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I thought it'd be a good idea to start off this forum with a list of all the hardware info we can gather - pictures, hardware ID numbers, etc. Post your info in this thread and I'll update this first post as necessary.



  • 1.0GHz Intel Pentium M-based "Crofton" CPU, based on SSE2 Dothan model # 7645A966 0159
  • NVIDIA G72M graphics with 64MB DDR2 memory
  • 256MB of 400MHz DDR2


  • Modified version of OS X 10.4.7 along with some 10.4.9 kexts


  • Apple TV uses EFI, based on the presence of the hard drive in GUID map.


  • TCP port 3689 is used to communicate with iTunes while using the iTunes Library Sharing feature.
  • UDP port 5353 is used by Apple TV for automatically finding computers with iTunes on your network using Bonjour.
  • TCP port 80 and 443 are used for basic and secure communications with the iTunes Store via the Internet.


  • H.264 and protected H.264 (from iTunes Store): Up to 5 Mbps, Progressive Main Profile (CAVLC) with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps (maximum resolution: 1280 by 720 pixels at 24 fps, 960 by 540 pixels at 30 fps)
  • iTunes Store purchased video: 320 by 240 pixels or 640 by 480 pixels
  • MPEG-4: Up to 3 Mbps, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps (maximum resolution: 720 by 432 pixels at 30 fps)

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(from Apple Insider and other places)


1.0GHz Intel Pentium M-based "Crofton" CPU, based on Dothan. model # 7645A966 0159 (SSE2, so many OS X basics to add will probably need to be from hacked binaries we use now)


NVIDIA G72M graphics with 64MB DDR2 memory


256MB of 400MHz DDR2




Also, from apple:

* TCP port 3689 is used to communicate with iTunes while using the iTunes Library Sharing feature.

* UDP port 5353 is used by Apple TV for automatically finding computers with iTunes on your network using Bonjour.

* TCP port 80 and 443 are used for basic and secure communications with the iTunes Store via the Internet.


Why would the Apple TV need a secure connection to the iTunes Store?

I just got my ?TV yesterday. I will replace the HD to one i have ( 100GB ). I also have new Airpot Extreme and have my entire iTunes library in a USB hard disk plugged on it.


Im wondering if we can create an Alias on ?TV to read the files directly.. so we dont need to worry about space there.


I will try it when i back from work tonight.

kextstat on an Apple TV, from the somethingawful thread:



