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Update hackintosh 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 and 10.4.9 to 10.4.10 INTEL ONLY

Dr. Hurt

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hey guys.. any feedback?




i want to upgrade to 10.4.11 using this guide... will it be possible...


i have 10.4.8 JaS DVD... i want to do upgrage to 10.4.11... any specific guide... or i just need to back-up the files then use the Apple update from Software Update for 10.4.11 and install the GMA950 from the DVD...


what do you think?


is there anyone who manage to make this step work?


thanks a lot

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Yup! As long as you use the System.kext that goes with your kernel version, not the osx update version.

For example, I've updated my system to osx10.4.11 but my hacked kernel is 8.10.1, so I use the System.kext from osx10.4.10 update.

Anyone got his kernel updated to 8.11.1?

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Thanks for update help and its work fine for me on my Sony Vaio VGN-BX540B. I update from 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 successfully without kernel. My kernel is Darwin 8.8.1. First when i install 10.4.8 dual boot with windows xp and update 10.4.9 using instrction from this site. now my problem is below after update i get this message.


System extension cannot be used

The system extension "/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntel915.kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the vendor for an update.


Display is Intel 915GM on my laptop.


After the update my i only get display on external monitor so i reinstall JasIntel900 driver from installation disk and after that my laptop display work normal without VGAloop back or external monitor but every time i login i get above message.


I also need help to update kernel and where can i find on the website.


My Laptop configuration is below

Sony Vaio VGN-BX540B

Intel Pentium m 1.7GHz

1.5GB Memory

40GB Hard Drive

Intel 915GM display (Working)

Sound, USB, Ethernet (working)

Intel Pro 2200BG wireless (Not Working)

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Thanks Heliox

I did it. there was just one problem appeared and it was disappearing my notebook power management. Battery could not be found in system. so i just reinstalled latest notebook power management from Kalyway 10.4.10 DVD, restarted and it was fixed and now, Notebook runs perfect.

Thanks again

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I got my system working with Leopard- in another partition- updated to 10.5.1 by this same method( see my signature) and EFI v5.2 too. But my Prescott won't let me use stock kernels in neither Tiger or Leopard ;) but I can use most of the stock kexts.

I'm looking forward to upgrade my system to Core2Duo to take full advantage of this EFI thing. Or maybe get an iMac all together :angel: if Santa wishes.

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It worked for me to update to 10.4.10 so im pretty happy right about now!! The only thing is that the about this mac will crash and so will system profiler till you fix it but other then that is a very smooth transition. ;)
Where did you get the 8.10.x kernel to perform this wonderful feat?
Hi!I successfully updated to 10.4.9, and then to 10.4.10 with koolkal`s patch.THX in advanceGreeeez
Please where did you get the 10.4.10 with koolkal's patch?Thanks.
Hi!I successfully updated to 10.4.9, and then to 10.4.10 with koolkal`s patch.THX in advanceGreeeez
Please where did you get the 10.4.10 with koolkal's patch?Thanks.
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im running 10.4.11 kernel 8.8.1 but i can no longer mount usb devices. what gives???

also any help in updating my kernel. i cant seem to up my kernel any higher than that, kernel panics.


im using via 800 chipset mobo

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Perfect Guide and perfect update from 10.4.10 to 10.4.11... only a smallest problem: when i call "info for this mac" windows, the system logout; someone know why?


My System OSx86:


MB AsRock 775i65G

CPU Pentium D 820 (2.8 GHz)

Ram 2Gb DDR 400

GPU Nvidia GeForce 6200 256Mb

Audio USB AC3 adapter

HD Maxtor 200Gb


Monitor HP w19

Keyboard/Mouse Logitec S510


All device works great


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I followed the guide exactly for upgrading to 10.4.9 from 10.4.8 and had it working until the final update with the new 4.9 kernel. When restarting my computer before the group of kernel update steps, I was stuck with infinite restarts, so I booted up with the "old" flag and everything was fine. My 'About this Mac' page even read 10.4.9.


Then I followed the update for the 4.9 kernel and I reboot into the white Apple screen, which turns into a message saying I need to restart my computer. Now when I try to boot with the 'old' flag, I'm stuck with the infinite restarts again. So it's either infinite automatic restarts or infinite manual restarts. It won't even let me boot from my original JaS 10.4.8 dvd now. What's the deal? I'm on a Sony Vaio VGN-S150.

