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Attansic L1 Driver Project


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Are there other people that can confirm that the attansic L1 works/is recognised with iATKOS?

If so... anybody that can link me to the network related drivers included with iATKOS?

Gonna try this while I keep looking for a way to make DaemonES his driver work.

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Are there other people that can confirm that the attansic L1 works/is recognised with iATKOS?

If so... anybody that can link me to the network related drivers included with iATKOS?

Gonna try this while I keep looking for a way to make DaemonES his driver work.


That a negative sorry. It shows that my L1 is there and Intel 3945 abg is there but after install nothing.


I know that Ubuntu has everything working the Wifi and L1 is there anyway to port the driver from ubuntu to osx.

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He there.

Almost got this driver working on my P5KR. Performance is quite poor, thought. So little more time to optimize receiver ring handler.

You also need to enter sudo ifconfig en0 media 100BaseTX, cause there are no autonegotiation (sadly)


Strongly recommend first try "release" version (debug will cause too much stress to system logger)


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You are my hero :)

The performance ain't that bad :D

I can watch youtube without having to wait longer then i have in Vista so thats ok.


But i had to use the debug kext, the release said cable was not connecting after setting mediatype.


Thanks.. really :D

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But i had to use the debug kext, the release said cable was not connecting after setting mediatype.

You may also try ifconfig en0 media 100BaseTX mediaopt full-duplex

It seems that PHY code probably broken somewhere.

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You may also try ifconfig en0 media 100BaseTX mediaopt full-duplex

It seems that PHY code probably broken somewhere.

Not really, look to the FreeBSD driver. Attansic L1 has several revisions, sometimes Linux driver doesn't work too. Autonegotiation works, but setting of 1 gigabit mode not.


Anyway, good job. I was afraid, that nobody can finish my job :)

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Not really, look to the FreeBSD driver. Attansic L1 has several revisions, sometimes Linux driver doesn't work too. Autonegotiation works, but setting of 1 gigabit mode not.


Anyway, good job. I was afraid, that nobody can finish my job ;)

Да вобщем-то и думаю большую часть драйвера переписать из BSD, вот только семерку воткну :D

Спасибо за порт, без него точно ничего не получилось бы у меня...

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Да вобщем-то и думаю большую часть драйвера переписать из BSD, вот только семерку воткну :)

Спасибо за порт, без него точно ничего не получилось бы у меня...


Гуд ворк:( только потерь с этими дровами много, но лучше хоть что то чем ничего


Good work.

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Гуд ворк:) только потерь с этими дровами много, но лучше хоть что то чем ничего


Good work.

Ну я много потерь не замечал, имхо все зависит от дуплекса, мой свич очень не любит полудуплекс :P На полном дуплексе разогнался до 80 мегабит.

А латенси действительно ужасный, видимо что-то неладно в коде прерываний, работы еще много...

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Ну я много потерь не замечал, имхо все зависит от дуплекса, мой свич очень не любит полудуплекс :) На полном дуплексе разогнался до 80 мегабит.

А латенси действительно ужасный, видимо что-то неладно в коде прерываний, работы еще много...


Потерей тоже уже нет, вчера как только поставил кекс, было все ужасно, сегодня проснулся уже работает нормально. но лейтенси... угук

Главное что работает :P А то я уже отчаялся, полный набор неудачника: жмикрон контролер, 512мб видюха, аттансик л1...

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Потерей тоже уже нет, вчера как только поставил кекс, было все ужасно, сегодня проснулся уже работает нормально. но лейтенси... угук

Главное что работает :) А то я уже отчаялся, полный набор неудачника: жмикрон контролер, 512мб видюха, аттансик л1...

[offtop] для жмикрона вроде есть драйвера, по крайней мере у меня завелось. работает правда через раз, но работает! Единственная трабла с загрузкой с DVD, пришлось покупать сатовый привод...

У меня из всего моего железа сейчас не работает только PCI'шный SBlive (уж очень я его люблю), видимо им тоже как нибудь займусь...

Asus P5KR, Intel E6550 2.33Ghz, Radeon HD3870 512MB...


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I tried the debug driver, and it didn't add a new Network adapter to the list... and I still can't connect. It MIGHT be that the interface (PCI or w/e it is) does not have a driver yet (I'm using a laptop - Asus F3SV), but I'm not really sure. How do I find out? Console spits this message:


10/04/08 5:24:25 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=51 
10/04/08 5:24:26 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:26 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:24:28 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=52 
10/04/08 5:24:28 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:28 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:24:32 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=53 
10/04/08 5:24:32 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:32 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:24:41 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=54 
10/04/08 5:24:41 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:41 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:24:49 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=55 
10/04/08 5:24:50 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:50 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:24:58 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=56 
10/04/08 5:24:58 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:24:58 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:25:06 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=57 
10/04/08 5:25:06 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB RX: rx_ok=0 rx_bcast=0 rx_mcast=0 rx_sz_ov=0 rx_rxf_ov=0 rx_rrd_ov=0 rx_align_err=0 
10/04/08 5:25:06 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] SMB TX: tx_ok=1 tx_exc_defer=0 tx_defer=0 tx_bcast=1 tx_mcast=0 tx_underrun=0 tx_rd_eop=0 tx_trunc=0 
10/04/08 5:25:14 AM kernel [AttansicL1Ethernet] AttansicL1Ethernet::outputPacket, length 342 tp_next_to_use=58

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I tried the debug driver, and it didn't add a new Network adapter to the list... and I still can't connect. It MIGHT be that the interface (PCI or w/e it is) does not have a driver yet (I'm using a laptop - Asus F3SV), but I'm not really sure. How do I find out?


Can you paste ifconfig -a output here?

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I think i found problem with the release version.

If i dont set mediatype to 1000BaseT and then put it back to 100BaseTX it thinks there's no cable :whistle:

I can confirm!

I set 1000BaseT e back to 100BaseTX, on my Pro31S (F3sa) and network work........with debug drivers.....


EDIT (from my F3sa):

this is my "ifconfig -a" output:


lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384

inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1

inet netmask 0xff000000

inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128

gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280

stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280


inet6 fe80::21d:60ff:feee:a24d%en0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4

inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

ether 00:1d:60:ee:a2:4d

media: 100baseTX <half-duplex> status: active

supported media: autoselect 10baseT/UTP <half-duplex> 10baseT/UTP <full-duplex> 100baseTX <half-duplex> 100baseTX <full-duplex> 1000baseT <half-duplex> 1000baseT <full-duplex>


lladdr 00:e0:18:00:03:b7:3d:4b

media: autoselect <full-duplex> status: inactive

supported media: autoselect <full-duplex>

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Guest undefined

well, i figured that out, but i don't have any kexts in my unzipped zip! i get tons of 'not such file or directory' errors while running scripts

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Guest undefined
Тупые буржуи B)


undefined look better! And do not post noob questions in the development thread.

i will while after you guys stop speaking russian in non-russian forum

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