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Update hackintosh 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 and 10.4.9 to 10.4.10 INTEL ONLY

Dr. Hurt

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First couple of times I tried this is worked fine. Now all of a sudden, whenever I attempt this, I get kernel panics for the com.Apple...ACPI.kext (something along that order).


Anybody have some advice on some common noob mistakes?

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First couple of times I tried this is worked fine. Now all of a sudden, whenever I attempt this, I get kernel panics for the com.Apple...ACPI.kext (something along that order).


Anybody have some advice on some common noob mistakes?


I'm assuming you're going from 10.5.1 to 10.5.2. Things are different for 10.5.2. There are a couple of threads related to it. Do a search. Also, check out netkas.org He has a fix for the upgrade.

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I'm assuming you're going from 10.5.1 to 10.5.2. Things are different for 10.5.2. There are a couple of threads related to it. Do a search. Also, check out netkas.org He has a fix for the upgrade.




10.4.9 -> 10.4.10 ->10.4.11


When I attempt to update to 10.4.10 I get a kernel panic traceback reading:





BTW, I run an SSE2 system.

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I just updated from jas 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 using this method everything works great!


The only modification I did was instead of installing a gma900 driver, I just had to use kexthelper and reinstall radeon9700.kext so that I would have QE CI for my apg 9800 pro


Here are my specs:


P4 2.8 (soon to be oc'd)

1gb ocz platinum rev2 ddr

lg ide dvd

160gb ide 7200 rpm wd hdd

ps2 keyboard/mouse

sound works great


HOORAY- now I can install FCP 6 !!!!!!

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Been skimming through this thread and haven't been able to find a strait answer so I was hoping someone could shed some light.


I have already upgraded from 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 to 10.4.10 to 10.4.11 without updating the kernel. Is it possible to use this method with 10.4.11 to update the kernel, I don't want to proceed until I'm sure. Still have a couple small quirks that I'm hoping it will solve.



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I am a newbie at this and it is my 2nd day with OS X on my nc6000 laptop and about a week since I found out about Hackintoshes.


I managed to install JAS 10.4.8 SSE2 OS X and did the fix to get the wireless to work. I then followed these instructions to upgrade to 10.4.9. It is totally my fault. I though I was following the instructions correctly. but after I ran the 10.4.9 delta package. I realised that I have actually typed in the last line to backup the system.kext. but I did not actually press the enter key on the keyboard to execute the backup command.


needless to say, the update works. but I cannot open any dmg files. I went thru the JAS DVD that I installed 10.4.8 from and I found the Intel Pkg which I think is where the system.kext is but I have no way to extract it. I downloaded pacifist. but the program is in a dmg. so I can't even mount it. Can someone please tell me how I can get this kext file so I can fix up my blunder so I can open dmg again?

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Hi, Please ignore last post...I ended up installing Pacifist on a real mac at a friend's place and then extracting the system.kext. then I copied it back to my /System/Extensions directory using USB drive. I then used Disk Utility to repair the permissions and then rebooted. it is working with the dmg files now. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
when doing the 10.4.9 to 10.4.10 up date



is this the correct delta updater Apple - Support - Downloads - Mac OS X 10.4.10 Update v1.1 (Intel) http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/mac...tev11intel.html


Yes it is the right update


i am having a problem fiding a download for DiaboliK.GMA900.Fixer.pkg.zip, i used to download it from filefront but that link no longer works, if anyone has a working like and could give me it I would be most greatfull, or if anyone has it on there mac and could email it to me i would take care of hosting it and provide ample bandwidth for everyone to download it.




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  • 2 weeks later...

oh gosh i love kristen kreuk :S :rolleyes:



Finally! It lives!!! hahaha


Followed your instructions adding the system.kext back-up and apply JaS GMA900 (which needs tweaking to enable CI/QE) at the end of installation.


The update resolved and issue with my wireless that was a pain for me. At my office, I have disabled SSID broadcast, so every time I booted Mac OS, I had to insert my network name and password, it did not save the config. Now after 10.4.9 it works beautifully!


I took a print screen of it.


Now I need to find out how to "delete" my second display, because when my mouse hits the right side of the screen, it "disappears" to the one faked by the one wire trick. I managed to plug in the monitor of our office server and clicked the mirror option and it works for a few times, but eventually it crashes and I'm stuck with a blue screen again... Does anybody know a fix for this?


Thanks for your kind support!


Edit: I'm having no problems with dmg files as mentioned before

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Hello, my problem is, that i've downloaded the SSE2 8.9.1 kernel from irc.. (1 jul 2007 ToH), but i get a kernel panic, it doesn't matter, if i delete, the AppleIntel...kext any ideas why is that? (same happens with 23 aug 2007 ToH kernel as well)


thank you!


btw, i'm running 10.4.9 on a hp nc8230, with a Dothan CPU.



Could you please email me this famous "SSE2 8.9.1 kernel", i tried to find it everywhere but i didn't...

It would be great !

Tank you !


A French Guy.

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