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Run AppleTV on your intel mac - uses local media or acts as a standalone appleTV, can QUIT

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i promise......I was in the appletvhacks.net comments section and stumbled on those last two links......dl'ed them both and saw that the one did have the passworded dmg.....meant to put up the other one....It definitely is going, but I just can't figure out how to close the AppleTV.app thing......i can get a terminal over ARD but don't know what command to use to kill the process

And i'm only 16, so go a little easy on me lol

No worries, my comment was meant in jest.



another keen idea to add to fast user switching would be if someone found a way to incorporate EyeTV cards (I have the EyeTV Hybrid)

did you download the app yet? Tell me what you think


Sorry, I can not. That site doesn't display properly in Firefox.


Besides, I already have it working. What I need now is the user switching or a keystroke to kill it and bring me back to the login window.

DsurioN: What do you think? Also, do you think that this app has SSH enabled (? idk if that's even possible for an app), and how do we go about quitting it? Also, the volume control of the remote doesn't seem to work for the app (yet).......and i don't even know where to look to see development status because IDK where it even came from lol

Jlentz: Run the installer

WARNING: BE prepared to restart your system (hold down the power button) if you can't somehow get a terminal in

- The app will take over your screen and you won't be able to close it

- The only way to close is it by using ARD (or an alternative, IDK) and then run the UNIX command of: killall Finder

- The app is called AppleTV but it still runs its processess as finder (idk why, but props to the hackint0sh guys for this help)

I tried it last night on 10.4.8. I heard the start up music but all i saw was the desktop and the upper right portion of the taskbar.


Probably because I don't have an intel processor.


Jlentz: Run the installer

WARNING: BE prepared to restart your system (hold down the power button) if you can't somehow get a terminal in

- The app will take over your screen and you won't be able to close it

- The only way to close is it by using ARD (or an alternative, IDK) and then run the UNIX command of: killall Finder

- The app is called AppleTV but it still runs its processess as finder (idk why, but props to the hackint0sh guys for this help)




thats all i dont have to download anything else or time commands in terminal

I installed in on a macbook i had laying around, and pulled that up in Apple Remote Desktop on my MacBook Pro......there's a feature that allows you to run terminal commands on the remote machine (even if AppleTV.app is taking up the whole screen), so i just terminal'ed in and sent the command "killall Finder" from there


that's what i did and it seems to work fine-->Original finder and original front row are all still preserved too

ok. trying to install on my backup internel 10.4.7


and nothing happens. is there another step after install? do you have to create an account first?

i tested killall finder, but in my tests it just relaunched finder


however if that does kill the finder then try using my command and replace loginwindow with Finder, that should make it so it doesnt kill everyones finder


PS. Anyone thats trying to find a fix... DO NOT DO TEST WITH THE NORMAL FINDER

I've made a applescript application to quit AppleTV :)


download it here:




what you need to do is this:


- unzip

- Place "Close AppleTV.app" anywhere you like.

- Right click "Close AppleTV.app" -> show package contents-> contents ->resources -> scripts -> open resolution.txt with your favorite text editor.


You'll see 3 lines. First line is x value of your screen resolution second line is y value of your screen resolution and third line is refresh rate.

Edit these number to your screen resolution. (My resolution is 1400x1050x60 so my resolution.txt looks like this:






capiche? :thumbsup_anim:


Now save it as plain txt.


Download and install steermouse, and configure one of your buttons (for example the side button of your mighty mouse) to open application and point to where you just placed "Close AppleTV.app"


- next you will be needing to rename your appleTV app to "Front Row" -> This means renaming the package, renaming the binary in /contents/MacOS/ and renaming <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>

<string>Front Row</string> which can be found in the info.plist.



This is a quickly done version. Tomorrow I will be making a more advanced version so it will automatically ask you to set your native screen resolution and the name of the AppleTV app, when you start the app the first time.



I've test this on my OS X 10.4.8 AMD rigg, I hope this works for you too! (It should)



Now if you want to quit AppleTV just push the mouse button you specified to open up my app and AppleTV quits, and sets the resolution back to your native resolution.

hmm, after using the installer linked to by ssbands, the Mac restarts, no matter which account I try launching. Not sure why...

I can't get into it.

Any ideas? It worked when I did it manually...

[edit] after a few reboots it goes back to normal... seems sporadic.

How can I unistall all the changes I made?

I think it may just have been from playing around with the terminal too much... I'm gonna reformat the mini soon anyways, and hopefully the problem will go away.

It occurs really randomly on both accounts (even after deleting them and remaking them, and taking out all files related to the atv) so nobody should be concerned that this will happen to them or anything.



I've made a applescript application to quit AppleTV :)


AWESOME work PascalW! Works flawlessly on my setup (I've actually replaced front row with the appleTV interface now). I think I'll update the tutorial and include this because its so great. I like how it switches the resolution back too... Don't worry, I'll give you full credit in the tutorial. Actually, I was able to tweak it a bit by creating an Application profile for System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app in SteerMouse so it only runs that while Front Row (apple tv) is running, and it uses my regular choice by default (expose). Thanks again.


:thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

is there any way to have a keyboard command for Fast User Switching? I want to have my Apple TV account in one pane and be able to switch back and forth at will.


EDIT: Never mind. I'll just wait for the new tutorial.

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