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And Weather, ATVFiles, RSS-If BR plugins are compatible, it could mean a much easier way to test plugins and could be a really great thing for the consumers of the ATV. Apple wouldn't be happy about it though.

And Weather, ATVFiles, RSS-If BR plugins are compatible, it could mean a much easier way to test plugins and could be a really great thing for the consumers of the ATV. Apple wouldn't be happy about it though.

Right now Apple is not taking any action... perhaps they left the back door open on purpose?

While the AppleTV finder and Front Row 2.0 are similar, the backrow.framework is very different between the two. As everyone has seen, some plugins work and others don't, I'm assuming based on any dependencies in the framework itself. I have the AppleTV finder running on my Mac Mini which is perfect for my setup except that I can't change the volume with the remote, and I have to admit that having DVD functionality a-la FR2.0 would be pretty neat (with the menu only showing up if a DVD is detected.) I have Leopard running, and I've tried many different combinations of copying files over and between in a sort of mish-mash, but nothing works, so for me it's AppleTV for now.

The new Front Row has some really weird bugs, for instance when you do a clean install of Leopard 9A466, the apple+esc command still works to bring Front Row up but after that, none of the keyboard commands work to navigate or exit Front Row, you have to use the remote. However, when I tried an upgrade install from Tiger to Leopard, keyboard navigation worked fine. This leads me to believe that Apple forgot to include some type of configuration file for Front Row in this build. I also noticed that an upgrade install seemed to fix some bugs, but caused others. After doing an upgrade, my Macbook Pro would not go into sleep mode anymore and Spotlight wanted to re-index my hard drive after every 2-3 restarts, really annoying.

Actually, that happened to me on my PB G4. I could activate it with Cmd+Esc, but I couldn't get out of it. Since the G4 doesn't have a remote, I eventually had to hold down the power button. Next time I logged in, Front Row worked perfectly. It's just a glitch it seems.

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