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[How to] Asus P5K-VM guide


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could you test if you get sleep working with mine or DB1 lastest DSDT files (posts #694 and #695)?

As leo333 has the same CPU as you have, if you get sleep working with those DSDT (like him), it will confirm that sleep issues some of us are having are related to the CPU and not to the board.


@DB1: what CPU are you using?




The conclusion im coming to is the sleep issues are related to CPU or model identifier. The difference between your and my set up other than CPU is that I use identifier Mac9.1 and no kexts for AGPM etc.


We can change model identifier so thats worth a try for elimination purposes, question is can we change the id of the CPU?


@DB1: Your DSDT works like a charm, I can sleep, wake up, it now even steps up to the multipliers in between, i.e. I no longer get jumping between 6.0x and 9.0x but just occasionally it jumps up 7.0x. I think I am going to replace BlackHC's DSDT with yours permanently. Thanks for taking the time to figure out my _PSS table!


Now, I think the CStateOverride was because I had booted with dropSSDT=yes. Now that I booted without this argument it's gone... Will update later when I reboot to check if it really is that.


Temperatures: I checked in the BIOS and actually in there they were about 54˚ idle as well. At first I nearly freaked out but then I googled and discovered that this CPU is known for reporting whacky temperatures. Just google "E8400 temperature problems" and you'll see what I mean. The machine has been running stable for over a year now with occasional video encoding and games. Ubuntu also reports 54˚C, so I am skeptical about wether this value reported by the CPU is correct. I did a load test and it went up to a warm but not alarming 62˚C. An idle-load difference of 10˚C seems about right, but that still does not explain why I did not see the temperatures drop dramatically after getting C-States to work but only by about 5˚C. Maybe the temperature is stuck at 50˚C - I have actually never seen it below 50˚C, even after waking up from sleep in a cold room it still reports 50-51˚C - weird?!


Anyway, I am not too worried anymore about the temperatures anymore because the 1001 BIOS fixed my fan issues - my computer is now pretty quiet - not entirely but it's OK. I still have to keep my case open a tiny bit but that's fine, it doesn't bother me too much.


If you want me to test anything else in relation to your sleep issues that helps you pinpoint why it's failing I would be happy to do so - I'll be watching this thread.






Thanks for this feedback i'm glad it works for you and at least I know for definite it's not dsdt thats causing my sleep problem. I had held back publishing this one modified to MasterChiefs V3.0 spec on the basis I thought there was a problem but from what your saying it's good to go.


Other users just need to patch the PSS section to suit their CPU's.


Anyone else able to report sleep success with this dsdt?

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If you want to try the new dsdt just change the PSS section to what you currently have and it should be good to go. It would be helpful to get another opinion on whether it works ok.


DB1, I did some tests.


1- I took the dsdt you posted on your post #695 (v3), replaced the CPU code with the Q6600 CPU from your post #656, and I had the following issues:


- No sleep

- PCI cards not seen as PCI cards in "about this mac", but work fine


But otherwise, it boots and functions fine. I am using your kexts.


2- My current set-up is the DSDT you posted on post #656 (with video code edited out), and I have no issues. My Blu-ray drive seems to be polling often for no reason, but no issues. Sleep is fine as I mentioned before.


I am attaching three groups of files, my original untouched DSDT (which I am not using), the modified post #695 dsdt (sleep issues), and the modified post #656 dsdt (works fine). Hope this will give you some insight. Also please let me know if there is any potential improvement to the set-up I have. Many thanks, and good luck.




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- PCI cards not seen as PCI cards in "about this mac", but work fine


Thats because I took PCI card detection out of the dsdt


Cannot seem to download your 695 dsdt to check it over - can you check it uploaded proper please.


What bootloader are you using - same question Leo333.

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could you test if you get sleep working with mine or DB1 lastest DSDT files (posts #694 and #695)?

As leo333 has the same CPU as you have, if you get sleep working with those DSDT (like him), it will confirm that sleep issues some of us are having are related to the CPU and not to the board.


@DB1: what CPU are you using?


With the DSDT of post #694the computer go to sleep, not deep sleep ( lights and processor fan still on) but don't wake up, with the one of post #695 same result but also cmos reset.

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With the DSDT of post #694the computer go to sleep, not deep sleep ( lights and processor fan still on) but don't wake up, with the one of post #695 same result but also cmos reset.


Thanks for the trial and feedback - now I'm really confused! If the problems were CPU related in theory yours should have worked fine like Leo333's.