bash-2.05b# kextstat 
Index Refs Address	Size	   Wired	  Name (Version) <Linked Against>
 1	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel (8.8.2)
 2   19 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kpi.bsd (8.8.2)
 3   34 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kpi.iokit (8.8.2)
 4   34 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kpi.libkern (8.8.2)
 5   30 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kpi.mach (8.8.2)
 6   17 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kpi.unsupported (8.8.2)
 7	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.iokit.IONVRAMFamily (8.8.2)
 8	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.driver.AppleNMI (8.8.2)
 9	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.iokit.IOSystemManagementFamily (8.8.2)
10	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.iokit.ApplePlatformFamily (8.8.2)
11   22 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel.6.0 (7.9.9)
12	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel.bsd (7.9.9)
13	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel.iokit (7.9.9)
14	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel.libkern (7.9.9)
15	1 0x0		0x0		0x0		com.apple.kernel.mach (7.9.9)
16   16 0x52c000   0x10000	0xf000	 com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily (2.1) <11>
17	8 0x542000   0x4000	 0x3000	 com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily (1.2.0) <11>
18	1 0xb4a000   0x3d000	0x3c000	com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform (1.0.6) <17 16 11 6 3>
19	3 0x584000   0x1b000	0x1a000	com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (1.4.6) <16 6 5 4 3>
20   11 0x54f000   0x1a000	0x19000	com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily (2.8.5) <6 5 4 3>
21	0 0x6a4000   0x2000	 0x1000	 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBSupport (2.8.5) <20 4 3>
22	0 0xb06000   0x5000	 0x4000	 com.apple.BootCache (27.0.80) <6 5 4 3 2>
23	2 0xbe4000   0x32000	0x31000	com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily (1.4.9) <6 5 4 3 2>
24	1 0xca3000   0xb000	 0xa000	 com.apple.driver.AppleSMC (1.1.0d5) <20 17 6 5 4 3>
25	0 0xcb8000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X (6.0.1) <24 6 4 3 2>
26	1 0x576000   0xe000	 0xd000	 com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily (2.6.0d1) <11>
27	0 0xb42000   0x8000	 0x7000	 com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin (2.6.0d1) <26 17 16 11 5 4 3>
28	0 0xca0000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC (1.2.0) <11>
29	0 0xd17000   0x4000	 0x3000	 com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS (1.0.12) <11>
30	0 0xc9d000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPCI (1.0.6) <18 17 16 11>
31	0 0xb90000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleHPET (1.0.0d1) <17 6 5 4 3>
32	0 0x5cd000   0x5000	 0x4000	 com.apple.driver.AppleRTC (1.0.3) <17 5 4 3 2>
33	1 0x546000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime (1.0.4) <17 6 5 4 3>
34	2 0x6d3000   0x6000	 0x5000	 com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily (1.2.5a10) <5 4 3 2>
35	0 0xd10000   0x7000	 0x6000	 com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController (1.2.5a10) <34 16 5 4 3 2>
36	0 0xaf8000   0xe000	 0xd000	 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBUHCI (2.6.5) <20 16 5 4 3>
37	0 0x5ae000   0x12000	0x11000	com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI (2.6.5) <20 16 5 4 3>
38	0 0xb3f000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleTCOWatchdog (1.0.13) <16 6 5 4 3>
39	0 0xd23000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleACPILPC (1.0.7) <17 16 5 4 3>
40	2 0x6bc000   0xd000	 0xc000	 com.apple.iokit.IOATAFamily (1.7.1f4) <5 4 3 2>
41	0 0xb0b000   0x8000	 0x7000	 com.apple.driver.AppleIntelPIIXATA (1.14) <40 16 11>
42	0 0x549000   0x6000	 0x5000	 com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM (1.0.4) <33 11 5 4 3>
43	3 0x516000   0x16000	0x15000	com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily (1.5.1) <6 5 4 3 2>
44	2 0x5d2000   0x1d000	0x1c000	com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family (153.2) <43 6 5 4 3 2>
45	0 0x5ef000   0x9e000	0x9d000	com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43xx (223.79) <44 43 16 6 5 4 3 2>
46	0 0xd0e000   0x2000	 0x1000	 com.apple.iokit.AirPortEnabler (100.3) <44 4 3>
47	0 0x53c000   0x6000	 0x5000	 com.apple.driver.AppleRTL8139Ethernet (1.3.6) <43 16 5 4 3 2>
48	2 0x59f000   0xf000	 0xe000	 com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport (1.4.6) <19 16 6 5 4 3>
49	2 0x6d9000   0x215000   0x214000   com.apple.NVDAResman (4.5.4) <48 19 16 11 5 4 3 2>
50	0 0x944000   0x1b4000   0x1b3000   com.apple.nvidia.nv40hal (4.5.4) <49 16 11>
51	0 0x8ee000   0x56000	0x55000	com.apple.GeForce (4.5.4) <49 48 19 16 11 5 4 3 2>
52	3 0x6a6000   0x16000	0x15000	com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily (1.5.1) <6 5 4 3 2>
53	0 0xb93000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleFileSystemDriver (1.0.2) <52 11>
54	1 0x5c0000   0x2000	 0x1000	 com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib (1.0) <5 4>
55	2 0x68d000   0x17000	0x16000	com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily (1.6.0b7) <54 20 11>
56	0 0xd1b000   0x4000	 0x3000	 com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver (1.0.2) <55 5 4 3 2>
57	0 0xb87000   0x9000	 0x8000	 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub (2.8.5) <20 11>
58	0 0xbdb000   0x9000	 0x8000	 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient (2.6.0) <20 11>
59	0 0x6c9000   0xa000	 0x9000	 com.apple.iokit.IOATABlockStorage (1.4.4) <52 40 11>
60	0 0xcbb000   0x53000	0x52000	com.apple.driver.AppleHDA (1.2.5a10) <55 34 5 4 3 2>
61	0 0x569000   0xd000	 0xc000	 com.apple.IRRecovery (1.0.0) <20 4 3 2>
62	0 0xb96000   0x3000	 0x2000	 com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite (2.6.5) <20 11>
63	1 0xc16000   0x5000	 0x4000	 com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver (2.6.5) <23 20 11>
64	0 0xd1f000   0x4000	 0x3000	 com.apple.driver.AppleIRController (73) <63 23 20 11>
65	0 0xb13000   0x2c000	0x2b000	com.apple.AppleDiskImageController (114.2) <52 6 5 4 3 2>

Here's an image of Firefox (Most likely 3.0 Alpha) on AppleTV taken from the SomethingAweful thread.



And here's a picture of iTunes and VLC running on AppleTV. Also taken from the SomethingAweful thread.



If this thing can run Firefox, iTunes, and VLC, we know it's got OS X. :)

It runs a stripped down version of 10.4.7 and it seems to have a few .9 kexts.


Also whats weird is that even with a geforce go 7300, qe is "not supported" while core image is.


We need some iokit programmers to enable that usb port. = elgato tv tuner = ultimate htpc.

The standard OS X wouldn't work, because of the CPU, but a hacked version (for intel with SSE2) without the BIOS hack (probably wouldn't need the TPM workaround either), and maybe with the iTV kernel and/or some of its kexts just might


We know that macFabri has an AppleTV, anybody else?

Edited by ampTK

Well we just checked, the aTV has karma :D, and colonels. image a sse2 install ;)


EDIT: uname on aTv


Darwin appletv.home 8.8.2 Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.2: Mon Jan 29 18:57:29 PST 2007; root:xnu-792.94.18~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386


EDIT: it turns out there is no sse3 emulator on the aTV :blush:

We know that macFabri has an AppleTV, anybody else?


Yes and Im able to try and make any tests. I will just change the HD today to bigger one. After that i can play with the original HD. Just let me know what you guys want me to do.


I think i have all hardwares we will need to try anything.

Yes and Im able to try and make any tests. I will just change the HD today to bigger one. After that i can play with the original HD. Just let me know what you guys want me to do.


I think i have all hardwares we will need to try anything.

It would be nice to get a backup image of original drive in iTv :thumbsup_anim: can you do it? :thumbsup_anim:

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