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This is how I remove installations, but this method requires that you have a copy of the MacVidia package you installed from:


1) Download and install Pacifist for OS X

2) Open the MacVidia package using Pacifist

3) See which files the installer installs and where they are installed

4) Navigate to the directory where the files were installed (most likely /System/Library/Extensions/)

5) Delete the files OR Replace them with non MacVidia drivers


Worked for me when I was removing video drivers.

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Use this to replace your existing MacVidia Extensions with your backup.


1) Drag all your backup extensions onto the Desktop

2) Open Terminal

3) Type in: sudo -s

4) Enter your password

5) Type in this command (repeat it for every kext)


cp -R ~/Desktop/ /System/Library/Extensions/


6) Replace with the name of your kext that you want to restore (e.g. NVDAN40.kext)

7) Press enter and repeat the command for evey kext you need to replace

8) At the end, repair permissions, cross your fingers and reboot

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