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  • 3 weeks later...
OMG :o

I created this topic 270 days ago (approximatively) and it's still leaving :thumbsup_anim:

(yes i AM The_true_power but i changed of nickname and i don't remember my old pass anymore)

I'm so happy :)

If you have OS X , check your keychain.

Having used Windows for Years, and not knowing about linux, i felt trapped. However, with the arrival of my iPod, i learned about OS X :D and can safely say i will never leave Apple. Though from time to time i do pop open VMware and run a lil bit of Linux, Hardy Heron :lol:


Think Mark

Hi there,

lately I do my comment.


I'm a linux developer and I love Linux like a child I like to see it slowly grow.

But I'm also a creative music producer and I must say, windows and mac give me a more stable and usable environment for music production.

Linux lacks proaudio applications like Logic !!! - the WineAsio method (I think it's from opensuse jacklab) let usrun apps like Reaper which is a full featured VST sequencer - but a compatibility layer sucks ressources, so on the same computer with windows or mac, I can do more virtual synth voices, more realtime ampsimulation for my electric guitar. WineAsio is OK for the most people, which wanted to start a music app from time to time, but I talking about (semi-)pro users, music producers which are using a computer 10 hours a day...


If you see Ardour for Mac in comparisation Ardour for Linux -my god what a difference, because the mac version supports au, but the linux version only these mostly crappy LADSPA stuff....and at the end Ardour lacks midi support. Linux is a nice playground for developers, it is ready for office and internet and graphics but not for proaudio/video.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

this is my recent thought about linux..


I'm a hackintosh user and a student, and i see that kde 4 seems gorgeous

At the first moment, I have thought to move to Opensuse,

I am fascinated by saving session(which I think this should be the basic function of every OS), controling software output sound(this is running in Vista, but i don't see it in MAC OS X),

I can't enjoy the benefit of QE and CI software(My card doesn't support it)

Yet, I thought that I can really do nothing on Linux besides normal surfing


I really enjoy the time that Pages give me to handle my projects, my homework and even my notes, it is clear, good-looking and easy

I don't really think that OO can replace it

I really like the concept of entering like "apple/mac" to the url bar and it direct me to "www.apple.com/mac", but can i do this on linux?

also the Alt-tab and Quit function, nothing replacement can be found in Linux

And the last point, it is not really commercial, People are looking for people who are excel at Photoshop, but not gimp


Or maybe linux will get me someday, but not today

  • 2 weeks later...
Linux or Mac OS X ?, Wich OS do you prefer ?

GNU/Linux, at least for now.


As for OSX

- the resource management especialy the memory management sux big time, at least with the available software. I will have to compile some bigger stuff to see how really good or bad on that is OSX.

- not very good in heterogenic networks.

- no native support for other file systems

- very few darwinports especially those for CLI.

- combined code, not forcing vendors to write proper 64-bit code.

+ nice pool of GUI devoted professional software

At least we see a positive developement at Apples.


As for GNU/Linux it's same stuff but as a direct opposite with some lack of GUI software.


Concerning GUI itself I'm indifferent. I like them both Aqua and KDE.


As for gadgets like iPhone or MacBook, Apple got me already.

If Apple will manage to make his OS sexy enough for us I might consider and buy a Mac Pro.


For now, however, there is no alterntive for me. I'll stick to GNU/Linux.

i'd go Mac OSX, becasue it boots faster and i achieve tasks on it easily, unlike linux you'd have to browse the repo for years to be able to find an app to do something..lol, kidding

but now am not looking back, my pouch is full of linux cd's, Knoppix,Mepis you name it, might as well throw them away

I got fed up of Mac being slow on my Powerbook, so I wiped it and put Ubuntu 8.04 on.


There's no 3D graphics, no working sleep, but I am happy with it - much faster than Leopard.


On the desktop, I've been using Mac for a while and I much prefer it. When I get a larger hard drive and I have a bit more room to play with, I'll use Linux a bit more.

What I find though that if I am dual booting, I'll use Mac more - it's just taking that plunge and wiping the drive clean.


What I love the most about Ubutunu and other distros with synaptic is that it is stupidly easy to install and update applications :)

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