I know that MasterChief has had some sleep issues related to sata DVD so that is a possible explanation for the fail on yours. Just for sake of elimination could you disconnect your dvd and try again.


BTW is your CPU OC'd?


Which boot loader do you use?


What model identifier?

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Cannot seem to download your 695 dsdt to check it over - can you check it uploaded proper please.


What bootloader are you using - same question Leo333.


Fixed the download in the original post. Now should download. I am using Chameleon RC3. Model Identifier MacPro3,1.


UPDATE: disabled jmicron in bios, put in efi string for video on com.apple.Boot.plist, took JMB0 out of dsdt - no difference in sleep. Still awaiting confirmation on the dsdt that it will sleep for others but I'm drawn to the idea the sleep issue is CPU related.


I would actually try to physically unplug the power or the IDE ribbon cable, just to put this question to bed.

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With the DSDT of post #694the computer go to sleep, not deep sleep ( lights and processor fan still on) but don't wake up, with the one of post #695 same result but also cmos reset.


But you had sleep working with your DSDT file (the one you attached for me) without any issues, didnt you?

thanks for testing

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Thanks for the trial and feedback - now I'm really confused! If the problems were CPU related in theory yours should have worked fine like Leo333's.


I know that MasterChief has had some sleep issues related to sata DVD so that is a possible explanation for the fail on yours. Just for sake of elimination could you disconnect your dvd and try again.


BTW is your CPU OC'd?


Which boot loader do you use?


What model identifier?

No, my CPU is not OC'd and I am using the latest Chameleon with netkas last boot file, the model identifier is MacPro2,1. Oh, and not, my problem is not the DVD because I tried with another one I have of different brand and everything was the same.


But you had sleep working with your DSDT file (the one you attached for me) without any issues, didnt you?

thanks for testing


Yes, with my DSDT I have sleep working, but for deep sleep I need the PleaseSleep app; I think the sleep problem have more to do with the USB than to the CPU or the Videocard, e.g., if I have my Videocard coded in the DSDT or not, that don't make any difference, but, if I change the coded of the USB's I lost the sleep, something I noted is when I wake up the lights in a card reader connected to the internal USB port stay yellow and red instead of green, the USB part works Ok. but the card reader not, so I think something is missing in the code of the USB section of the DSDT.If you go back in this tread I already explained that, at that point I was using DB1 DSDT, later I extracted my own DSDT on Leopard and added the fixes for Audio and Lan and only then I get the sleep function.

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at that point I was using DB1 DSDT, later I extracted my own DSDT on Leopard and added the fixes for Audio and Lan and only then I get the sleep function.


Thanks for the feedback it helps in sorting the conundrum. Always better to generate your own dsdt then use others provided to patch the element you need.

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This is not the dsdt that was posted @695!


Please recheck you tried/tested the correct dsdt.


This is indeed the dsdt downloaded from the V3.0+dsdt with swapped CPU (Q6600) per your suggestion. [Not the TEST_dsdt.dsl, but the dsdt.aml.]

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This is indeed the dsdt downloaded from the V3.0+dsdt with swapped CPU (Q6600) per your suggestion. [Not the TEST_dsdt.dsl, but the dsdt.aml.]


Ok. The start of the dsdt.aml decompiled to dsl posted in 695


* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML Disassembler version 20080926
* Disassembly of /Users/db1/Downloads/V3.0+dsdt/dsdt.aml, Thu Nov  5 10:14:20 2009
* Original Table Header:
*     Signature        "DSDT"
*     Length           0x000039C5 (14789)
*     Revision         0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support
*     Checksum         0x94
*     OEM ID           "A0782"
*     OEM Table ID     "A0782000"
*     OEM Revision     0x00000000 (0)
*     Compiler ID      "INTL"
*     Compiler Version 0x20090903 (537463043)
DefinitionBlock ("/Users/db1/Downloads/V3.0+dsdt/dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 1, "A0782", "A0782000", 0x00000000)
   Scope (_PR)
       Processor (CPU1, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06)
           Method (_PSS, 0, NotSerialized)


