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[How to] Asus P5K-VM guide


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This set of instructions is for an install of Mac OS X 10.5.1 on an ASUS P5K-VM motherboard

using a single partition drive for OS X


I choose which OS to boot (OS X or XP) by pressing "F8" during the POST and

simply selecting the boot drive there



Necessary items:


1) iATKOS v1.0i DVD (OS X 10.5.1)

2) Gparted Live CD

find it here - http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/

3) Kext Helper b7

find it here - http://www.cheetha.net/Kext_Helper/Software.html


4) Installer for the audio

find it here - ALC883.pkg.zip

5) kexts to get all 4 SATA ports working (mostly from the Kalyway Leo 10.5.1 DVD I think)

find it here - P5K_VM_SATA_kexts.zip




I begin by booting the iATKOS DVD with no special boot options needed.

That is, I press F8 during POST and select my CDROM drive as the boot device.



Once it starts up:

Click "Continue"; click "Agree"




*=*=* Partition the Disk *=*=*


Now at the "Select a Destination" screen I


1) choose "Disk Utility" from the "Utilities" menu

2) select the drive I'm going to use

3) click the "Partition" tab

4) select "Volume Scheme" pop-up and choose "1 Partition"

5) click "Options..." underneath the "Untitled 1" partition

6) select "Master Boot Record" and click "OK"

7) give the volume a name (no spaces or special characters is probably best)

Note: I am using "Leopard-28GB"

8) select "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" as the Format

9) click "Apply"

10) click "Partition"


It should partition your drive successfully


11) quit "Disk Utility"




*=*=* Determine BSD Name of your new volume *=*=*


12) choose "System Profiler" from the "Utilities" menu

13) select the Serial-ATA or ATA item from the "Contents" column

14) select the drive you just used to create your OS X partition

15) write down (You will need this in a minute) the "BSD Name" of your volume

note: mine (on the ATA Device Tree) is "disk1s1"

16) quit "System Profiler"




*=*=* Install the bootloader *=*=*


17) choose "Darwin_Boot" from the Utilities" menu

18) click on the terminal window, read the text about BSD names and

19) continue by typing Y


My drive's BSD name was disk1s1 so

-> my harddisk number is 2 and my partition number is 1




20) I type 2 as answer to "Enter target HDD number"

21) I type 1 as answer to "Enter Partition number"


The Darwin_Boot application looks at that drive/partition and tells you what it finds.

mine responded:

/dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/Leopard-28GB (hfs, local, journaled)


22) I type Y as answer to "Do you want to install boot efi?"

23) I type Y as answer to "Are you sure?"


It takes a few seconds to finish but the text should end with "[Process completed]"


24) quit "Terminal"




*=*=* Install iATKOS *=*=*


25) select the destination disk (the one we just created)

Note: mine is Leopard-28GB

26) click "Continue"

27) select "Customize" at "Install Summary"

28) click the triangle and open up the "Additional Patches" item

29) select "EFI Emulation" in "Additional Patches"


I have not selected any of the other customizations.

I am not using the on board video but you may need one or more of these video packages

As my last step I will install my needed video kexts


My customization recap: I have selected


iATKOS v1.0i Main System

EFI Emulation

Stock Kernel

Stock AppleACPIPlatform.kext


30) select "Done"


31) click "Install"


32) may as well the the installer "Check the Installation DVD" (at least once)

note: I skip this now I have done this so many times...


The install takes 10 minutes or so


NOTE: when the installation finishes and the system restarts keep in mind that




As the system reaches the POST screen I press F8 so I can again boot from the CDROM drive


Before continuing with the boot

eject the iATKOS DVD and

insert the Gparted Live CD


So we are now starting up from the Gparted CD to Edit the OS X Partition


*=*=* Set the boot flag on the OS X drive *=*=*


33) Choose the default setting "GParted-liveCD 0.3.4-11 (auto-configuration) by pressing "Enter"

34) "Load keymap (Enter for default)" - I press "Enter"

35) "Load keymap (language)" - I press "Enter" for US English


the boot completes; GParted starts up and scans for drives


36) using the mouse I select the "GParted" menu and hilight "Devices"

37) I select my OS X disk (which I can identify by it size - 28.62 GiB)

note: my other drives are 150GB and up, so this was easy

38) click on the drive (the line of text describing the drive)

39) select the "Partition" menu and select "Manage Flags"

40) click on "boot" in the "Manage Flags" window

41) click "Close"

42) select the "GParted" menu and select "Quit"


43) Shutdown the computer (just hold the power key down)



*=*=* Here we go - OS X 10.5.1 *=*=*


44) Start up computer - press "F8" to select your OS X drive and...

note: you can remove the GParted CD

45) boot it up!



