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Alright so I just bought one on Amazon and it should be here tomorrow


Right now I have a 7300GT which works


Problem is DVI doesn't work with it.


Will DVI work with 7600GT?


it should. i have a 7600gs and DVI works. theyre comparable cards.

my xfx 7600gt is starting to die, its getting a lot of artifacts in complicated games and even in regular 2d stuff (i'll get bad pixels in random spots and some bad textures).


in games like WoW i get massive amounts of bad polygons/textures, it also affects the rest of the OS because OSX uses the GPU. until i quit the game.


in windows its not nearly as bad since windows doesnt use the GPU (winxp), and alt tabbing in/out of WoW will correct the problem until it comes back. sometimes it can take 5-30 mins for it to show up, and sometimes it will take 5-10 alt tabs for the problems to go away.


anyways, sorry this is a bit unrelated to the entire thing, but i will likely never buy xfx again. i dont consider their support decent if i have to send the card in for over a month just to get it serviced/replaced since i have no other card.

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