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Update hackintosh 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 and 10.4.9 to 10.4.10 INTEL ONLY

Dr. Hurt

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I recently reinstalled macosx (jas) and now i am successful in updating it to 10.4.8 using this guide. Hope i will soon find something for my intel3945. and trackpad scroll.

Now I am half happy with my xps1210 running osx. Once I get all done I would replace windows.

and move it to internal HDD.

I am thankful for this post.

Thanks a lot.




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i have Mac OS X 10.4.8 [JaS AMD-Intel-SSE2-SSE3 with PPF1 & PPF2.iso and install in my pc


amd 64 3600+ X2 processer with ASUS M2NPV-MX board with no problem


how to update 10.4.10 ? and where to download the update file please help me friends

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Hi guys,


Thanks a lot for making all this possible. I have started with a jas 10.4.8 and by following the easy steps above i have upgraded to 10.4.9 and then 10.4.10. I now love my new apple mac osx.


When i have upgraded to 10.4.9 i noticed that itunes + other apps + sound didn't work, but then i simply replaced the new system.kext with the old one i have cpied on the desktop.


I then followed the same steps and dl the delta upgrade from Apple (10.4.10). Installed without issues but again....no sound. Again replaced new system.kext with old (from 10.4.8), and then repaired permissions and then restarted. When back, i noticed serious scrolling issues (by moving up/down a page,icon,window). It seems like it is too slow, so objects get mixed-up.


Hope you can help, i am sure you can. See the pic below.


Thanks in advance.


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Silly me!!!!!


I have deleted the geforce.kext {censored} and now................everything works.


Forgot to say that my 8500gt is not recognised, so 1024x768, pretty shame.


Now my question: Is there any list of graphic cards working with the newly updated jas mac osx?


I mean, which card shall i buy? i looked at 0sx86 on wiki but i'm not sure.


Any idea guys?


Thanks a lot

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I just bought an iPhone, so I'm upgrading my Jas 10.4.8 Hackintosh in order to upgrade my Quicktime to 7.2 in order to upgrade my iTunes to 7.4 in order to......


Anyway, I just followed this guide and already upgraded to 10.4.9 + Quicktime 7.2 and all is perfect. However, looks like I really need 10.4.10 for iPhone drivers and support. So.... I'll start that upgrade now and keep you posted.


EDIT: Great, looks like the 10.4.10 upgrade was smooth. All is working. Now I'm thinking about changing my kernel or not. To be honest, all looks fine and a kernel update could finish with a kernel panic so.... Maybe I'll unlock and AnySim my iPhone first.


Thanx a lot!

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im sorry but it aint working for me i did exactly like it says in the tutorial and my system comes back with a lot of errors or doesnt boot at all please help

Oh dear GOD.....

Did you do that on your AMD machine? I said this is for intel only. AMD need more patching.

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I also tried to update from 10.4.9 to 10.4.11 like Sipheren just sad. It worked for me and I use 8.9.1 kernel.


I wonder if I can update the kernel? Last time I updated it (don't remember what kernel) my USB support stoped working, so I undid it using a norto ghost image I had made before update.

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Thanks Guys,


i replaced the 8500gt with a 7600gt and now it works with titan on a new fresh install of jas 10.4.8 upgraded to 10.4.9 (i am sure it will up to 10.4.11). However i cannot understand why the 7600gt appears to have qe-ci disabled on my actual (not the new install) osx 10.4.11. Tried everything + edited any file u can imagine.


Anyway this is the proof that this instructions r valid also if u want to upgrade to 10.4.11!!!!!!!!! click software update the don't update but click on the bottom link to the apple site (it tells u what's for and dl link).



Thanks again.


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i downloaded the update 10.4.11...and did not do what is written up...i just installed it...and my Hackintosh refuses to load now... STUPID HA!! I KNOW <_< ...now my question is..my vista still works...and i have mac drive 7 installed...can i do something to make my mac os x works again..... WITHOUT re installing....PLZ PLZ ANY HELP!!!

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Did you back up your mach_kernel and these files?









You could get the Kernel, and those files from your install disc and put them in the right folders then repair permissions.


Or I could probably send the files to you from my install, then just boot into the install cd and use the terminal to put everything back.

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I just had a problem with updating as well. not sure where I went wrong, but I did backup the files. (trying to get greedy and updated to 10.4.9, then the kernel update. Then I went and tried 10.4.10) I tried the Boot flag "old"

sudo -s

rm -rf /mach_kernel

cp -R /old /mach_kernel


but the rm kernel comes up with read only and co -R old kernel reply is no directory.


What do I need to do to find the backed up files? I tired booting off of my 10.4.8 disk and going to propt with -s and then trying the old kernel but it wont work either. Would booting into the install disk and going into terminal from install screen do me any good? what do I need to look for?

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