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They probably meant "powerpc products" as in not only hardware, but software. And aside from that, Jobs stressed that powerpc software production wouldn't suddenly disappear with the arrival of Intel machines. They still have time to keep their word. They have until late 2007 when Leopard comes and the transition is pretty much done.


This is an important issue to me. I am sticking with AltiVec and probably will be moving to Linux on the Cell for the bulk of my work. Now, I am looking at buying my first Quad and I expect XServe Quads to be introduced at MacWorld SF next month along with the first x86 Macs.


I expect that Apple will continue to supply PPC Macs to professional users for at least two more years (and maybe more if Intel fails to address the shortcomings of SSE3). Furthermore (and I know this sounds nuts), I would not be surprised if Apple decides to kept selling PPCs Macs indefinitely either.


However, Leopard is supposed to arrive in about a year, that is the end of 2006 (not 2007)

Edited by bofors
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They probably meant "powerpc products" as in not only hardware, but software. And aside from that, Jobs stressed that powerpc software production wouldn't suddenly disappear with the arrival of Intel machines. They still have time to keep their word. They have until late 2007 when Leopard comes and the transition is pretty much done.


By the way, I was at the Apple Store yesterday at the mall with my friends, and as two employees went into the storage room while I was on line, they were talking about the Intel Macs. I heard one of them say "the thing's an Intel 'death-machine.'" I don't know whether to interpret that as a positive or negative comment, but nonetheless, the employees seemed very excited about something and the word "Intel" was mentioned very often. I doubt they had an Intel machine in their storage room already, but I think my local Apple store is already expecting a shipment some time this or next week. :rolleyes:


You could be right about the reference to products as meaning software. As for those store assistants - haven't they heard careless talk costs lives. I'm sure Steve's lawyers are preparing the NDA lawsuit as we speak.

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I sure as hell hope it doesn't have an M12. That is just a Radeon 9550 isn't it? I mean, the 15 and 17" ones how have a 9700 in them and the low end one has a go5200. They really need an X700 minimum (or an x1xx part if they can)if this is a new rev...at least for the higher end parts

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You could be right about the reference to products as meaning software. As for those store assistants - haven't they heard careless talk costs lives. I'm sure Steve's lawyers are preparing the NDA lawsuit as we speak.


I think these guys are clueless, they know much less than we. They far away from being in the loop. I would not be surprised to learn that they are even told of new products until they are on the floor.

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I think that the initial "you'll first see intel processors in june '06" statement by Jobs will turn out to be "all macs intel by june". It only makes sense because PPC will become 'legacy hardware' and the sooner you phase it out, the smaller the PPC base will be. A smaller legacy base means that you can focus on optimization rather than compatibility. Because I think that when Apple computers are x86 they will grow way beyond the %5 market share (in the US atleast).


If I had $ to spend on stocks, I would invest in Apple stock prior to x86 ibooks. I know I wouldn't buy anyother laptop period. Especially if they get the new intel processors first (yonah dual core, ie 'dual-centrino')! CA-CHING


This whole 'Apple switching to Intel processors' thing has renewed my intrest in computers, and it's all speculation at the moment.


Mod parent Insightful please! wait.. no, nevermind.

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According to a engineer in SuZhou, China, the intel powerbook is almost ready for shipment.

"the sn of the new pb is U230, the sn of motherboard is M42, display card should be ATI M12, LCD panel is made by AUO, further more, the new pb has no modem but fortunately there is a camera on it", he said.



After all, we know that unnamed Chinese engineering sources are credible as all get out, when it comes to these kind of things.


Personally, I don't want to disappoint, but I wouldn't go expecting all kinds of Mac/intel Powermacs by January...


Jobs said June 6th, 2006 for the first PowerMac with an intel processor, and that the transition will be complete by June of 2007 (meaning, the desktop boxes).


Those of you pining, or hoping, for January goodness, please use your brains:


- the iMac has just been rev'd, and will not be rev'd again within a 2 month period.