My keyboard is not identified by OS X so I have to press "z" and "/" during the first boot

Go through all the setup stuff

and we arrive at the desktop...




*=*=* First things first - Get the Network up *=*=*


46) I followed these instructions from Delish (nice shoes - ruby slippers? "There's no place like home")

in post #1... note that AppleYukon is now AppleYukon2


- - - - - -

Modify entries in:




<key>Yukon-88E8053</key> to <key>Yukon-88E8056</key>

<string>0x436211AB</string> to <string>0x436411AB</string>

<string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8053</string> to <string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8056</string>

- - - - - -


This means:

open your hard disk and go to System/Library/Extensions


find the file "IONetworkingFamily.kext"

right-click (or ctrl-left click) and select "Show Package Contents"


find the "AppleYukon2.kext" file inside the "Contents/Plugins" folders

right-click (or ctrl-left click) and select "Show Package Contents"


find the "Info.plist" file inside the "Contents" folder

open the "Info.plist" file with TextEdit


make the TextEdit window wide enough so none of the lines of text wrap

scroll down 3/4 toward end of file and find the line "<key>Yukon-88E8053</key>"

change the "3" to a "6" so the line looks like "<key>Yukon-88E8056</key>"


about 10 lines farther down is the line "<string>0x436211AB</string>"

change the "2" to a "4" so the line looks like "<string>0x436411AB</string>"


six lines down is the line "<string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8053 Singleport Copper SA</string>"

change the "3" to a "6" so the line looks like

"<string>Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8056 Singleport Copper SA</string>"


Save the file to the desktop by

Choosing "Save As" and "Info.plist" as the filename (Select "Use .plist" if a dialog comes up)


Quit TextEdit


Drag & Drop the "Info.plist" file from the desktop to the "Content" folder the original came from -

That would be -> System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleYukon2.kext/Contents

note: this window is probably still open in the finder

click "Authenticate"

click "Replace"

type your password and click OK


Run "Disk Utility" - it is in Applications/Utilities

Select your drive and "Repair Permissions"


Restart the computer - don't forget to press "F8" and select the correct boot drive




*=*=* This is a good time to download the files at the top *=*=*


47) Kext Helper b7 - http://www.cheetha.net/Kext_Helper/Software.html

48) installer for audio - ALC883.pkg.zip

49) kexts needed to get all 4 SATA ports working - P5K_VM_SATA_kexts.zip




*=*=* Now the Audio kext *=*=*


50) Run the "ALC883" Installer Package

51) The sound should work now - go check by selecing your favorite "Alert Sound" in the "Sound" System Preference




*=*=* Time to get the other SATA ports working *=*=*


52) run Kext Helper (it should be in the "Downloads" folder. Check the right side of the dock

53) drag & drop "AppleAHCIPort.kext", "AppleLPC.kext", "IOACHIFamily.kext", "IOATAFamily.kext" and "AppleVIAATA.kext"

into the Kext Helper window

54) enter you administrator password and click "EASY INSTALL"

55) click "OK" (and "OK" when it is done)


and reboot - remember to select your startup drive with "F8"


And I think that'll do it!





I will post how I got my ATI Radeon HD2600 Pro 512mb working shortly.


Good luck!






David, I am sitting here chewing my fingernails to the bone, I want to try this so bad.One question I have is this.Will I be able to install this and get it working witha regular IDE DVD drive?I do not have a SATA optical drive so please let me know if there is a way to do this without having to go buy a SATA optical
I don't know - my DVD drive is SATA. But, the install I just did was onto an ancient IDE drive... same controller, right? So my guess is yes.
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Flag on the play for me!


*=*=* Install the bootloader *=*=*


17) choose "Darwin_Boot" from the Utilities" menu

18) click on the terminal window, read the text about BSD names and

19) continue by typing Y "


Where do I do this, after I quit system profiler, there is no "choose Darwin_Boot" in the utilities menu? (step 17)

You lost me here David, since I cannot see this option, what do I do?

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Flag on the play for me!