The start of the TEST.dsl posted 695

* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML Disassembler version 20090903
* Disassembly of ./dsdt.dat, Sun Nov  1 12:38:05 2009
* Original Table Header:
*     Signature        "DSDT"
*     Length           0x00003992 (14738)
*     Revision         0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support
*     Checksum         0x5E
*     OEM ID           "A0782"
*     OEM Table ID     "A0782000"
*     OEM Revision     0x00000000 (0)
*     Compiler ID      "INTL"
*     Compiler Version 0x20090903 (537463043)
DefinitionBlock ("./dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 1, "A0782", "A0782000", 0x00000000)
   Scope (_PR) // Processor scope (namespace).
       Processor (CPU1, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06)
           Method (_PSS, 0, NotSerialized)


The start of the dsdt.aml decompiled from your post 702


* Intel ACPI Component Architecture
* AML Disassembler version 20080926
* Disassembly of /Users/db1/Downloads/from_post_695_modded/dsdt.aml, Thu Nov  5 10:25:55 2009
* Original Table Header:
*     Signature        "DSDT"
*     Length           0x00003886 (14470)
*     Revision         0x01 **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support
*     Checksum         0xAD
*     OEM ID           "A0782"
*     OEM Table ID     "A0782000"
*     OEM Revision     0x00000000 (0)
*     Compiler ID      "INTL"
*     Compiler Version 0x20080926 (537397542)
DefinitionBlock ("/Users/db1/Downloads/from_post_695_modded/dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 1, "A0782", "A0782000", 0x00000000)
   Scope (_PR)
       Processor (CPU1, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}
       Processor (CPU2, 0x02, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}
       Processor (CPU3, 0x03, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}
       Processor (CPU4, 0x04, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}


I repeat this is not the dsdt posted in 695, could you please recheck which you used, and post the results and the dsdt.


It's important as you have identical set up as Leo333 and he has it working so it should for you.

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If you want me to test anything else in relation to your sleep issues that helps you pinpoint why it's failing I would be happy to do so - I'll be watching this thread.






Leon, yes you can help further. Please run this in terminal of your UBUNTU install which will give a full ACPI dump, then post the output files. (Code provided by Zhell - Project osx).


mkdir ACPI && dmesg | perl -we '$n=0; while (<>) { if (($t,$a,$l,$o) = (/^[^a-zA-Z]*ACPI: ([-._A-Z0-9]{4,4}) +([0-9A-F]{8,8}), ([0-9A-F]{4,4})+(?:\s*\(([^)]+))?/)) { $o && $o=~s/[^-._a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g; ($cmd="acpidump -a $a -l $l > \"ACPI/${t}".($o?"_$o":"").".aml\""); print "Running command: \"$cmd\"\n"; system($cmd); ++$n; } } die("No match") unless $n;' && zip -r ACPI-Tables.zip ACPI


BTW for others that want ACPI info on their boards you can use a Ubuntu Live dvd (or other Linux variant live dvd) if you do not have a Linux install.

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Updated to 10.6.2 no issues for me. (Clean Vanilla install - all support kexts / dsdt on EFI). Speed stepping still working.


Apparently if you use dmos.kext your likely to KP. Change that for fakesmc.kext and you should be ok.


UPDATE: SleepEnabler.kext apparently is also breaking upgrades to 10.6.2 so take it out beforehand. Sleep is resolved see post #718.


Some issues with certain video cards been reported, have a quick flip around the forum to see if anything reported for your card.


Any doubts make a backup first and have an external boot tool (Chameleon USB, Boot 132 cd, BootThink) ready to help you recover.

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Try this one - I used your PSS section with my dsdt (As post 695). Let me know how it works.



I have tested the dsdt you provided, however, sleep still does not work. Drive spins down, screen goes black, but power light and fans stay on, and there seems to be no way to wake the machine back up. The first dsdt (out of three) in my post #702 (still) sleep properly, and consistently. Hope this helps.

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sleep still does not work


Ok thanks for this.


I now have the solution to the sleep problem!


After hundreds of hours reading, trial and error thinking it was dsdt, OS or kexts it turns out to be something simple that should have been obvious. Jumper settings on the motherboard for USB.


Look at page 1-27 in your mobo board manual Manual.zipitem number 3. USB Device wake. I'll bet those having sleep problems have the jumpers set to +5V (default) which will only allow a wake from an S1 state (hence auto rewake or hang symptoms). Change those to the +5VSB setting which enables wake also from S3 & S4.


Also it may be possible to get keyboard wake, see item number 2. again default jumper setting is +5V reset this to +5VSB. Whether this works for you or not will depend on the type of power supply you have. In any case if you change the other jumpers you should also do this one to avoid any conflicts.


