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Broadcom 570x and 575x


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i have tried to modify the kext for the 5787M (the only other bcm card i own) but all that i get are kernel panics.it recognize the card and get ip and setting macaddress works, but after some minutes of activity it panics.

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i have tried to modify the kext for the 5787M (the only other bcm card i own) but all that i get are kernel panics.it recognize the card and get ip and setting macaddress works, but after some minutes of activity it panics.



Still trying, please... the Leopard driver patched for you works in Snow but it kill Shudown, Restart and Sleep. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the snow leopard 10.6.2 broadcom kext support only 3 broadcom chipsets, they are the 5780, the 5764 and the 5721.

As i've writed in my post, changing the plist only don't do the job, because the code has many checks inside to take its decisions based on the chipset recognized. i have tried to hack the kext faking the 5780 (166a) and changing all references to 5787 (1693) but it crash after some seconds of use. Time ago on this thread, in the good times of Leopard, someone show us that the hacked leopard kext was crashing because of the wrong buffers size decision, i have checked this time but it seem the buffer size is ok, it crash somewhere else. I can post here this not working kext, i have no problems, but until someone with the right knowledges understand why it crash i can't do so much,

i'm stucked. btw i'm using the 5764 and i have the 5787 only at work, and there i can't do so much hacking on it for oblivious reasons...

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So far..I somehow have a ghosts on my network interface. )



That broadcom adapter im on board NIC and it dont work rom a first day.

I install realtek on my PCI and everything work Out of the box, but....

I wanna use my on board Broadcom. I use that noobix ionetw...kext and install it...

After the reboot, i get 2 network interfaces, one is working PCI Realtek (en0) and other I assume it showing en1, but without a MAC address.. I assume that would be a broadcom.


When I want to edit that NIC in terminal, after i write "sudo ifconfig en1 it gives me a error that en1 interface dont exist, but I can cleraly see it on network preferences same as on System profiler!!!!??

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Hi I've tried your driver on a 64bit fresh Snow Leopard install.

Moved the original S/L/E/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext away and replaced it with the one from your post.

Touched the Extensions folder and did a reboot with -f.

Now upon booting I get this:

AppleBCM5701Ethernet: 0 0 start - mapping device memory failed.

My id is: 14e4:1684 which seems to be listen in your Info.plist under <array>

Am I missing somethine?

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Hello MastaG, if your pc is a Lenovo this is know issue and never resolved, if its not a lenovo it show the same problems as lenovo show, the card is not mapped on the pci memory space, there's nothing i can do. maybe you need patched kexts for pci handling.

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hi to all..


Trial and report kext....for .Snow Leopard


this is only... 5784m "noob1x" modified kext .



you should get this...:


BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:00:00:00:00:00

Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, No flow-control, Debug [796d,0300,0de1,0300,41e1,0000]


Give feedback about and modify it if you want........as far as i know : no crash...,reboot,shutdown....


and no support. <_<


How we can change MAC adress in kext?

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hi to all..


Trial and report kext....for .Snow Leopard


this is only... 5784m "noob1x" modified kext .



you should get this...:


BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:00:00:00:00:00

Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, No flow-control, Debug [796d,0300,0de1,0300,41e1,0000]


Give feedback about and modify it if you want........as far as i know : no crash...,reboot,shutdown....


and no support. :)


I tested this driver in 10.6.2

1. 32bit - work correctly after manual set MAC address

2. 64bit - don't work...kext cann't find en device((((

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hey folks,


I'm new here, and it's the first time i tried to install osx on my laptop (Dell XPS M1710)


The only thing that does'nt work is the LAN (and Wireless)


My ethernet adapter is named ""Broadcom BCM5750A1 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Controller"


is there a version of a driver for it to work?



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snow leopard kexts published lately only works with 5764M/5784M, and they don't work with any other broadcom card.

the only thing you can do is to take my kext published few threads ago (the 32/64bit version is preferable) and try with an hex editor to replace all 59 16 with YY XX , where XXYY is the pci id of your card.

i.e. 59 16 replaced with FD 16

this will replace the 5721 card inside the kext with your own.

then in the Info.plist change 1659 with XXYY.

i suggest to copy the kext on the desktop and load it manually with kextload,after fixing the permissions.


it may work or may not, i can't try because i only own a 5764, more your card is similar to the 5721,more are the chances it will work. (no IM pls on this, i will not reply)

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I see that some people had success with the BCM5755. I have exactly the same model but the device id is slightly different: 14e4x167b instead of 14e4:1673. I'm new to all this so i need help in knowing what i would need to change from those solutions to match mine. Thanks in advance for any help.

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it seem the 10.6.2 works without any problem in the 10.6.3 too. i'm seeing the 10.6.3, it seem to be totally different, after 6 years Apple changed the code!!! so hacking needs to restart from the scratch ;)




lol, with the new 10.6.3 and a two bytes patch i can get automatic macaddress and full eeprom support, just the dhcp don't work and don't know why but it work flawlessy assigning manual ip. i have still to try how it work after sleep and some other stuffs (just to be sure it don't make unreversable changes to the eeprom lol) then if it is ok i'll publish here on next week.


(Still 5764M only, sorry)


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Oh nobb1x, can you please share your new kext.


it seem the 10.6.2 works without any problem

lol, with the new 10.6.3 and a two bytes patch i can get automatic macaddress and full eeprom support, just the dhcp don't work and don't know why but it work flawlessy assigning manual ip. i have still to try how it work after sleep and some other stuffs (just to be sure it don't make unreversable changes to the eeprom lol) then if it is ok i'll publish here on next week.


(Still 5764M only, sorry)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I tried to hex-edit nobb1x kext (newest one) to make it work with 5784M and I can't achieve it...


I've changed all values from 59 16 to 98 16 and changed the text file... And no adapter is found... Can some one who make it work can help?


Ok, the problem is with 10.6.3 kext only.


With older one (no auto-MAC) it's working great.


But making newest one work would be also nice. ;)

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