- the powerbooks have just been rev'd. Ditto.

- the desktop workstations (quad G5s) - ditto.


While I could assure you that you won't be seeing any of these in January, regular common sense should tell you that as well.


- the mac mini is overdue for revision

- the iBook line is way overdue.


You will most likely see revisions of these two in January, the iBooks with a different screen, and the Mac mini with new capabilities.


The iBooks will still be G4 powered, just the screen and other enhancements will set it apart. This is following up with the previous Powerbook screen revisions.


The Mac mini.... well, it's the only form factor that has a *possible* chance of beig released early in an intel flavor, only because it's already been done... by someone else:










Note that while AOPen's price of this is in the $600 Euro range, they are also notable for not having been sued by Apple yet. AOpen's mini clone also uses the popular intel 950 chipset and architecture, which is just yummy with OSx86. Bear also in mind that Aopen and Apple share some of the same OEM manufacturers... I'll leave the rest as a exercise to the reader.


This still won't mean that we'll see any intel Macs in January, as there is PLENTY that Apple has to show off that does not involve intel Macs before June 6th.


What will we see, thus? My speculation:


- New iBooks with wide screen displays of the resolution of the prior generation of the Powerbooks, and speed bumped to be faster, most likely to 1.5GHz. I lend little credence to the rumors of dual core G4 chips in Powerbooks, though I do expect to see the iSight integrated into the iBook line in January.


- New Mac mini, possibly with dual core chips (but doubtful).


- iLife '06 - with FrontRow for all supported Macs.


- expansion to iWork '06 (more features, new app)


- a new, more compact, iSight camera.


- an overhauled iTunes store, hopefully with subscriptions to TV content (automatic downloading of new shows), as well as new content partners.


- There will be NO new iPod with video (again, due to the recent release of the prior iPod w/Video and Apple must realize that otherwise they are releasing them too fast -- which would {censored} off all the Christmas shoppers)


- There *may* be a new consumer lifestyle device, my guess being an Airport Express A/V for the home stereo/video, to go with iLife '06 - not a desktop box.


- They will have someone from intel on stage, announcing the new intel logo and catch phrase, to replace 'intel inside'. I have a feeling it will be very catchy, and something Mac users won't mind seeing on their systems.


- the iPod pequenio, followed by the iPod micro.


Overall, do NOT expect any intel boxes in january - I'm not - there are some last rabbits Apple can pull out of their PowerPC hat before June (as Steve Jobs clearly said), and I believe the above is what we'll see. Also bear in mind -- Apple is selling MACINTOSH, not 'intel' Macintosh...


Wanna open a betting pool :-)


(yeah, I'm back)

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WB, Daffy.


As for the new intel logo and slogan, see this Ars article.


I'm with you on MacWorld as well. If we're lucky, we'll see two models with Intel, but it's highly possible we just see one.


My money is on an iBook and Mac Mini.


Early next week I'll be writing an article about whether or not (I think) OSx86 is ready for full release. Stay tuned.

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- They will have someone from intel on stage, announcing the new intel logo and catch phrase, to replace 'intel inside'. I have a feeling it will be very catchy, and something Mac users won't mind seeing on their systems.


So, I'll be wrong on that one:




I'm with you on MacWorld as well. If we're lucky, we'll see two models with Intel, but it's highly possible we just see one.


My money is on an iBook and Mac Mini.


There's a pretty strong chance that there won't be any intel machines. at all.


Steve Jobs can often be taken at his word. Except when he can't.



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lol, first time i saw that aopen a few weeks ago, I thought wtf!?


but Well it costs about 400 Euro, so for that price I would prefer the Mac Mini.


Did you noticed that benQ display for the macmini?




not spectacular, but if you see it in action, like here on eBay:



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besides, if they wait, they will have time to do some bugfixing, if something should go wrong.

performance lacks and crashes because of the x86 switch on a mini ? bearable. on a powermac ? sure not, as it's established in professional firms and costs a lot more ...