I now have full sleep & wake functionality except for auto sleep and I cannot wake from apple aluminium keyboard but can from mouse. BlachCH has tested and has same functionality except he has keyboard (Apple Clear PVC) & mouse wake. Also not working is restart after sleep even with any of the restart type kexts available.


After resolving this I tied putting my graphics back in dsdt and discovered that this broke sleep so have gone back to using graphics enabler in Chameleon via Boot.plist. I also tried efi string in boot.plist and this was fine also. So there are possibilities after the jumper switching that the video card is preventing sleep for you.


Now that we have sleep problem solved I have gone back to streamlining the dsdt.


Attached is version 3.1 which matches very closely the development work MasterChief has done on the P5K PRO - thanks again Chief. And the appropriate kexts needed are also included. So what's in it? Well all the stuff you need to run similar to an iMac or Mac Pro (depending on CPU) and removed is all the devices and code you don't need to run a Mac and of course it's enhanced for sleep functionality.



I'm not going to go into detail as that's been done on the P5K PRO thread, but I have included some notes with the files.


Happy hacking.


UPDATE - if you take out the JMB0 section you need a closing bracket "}" on the section above to be able to compile without error.

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DB1 THANX! Great results and great pack.


Does anybody has the PSS values for a C2D e6750?


In my extracted dsdt the PSS values are described as 3 NPSS and 3 SPSS values that are identical...


Seems like your cpu has 3 pre set p-states then. If you compile the dsdt.dsl and decompile it or decompile the dsdt.aml I provided you will see the layout of the PSS section will be the same format as you would have in the ACPI or dsdt you extracted to get NPSS & SPPS, cut and paste the 3 SPSS and/or NPSS (mine were different giving 6 p-states) into the new dsl and recompile and you should be good to go.


Take note of the JMicron stuff it's important. If you don't have ATA devices and decide to take that section out don't use the JMicron.kext. If you take either out and not both you get KP. It don't cause no problem if you keep both in and don't have ATA - it's just not needed.


Good Luck.

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In my case, one of the three jumpers were already in non-default position when I reported back my last post. Reading your post, here is what I have done:


- Made the other two jumpers also to provide USB power. (All non default positions)

- Took your dsdt v 3.1 and adapted for CPU Q6600. [Attached]

- Could not remove JMicron section even though I do not have any devices. (see below)

- Used the minimum kexts that you provided


Reboot: Sleep does not work.


- Keep all kexts, jumper settings, just switch the dsdt back to the old one (your post #656 minus video)


Reboot: Sleep does work.




PS. When I try to remove JMicron area from the 3.1 dsdt, I do end up with this odd error:


2775: If (SS1) Error 4095 - syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_IF ^


You can try it with the attached dsdt, if you wish, and if you do, I can test it without JMicron as well. Many thanks.


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In my case, one of the three jumpers were already in non-default position when I reported back my last post. Reading your post, here is what I have done:


- Made the other two jumpers also to provide USB power. (All non default positions)

- Took your dsdt v 3.1 and adapted for CPU Q6600. [Attached]

- Could not remove JMicron section even though I do not have any devices. (see below)

- Used the minimum kexts that you provided


Reboot: Sleep does not work.


- Keep all kexts, jumper settings, just switch the dsdt back to the old one (your post #656 minus video)


Reboot: Sleep does work.




PS. When I try to remove JMicron area from the 3.1 dsdt, I do end up with this odd error:


2775: If (SS1) Error 4095 - syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_IF ^


You can try it with the attached dsdt, if you wish, and if you do, I can test it without JMicron as well. Many thanks.


Just needed a close bracket as below thanks for noticing I'll update post.


           [color="#FF0000"]}[/color]  // add close bracket here if you remove JMB0

    	Device (JMB0) // Only needed if you have ATA Devices
                   Name (_ADR, Zero)
                   OperationRegion (CF40, PCI_Config, 0x40, 0x04)
                   Field (CF40, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
                       CHE0,   1, 
                       MULT,   1, 
                           ,   1, 
                       CAB0,   1, 
                       CHE1,   1, 
                               Offset (0x01), 
                       AHEN,   1, 
                           ,   3, 
                       PRT0,   1, 
                       AHM0,   1, 
                       PRT1,   1, 
                       AHM1,   1, 
                       CF42,   6, 
                       SWAP,   1, 
                       PATA,   1, 
                           ,   6, 
                       WTEN,   1, 
                               Offset (0x04)

