a good method for converting from NTFS to HFS+ otherwise I would consider it. I'd have to transfer over 250gb to another location then partition off half my TB and copy and paste my NTFS files over to HFS+ then delete the NTFS partition and expand the HFS+ partition (if that is even possible) and transfer the other 250gb back on to it.


A lot of work and a lot more risk of something going wrong. Of course I could go to FAT32 but I do not trust that format at all, I fear corruption.


And yea I am not sure what you mean "it's not meant for people like you"?? Referring to NTFS-3g or OSX 10.5? lol I am not going to apologize for making people aware that NTFS read and write does not work in 10.5 and I would agree that OSX is not meant for people who like to do things it was not intended or designed to do. I think this is why Windows has flourished more than any other OS. Windows has built a platform and is constantly doing things that the original creators had no intention for their OS to do. Apple still thinks it's 1984.

What did you do before the NTFS-3g drivers were developed? It's not like Tiger supported NTFS from the off (or does at all really, as you say yourself its third party all the way; its essentially a hack.) And do you really think that the team behind it are just gonna throw their hands up and say it doesn't work with Leopard full stop, and never will?


Lack of compatibility with a fairly hackish third party file system driver is hardly going to inspire a Vista-esque dismissal of the entire OS...


Also your bizarre and really rather paranoid comment at the end of your last post is confusing indeed. Are you suggesting Apple have purposefully nerfed this 'NTFS support'?(in inverted commas because it's not like it's native) Does Windows support HFS+? What other apps don't work in Leopard that did in Tiger? Did Apple nerf all those too?

That is not a Vista like reason to not use it. ntfs-3g is not anything to do with Apple. As above said above, "Is HFS+ supported under Windows?"




Besides it's not even out yet. Give third party manufacturers some time to get familiar with Leopard. Soon they'll have Leopard counter-parts.

I was just fustrated with the lack of information regarding the OSX beta and the 3rd parties compared to what Vista had even when it was in beta. I could much more easily find things and also MacDrive is wonderful and I think it worked without the developers having to rewrite it but I could be wrong. I was just disappointed in not being able to play my movies and shows off of my ntfs external hard drive.


I have reverted back to Tiger for now and everything is working perfectly. Until I read indication of ntfs-3g working I have no reason to use Leopard.


So does anyone else have something else that is vital to them and until it is fixed (whether it's 1st or 3rd party) they won't use Leopard or is it just me?

ntfs-3g is slow and pretty dangerous.. fuse approach is pretty risky

Curious what you see as risky about NTFS-3g? Having used it with Linux, it's seemed to me that it carries two deserved reputations: 1) high stability and reliable quality of writing to NTFS volumes and 2) uber-conservative FUSE approach is way slower than any kernel-based approach. If anything, I think the knocks against it are that it's so focused on *not* being risky that it can be unacceptably slow for primary file system use.


I recently started using it on OS X, and can attest it's pretty damn slow with USB drives, although acceptable (but still much slower than HFS+) with internal SATA II drives.

well, you'll see it when you'll not unmount it properly, most likely you'll lose data, if not worse :)

The amount of data I've seen safe with NTFS-3G even with crashes while writing under Linux is staggering, does the OS X version have issues with quality not present in Linux? Like I mentioned, I can definitely see and appreciate downsides to NTFS-3G, particularly performance, but in my experience data loss is not one of them.


Have you checked out the beta for Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X? OMG is it fast, for two quick non-scientific tests it was just a little faster on my Mac Pro under Mac OS X than Windows Vista! But, I did get a kernel panic when trying to unmount my Boot Camp drive. ;)

Dammit! And NTFS-3G was the key reason I was migrating to Leopard! Spaces? Time Machine? Improved Finder? Hell no, it was NTFS-3G. 'Cripes, I gotta go cancel my pre-order with Amazon, sigh.


First, Britany looses her custody battle and now I find out NTFS-3G isn't working with a beta OS! My God, where will it end??


I'm so frustrated I think I'm going to put my MBP on ebay! Suckered again by Apple....Shame on you Steve!










Just giving you a hard time Glitch! :)

OO... MrZarni why couldn't you have posted that yesterday.. now I HAVE to reload leopard to find out if this works!


Actually after reading about your kernel panic from an external ntfs drive which mine is I don't know if it'd be a good idea or not.

So does anyone else have something else that is vital to them and until it is fixed (whether it's 1st or 3rd party) they won't use Leopard or is it just me?


GlitchBit, I too have a application issue that I can't live w/out. iTunes! 320 AAC files crash iTunes when played consecutively. Since I rip now at 320, I'm screwed, and I can't live w/out my iTunes man. So yes, I am hesitant as well w/ Leopard. Since I'm the only person in the world that has this issue (:angel:), I'm quite concerned that this problem will go unnoticed.


But in all reality it is a beta software and bugs are expected, and this company has yet to really let me down in the last 5 years, (although I do think iTunes 7.x is the worst release of software they've ever done). I fully believe that they'll have the problem fixed by release, so w/ a little bit of waving faith, I'll be standing in line on the day of release for this OS.



Good luck w/ your issues, watching movies/media off of an external drive formatted like that, not working would upset me greatly too. In fact I'd be really pissed if this happened to me w/ a 130 bucks spent.

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