Bugfixing?!? Have you ever used Mac OS X Server 1.0 (not the one based on Darwin, the Rhapsody one)?


That was the most horrible piece of $hlt software I have ever used. Our company bought a copy for, what was it now, $500 I think, and we NEVER used it. OS 8 was far more stable than that puppy.


And that was a commercial release that shipped like 4 years after the port from Intel/NeXT.


(BTW: we were trying the 1.2 release, which was supposed to be more stable). Anyone want to buy our copy?

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No, that is not what he said and furthermore his statements are not binding.


His statements represent what he WANTS to see in the future, and as such represent a pretty good level of reliability as far as forward looking statements.


Though (gasp!) you are correct -- what Jobs actually said:


June 6th, 2005 (MacWorld 2005 Keynote): "Starting next year we will begin introducing Macs with intel processors in them (...) so when we meet here again, this time next year, our plan is to be shipping Macs with intel processors by then."


..and as such you are correct, that the statement as Jobs has phrased it, does leave the door open for the introduction of intel machines by January. Hence, as he 'plans to be shipping (...) by then' it does not preclude shipments before June.


There's still roadblocks in the way for a January shipment date, mainly hardware development, and OS X maturity (none of which couldn't have been dealt with behind the curtains -- but secretive Chinese engineers notwithstanding, my money would be on a Mac mini, as the architecture for iBooks is simply not ready yet (for crying out loud, they are still hiring engineers, and figuring out who'll build the motherboards).


I will stay by my original statements.

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If an intel mac is released in janurary, do you think that they will recall the dev transition kits and have devs use actual macs? Everyone seems to think that the new macs will hae some kind of hardware DRM and if 10.4.4 doesn't have to support the transition kits then they can start using thier new "OS X mac-lock".

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I have an idea that might disappoint some of you, but what if they just use the onboard intel graphics? The dev kits, for example, were using this; would it be inconceivable that Apple would use the onboard graphics for their low end models in order to keep the price point low? Those who buy a Powerbook, after all, are the ones who are most likely to notice that their graphics card is {censored}, and for them they could still give the ATI/Nvidia

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There are definitely not going to be intel Macs available for shipping next week at MWSF. Here are the three most significant reasons:


1. The intel Viiv project isn't quite wrapped yet. That would render Apple unable to manufacture computers with intel chips at this point.


2. If the Viiv chips were available at this point, Apple would have to manufacture millions of machines in order to ship at MWSF. A project like that is impossible to keep quiet, we would know if Apple was making intel machines in China at such a rate.


3. The OS for x86, as far as we know, is not yet ready.


Now, don't get me wrong, a miracle could happen. I for one am hoping for one :glare:. But don't get too hopeful.

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I think you're getting VIIV and Intel Core Duo/Solo (codename "Yonah") mixed up.


At least several varieties of Core chips *will* be available in January. Both Acer and Dell have already quietly (if very vaguely) pre-announced Core laptops.


re production: there's already a collection of conflicting DigiTimes rumors about this, but it would be not unheard of for Apple to announce machines not immediately available, but available, say, 2-4 weeks. (Which in Apple Time, means anything from 2-12 weeks.)


As for OS X for Intel being ready... that's not what I hear. :glare:

Edited by lookmark
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They'll probably be announced at macworld for a release in, say, march. Of course there's gonna be some sort of reference to the intel machines, probably just a "status report" or somesuch. They'll probably pull something like last year, new ipod model (I'd like to see the shuffle replaced) and some sort of new mac.

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They'll probably pull something like last year, new ipod model (I'd like to see the shuffle replaced)


Wouldn't expect that to happen. They would just {censored} off customers for updating iPods too fast, especially those that got/bought one for Christmas.


and some sort of new mac.


So? :P

My guess is they'll announce the first Intel Macs for ________ (insert month) 2006. I have a hard time believing that Mactels could be ready for shipment his month...but I believe in miracles :)


EDIT: If THIS turns out to be true, then...yes sir, I do believe in miracles. I smell PowerBook announcements...if this is true, that is...

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