                   Name (PIOT, Package (0x05)
                   Name (UDMA, Package (0x07)
                   Name (MDMA, Package (0x03)
                   Name (IDEB, Buffer (0x14) {})
                   CreateDWordField (IDEB, Zero, GTM0)
                   CreateDWordField (IDEB, 0x04, GTM1)
                   CreateDWordField (IDEB, 0x08, GTM2)
                   CreateDWordField (IDEB, 0x0C, GTM3)
                   CreateDWordField (IDEB, 0x10, GTM4)
                   Name (PIO0, 0x04)
                   Name (DMA0, 0x06)
                   Name (MDA0, 0x02)
                   Name (PIO1, 0x04)
                   Name (DMA1, 0x06)
                   Name (MDA1, 0x02)
                   Name (PIO2, 0x04)
                   Name (DMA2, 0x06)
                   Name (MDA2, 0x02)
                   Name (PIO3, 0x04)
                   Name (DMA3, 0x06)
                   Name (MDA3, 0x02)
                   Name (FLGP, 0x1F)
                   Name (FLGS, 0x1F)
                   Device (IDE0)
                       Name (_ADR, Zero)
                       Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized)
                           Store (DerefOf (Index (PIOT, PIO0)), Local0)
                           Store (DerefOf (Index (PIOT, PIO1)), Local2)
                           Store (0x1A, Local4)
                           If (LAnd (FLGP, One))
                               If (LNot (MULT))
                                   If (LAnd (CAB0, SWAP))
                                       Store (0x02, DMA0)

                               Store (DerefOf (Index (UDMA, DMA0)), Local1)
                               Or (Local4, One, Local4)
                               Store (DerefOf (Index (MDMA, MDA0)), Local1)

                           If (LAnd (FLGP, 0x04))
                               If (LAnd (CAB0, SWAP))
                                   Store (0x02, DMA1)

                               Store (DerefOf (Index (UDMA, DMA1)), Local3)
                               Or (Local4, 0x04, Local4)
                               Store (DerefOf (Index (MDMA, MDA1)), Local3)

                           Store (Local0, GTM0)
                           Store (Local1, GTM1)
                           Store (Local2, GTM2)
                           Store (Local3, GTM3)
                           Store (Local4, GTM4)
                           Return (IDEB)

                       Method (_STM, 3, NotSerialized)
                           Store (Arg0, IDEB)
                           Store (GTM0, Local0)
                           Store (GTM1, Local1)
                           Store (GTM2, Local2)
                           Store (GTM3, Local3)
                           Store (GTM4, Local4)
                           Store (Local4, FLGP)
                           If (LAnd (LNotEqual (Local0, Ones), LNotEqual (Local0, Zero)))
                               Store (Match (PIOT, MEQ, Local0, MTR, Zero, Zero), PIO0)

                           If (LAnd (LNotEqual (Local1, Ones), LNotEqual (Local1, Zero)))
                               If (LAnd (FLGP, One))
                                   Store (Match (UDMA, MEQ, Local1, MTR, Zero, Zero), DMA0)
                                   Store (Match (MDMA, MEQ, Local1, MTR, Zero, Zero), MDA0)

                           If (LAnd (LNotEqual (Local2, Ones), LNotEqual (Local2, Zero)))
                               Store (Match (PIOT, MEQ, Local2, MTR, Zero, Zero), PIO1)

                           If (LAnd (LNotEqual (Local3, Ones), LNotEqual (Local3, Zero)))
                               If (LAnd (FLGP, 0x04))
                                   Store (Match (UDMA, MEQ, Local3, MTR, Zero, Zero), DMA1)
                                   Store (Match (MDMA, MEQ, Local3, MTR, Zero, Zero), MDA1)

                       Device (DRV0)
                           Name (_ADR, Zero)
                           Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xEF
                                   }, Local0)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xEF
                                   }, Local1)
                               CreateByteField (Local0, One, PIOM)
                               CreateByteField (Local1, One, DMAM)
                               Store (PIO0, PIOM)
                               Or (PIOM, 0x08, PIOM)
                               If (LAnd (FLGP, One))
                                   Store (DMA0, DMAM)
                                   Or (DMAM, 0x40, DMAM)
                                   Store (MDA0, DMAM)
                                   Or (DMAM, 0x20, DMAM)

                               Concatenate (Local0, Local1, Local2)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF5
                                   }, Local3)
                               Concatenate (Local2, Local3, Local2)
                               Return (Local2)