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Hi all, and thank you for a guide.


I had Mac OS X installed before, but couple ago my mobo died, so after I change it, I didn't try new installation.


Couple days ago, I tried, and here you have report:


I tried first with Kalyway 10.4.10 install disk, and installation went fine except one "small error":

"Still waiting for root device" at startup... no matter I tried, can't boot.


Then I decide to try with JaS 10.4.8 (which worked for me before), and everything was fine.


After that I updated with JaS 10.4.9 updater (also kernel to 8.9.1), also without any problem.


Next step was JaS 10.4.10 updater (with kernel 8.10.1), and that worked, except one thing: I was not able to mount DMG image files, and it was not solvable. But, after updating kernel to 8.10.3, everything worked!


Finally, I downloaded from official site 10.4.10 to 10.4.11 update (NOT combo!), and update the system using this guide, and everything works for now!


I didn't perform any additional tests (USB, Network, etc), and also I didn't install any graphic driver (I have Radeon 9250, so Calisto is maximum for me), so this is more or less just system.


Short resume: it works for me!


Just to add: I just tried to install Callisto, and it doesn't work, even with kext files from 10.4.8 If anyone knows a solution for 10.4.11 & Callisto, please post it. Thank you.

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is it possible to use this guide to update 10.4.10 to 10.4.11 on a sse2 intel?
Yes, I just did a week ago and it works fine with the 8.9.1 kernel. I didn't know there were higher kernels than that. The battery icon gets wiped out in the process though the powermanagement features still remains. Still can't suspend or hibernate. The dmg loading fails to work as well but fixed that with a nice script that runs at boot that sorts that issue. :-)
Just to add: I just tried to install Callisto, and it doesn't work, even with kext files from 10.4.8 If anyone knows a solution for 10.4.11 & Callisto, please post it. Thank you.
I installed Callisto when I had version 10.4.8, then upgraded to 10.4.9, 10.4.10, and now 10.4.11, the driver was picked up during each upgrade. I suppose I could reinstall it but if it's still working, I'm not about to wreck it only to start all over.
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I installed Callisto when I had version 10.4.8, then upgraded to 10.4.9, 10.4.10, and now 10.4.11, the driver was picked up during each upgrade. I suppose I could reinstall it but if it's still working, I'm not about to wreck it only to start all over.


Callisto problem solved.

I used before Callisto 008, so I didn't want to try any other version.

During update (to Jas 10.4.10) I checked "install 10.4.10 drivers), so I was thinking that new drivers make the problem.

That was NOT correct (I tried with the kext from 10.4.8 and 10.4.9 - didn't work).


The crucial part was:


Replacing the MONITOR_TYPE to CRT,EDID (I have CRT screen)


2. Adding Monitor EDID string in the mentioned key.


You have all this in Callisto installation instructions.

Btu the interesting thing is that it wasn't necessary with 10.4.8, it was detect automatically.

But with 10.4.11 it looks it's necessary.

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I note in your sig that you have the 8.10.3 kernel. Pray tell, how did you get that to work? I tried upgrading to 8.10.3 but it won't complete the booting process so I had to reboot to single mode and switch back to 8.9.1. I have an nc6000 laptop that is a pentium M centrino, which has sse2 but not sse3. Is the 8.10.3 only for sse3?



heres mine =D worked perfect...still cant get .dmg files to open though...ill work on that later and im SSe2 if anyone wants to know
I wrote a script that works around that problem at boot. Attached is the zipped archive containing the files. Decompress the file and drag and drop the dmgloaderfix folder to /System/Library/StartupItems. When done, run disk utility and make sure your permissions are fixed and then reboot. The dmg loading utility should work quite reliably from now on, but if you update your kernel beyond 8.9.1, it will break the boot process.




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I note in your sig that you have the 8.10.3 kernel. Pray tell, how did you get that to work? I tried upgrading to 8.10.3 but it won't complete the booting process so I had to reboot to single mode and switch back to 8.9.1. I have an nc6000 laptop that is a pentium M centrino, which has sse2 but not sse3. Is the 8.10.3 only for sse3?


I'm not sure is it sse3 only, but I have SSE3.

One more thing:

I found that file on demon, and in the archive there was kernel itself, but also System.kext and dsmos.kext files.

So I copied ALL 3 files to appropriate places, not just the kernel.

Maybe you can try that in case the kernel is not SSE3 only (probably someone can give that info).


Good luck!

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