*=*=* Install the bootloader *=*=*


17) choose "Darwin_Boot" from the Utilities" menu

18) click on the terminal window, read the text about BSD names and

19) continue by typing Y "


Where do I do this, after I quit system profiler, there is no "choose Darwin_Boot" in the utilities menu? (step 17)

You lost me here David, since I cannot see this option, what do I do?


"Darwin_Boot..." is a shell script(?) that runs in Terminal. It is right under "Disk Utility..." and two items above "System Profiler" in the "Utilities" item in the main menu bar (this is where you selected the System Profiler application, right?)




After you quit "System Profiler" you should come back to the installer screen exactly where you were before choosing something from the "Utilities" menu


- David

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I see on your posted image that it should be there but in my setup it is not there, I do not have "Darwin_Boot" as an option even grayed out.


Hmmm. I don't know what to say.


The DVD I was working with came from a 2.44GB iso file named "iATKOS_v1.0i.iso"


The file "iATKOS_v1.0i.iso" is exactly 2,621,407,232 bytes long.

I burned it to a DVD using Toast on another mac (Dual G4 MDD 1.42Ghz, not that it matters).


You must have a different iATKOS DVD. Perhaps you can find the same one I used?


I'm not sure - it has been at least a week and I don't remember - but it might have been called something like

"iATKOS v1.0i OSx86 Leopard 10.5.1 + EFI+ Boot Loader" or perhaps just "iATKOS v1.0i"


Note that when zipped the .iso file will be smaller than 2.44 GB. I dunno... maybe around ** 2.09 GB **?


- David

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Well thanks for the help David, but I threw in the towell on the iATKOS image (which by the way is the exact one you refer to) and decided to try the Kalyway version and it was absolutely FLAWLESS, I did not have to do ANYTHING other than partition the disk and install, and withing 10 minutes or so I was selecting the keyboard layout, setting up my name and password and I am now playing around with my hackintosh.


I am going to try and install a new video card as I am currently working with the onboard VGA but at least I have a system up and running.


Also just as a note, I did not have to do anything else, sound works, internet works, everything works so far, this is pretty amazing if you ask me.

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Also just as a note, I did not have to do anything else, sound works, internet works, everything works so far, this is pretty amazing if you ask me.


I'm glad you are finally having some success!


You must have a newer Kalyway DVD than the one I found. I had high hopes for the kalyway DVD from what I had read, but I never had a successful install with it. For me, the iATKOS I have worked much better.


Not a big surprise that everything works - each round of updates to iATKOS or Kalyway probably includes more kexts with the necessary enhancements to support additional hardware. Everything I described could easily be built into those DVDs. In fact much of the SATA success came from seeing it working during a Kalyway installation. That is where some of the needed SATA-related kexts came from.


- David

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Well I was just happy to get it going, now if the rumors are true with the new Mac Pro's and 1.5.2 this week and we get nVidia 8800 support soon this will be a neat system.


Any chance you have any help laying about that would allow me to install an (ATI) Asus EAX-1800XL video card?

I am pretty noob with kexts and such so I could use a little guidance!


And again thanks for taking the time to outline your steps, I really do appreciate it.


<edit> figured it out with the ATI card, all I had to do was install the card and it was recognized by the system! Im drooling at how cool this really is, way to go to everyione who has made this happen.....simply amazing.


I will ask you this however.

My system will not shut down without holding the power button down. When I choose shutdown it goes through the motions, the screen blanks out but the system is still running, power light and fans on.

Any idea about this?

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Probably you´re using the iAtkos 1.0r2, with this one you don´t need to do the darwin part anymore :)


Yes you are right I was using the r2 version but even after I got it all the way installed, it would still hang on the reboot and I could never get any further.

It has been up and running over night now with the kalyway and everything seems fine.

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Yes you are right I was using the r2 version but even after I got it all the way installed, it would still hang on the reboot and I could never get any further.

It has been up and running over night now with the kalyway and everything seems fine.


The only problem I had with iAtkos was the HFS error after the first reboot, solved that, installed the kext and everything works well.


Right now my only concern is the CPU temperature, I just installed an Artic Cooler Freezer 7 pro cooler but Temperature Monitor gives me the same readings as with the Stock Intel cooler. Weird, I´ll try deleting the temp kext, but I really hate this, I was getting ready to star OCíng this baby.