                       Device (DRV1)
                           Name (_ADR, One)
                           Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, 0xEF
                                   }, Local0)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, 0xEF
                                   }, Local1)
                               CreateByteField (Local0, One, PIOM)
                               CreateByteField (Local1, One, DMAM)
                               Store (PIO1, PIOM)
                               Or (PIOM, 0x08, PIOM)
                               If (LAnd (FLGP, 0x04))
                                   Store (DMA1, DMAM)
                                   Or (DMAM, 0x40, DMAM)
                                   Store (MDA1, DMAM)
                                   Or (DMAM, 0x20, DMAM)

                               Concatenate (Local0, Local1, Local2)
                               Store (Buffer (0x07)
                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF5
                                   }, Local3)
                               Concatenate (Local2, Local3, Local2)
                               Return (Local2)

                   Device (IDE1)
                       Name (_ADR, One)
                       Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
                           Return (0x0B)
           } // end of ATA devices section




Did you change the Keyboard Power jumper as well?


No idea why the original works for you with just one jumper changed from default unless you got no other devices plugged into those USB ports.


Try 3.1 with all at +5VSB, if that don't work i'm stumped.

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Tested the v3.1 without the JMicron code. Sleep still does not work. I also tested whether restart and shutdown work, and only restart does. A bit of additional information for you:


- Keyboard power jumper (manual 1-27, section 2) is I believe for PS2 keyboards. It mentions 1 Amp on the power lead, and USB is limited to 500 mA by spec, I think. Mine had been on to provide power until I switched it off today. Has not made any difference on anything. (Never had keyboard wake work, ever, with my USB or bluetooth keyboard.) However, it may answer why some people are able to wake the machine up, perhaps they are using PS2 keyboards with the jumper on and proper BIOS settings under APM configuration.

- In my set-up I use /Extra folder for the added kexts, not placing them in EFI partition.

- My system folder is complete vanilla.


From that, I assume that there must be some BIOS set-up differences, and below, please find some set-up differences we may have.


BIOS: 1001

Diskette: Disabled


Internal Graphics Mode Select: Disabled

J-Micron PATA Controller: Disabled

Serial Port Address: Disabled

Parallel Port Address: Disabled

Suspend Mode: Auto

Repost Video on S3 Resume: Disabled

ACPI Version: Disabled

APM Configuration: All default including the last item regarding waking by PS/2 keyboard


This is rather puzzling. Thanks.

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Tested the v3.1 without the JMicron code. Sleep still does not work. I also tested whether restart and shutdown work, and only restart does. A bit of additional information for you:


- Keyboard power jumper (manual 1-27, section 2) is I believe for PS2 keyboards. It mentions 1 Amp on the power lead, and USB is limited to 500 mA by spec, I think. Mine had been on to provide power until I switched it off today. Has not made any difference on anything. (Never had keyboard wake work, ever, with my USB or bluetooth keyboard.) However, it may answer why some people are able to wake the machine up, perhaps they are using PS2 keyboards with the jumper on and proper BIOS settings under APM configuration.

- In my set-up I use /Extra folder for the added kexts, not placing them in EFI partition.

- My system folder is complete vanilla.


From that, I assume that there must be some BIOS set-up differences, and below, please find some set-up differences we may have.


BIOS: 1001

Diskette: Disabled


Internal Graphics Mode Select: Disabled

J-Micron PATA Controller: Disabled

Serial Port Address: Disabled

Parallel Port Address: Disabled

Suspend Mode: Auto

Repost Video on S3 Resume: Disabled

ACPI Version: Disabled

APM Configuration: All default including the last item regarding waking by PS/2 keyboard


This is rather puzzling. Thanks.


There are 2 differences I have to your bios settings.


1. I have JMicron enabled for my 2 ATA DVD writers but that wont be an issue.


2. Very possibly the reason it's not working is that you have ACPI Version disabled, this will be preventing the ACPI v2.0 specification tables from being loaded.


Also I have ACPI APIC enabled allowing RSDT tables to be loaded (not sure what difference this makes as I've not looked too deeply into RSDT but they show in IOREG).


Whether kexts in E/E or on EFI makes no difference & I also pure vanilla.


With the bluetooth dongle you have you should also be able to sleep & wake from keyboard & mighty mouse, I can from mouse (micro{censored} wireless) but not my aluminium keyboard though it should - my next problem to solve.


Keep trying I'm sure we can get it working.

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