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@ midnightdavid


hi my problem are the 4-ATA Port´s - i get only 2


can you post your Kext Folder ? I tested your P5K_VM_SATA_kexts.zip

but its dosn´t work


What are your Bios settings AHCI or IDE


Thanks for the Info



There are a zillion kexts in the Extensions folder - is this what you mean? I'll post a list of them (names + dates) when I have a chance. (This is a busy work week for me). I suspect, if the kexts I posted before don't work for you, some other kext I have must be needed. I used that diffmerge program to compare my kexts (that didn't get all 4 SATA working) with the Kalyway DVD (which showed all SATA drives as available for the install, which demonstrated that they had the right assortment of kexts). I have no way of knowing which others might be needed if they were the same on both the iATKOS & Kalyway DVDs I have. But I bet your install DVD is different.


BIOS & IDE info:





Basically everything is default - I think the only change I made in the BIOS was manually setting the FSB freq. up to 367 mhz.


- David

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@ midnightdavid


Thanks for your quick Post .


My Bios it´s the same. so I still waiting and try it again.


Wish you a nice Day



.... The Day went by .... I´ve got it ! All :dev:4 S-ATA ports now are working.

I don´t know what if done !?


Tanks for your help

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WOW! great progress MND... was waiting for the 4 sata solution a long time.


also thanx for the clear description of the installation.


i have a question if anybody can help me out: how can i unselect the standard kernel f i want to install the SpeedStep package which is optional in iAtkos?


will post my experience on Saturday; Leo Saturday!


UPDATE: everything went as described by mnd. had only some problems with my dvd drive on sata port 3; if ejected fro leo it did't do anything and syst.prefer. stopped responding. Seems to be just fine now dough.

btw; video trough a xfx 7600gs thanx to nvinject.


will try with the new iAtkos release soon on my other drive to see if there any differences... maybe also kalyway.


Thanx again for the detailed install guide!

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Is this a one time install?

(once it is installed that is) Can you update your Leopard OS or do you have to cancel the updates(at the risk of damaging the installation)?

And do you have to keep up with whats going on here in order to maintain the OS? Like the 'updated' patches or fixes whatever.

sorry i've never done this before neither have I researched over running a hackintosh

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install it with the proper drivers and it works out of the box


Hi to all!


During installation I selected from menu:

ALC883.pkg for audio chip


but for network card? and video?


Network: Marvell 88E8056 (Youkon)

Video: Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3100


What I should select?



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IVE GOT IT TO WORK!!! Leopard is running fine.


But can someone please tell me how I can install the video drivers? and sound? I did NOT select anything from the Customize Menu in the Installer. Just the EFI Emulation options. Ive got the LAN to work. But I cant change the resolution and there is NO sound. Pleaaase help.


Mobo: Asus P5K-VM

Video: Asus Radeon X1950 Pro

Sound: On-Board..RealTek Audio

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Ok...sorry for double posting..but I got the audio and video card to work, partially. Resolution can go up to my native 1280x1024...but still the cover flow and all that seems a bit slow. I have a decent card.


I have SATA2 and IDE ATA-100...with Leopard being on IDE (i didnt have an option, i have xp on sata) and it works just fine.


And I have to choose between the two hard disks to boot from BIOS every time I start my PC. which gets annoying. I dont have a boot screen which would list BOTH hard drives and OS's to boot from. And while in Leopard (IDE), the SATA partitions are read-only. Is this a hard drive interface limitation?


USB controllers are working fine too. Though from time to time my wireless keyboard freezes.


And the menu bar is SOLID. Not transparent. Ive read that even MAC users have had this prob..so its really whether your card supports Core image and Quartz Extreme technology or not. But im puzzled coz Ive read that very OLDER cards like GeForce FX 5200, seem to support it and not mine. Is there a fix for this? Or my card is just not good enough?(which I highly doubt)

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Hey, I followed Midnightdavid's guide (twice actually) using the iATKOS 1.0ir2 dvd and almost everything works mint but I'm having problems with the onboard ethernet. I followed the instructions to switch from 3 to 6, repaired permissions, refreshed the Extensions.kext, but whenever I use the network I start getting kernel panics and finder crashing.


If I turn en0 to off in the system preferences the system runs fine. If I just do light browsing it works ok, but the connection drops after a few minutes and I have to turn en0 off then turn it back on again to get the connection up. If I manually set the connection to 100Mbps half duplex it seems a little bit more stable. However, as soon as I try to copy a file from my fileserver or download something from the internet, it gets a few MB in and then I get a finder crash or kernel panic.


I have tried all the obvious stuff, changed the network cable, connected directly to my cable modem to cut out the router. No change.


Has anyone else experienced any issues like this?

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