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I installed Callisto drivers successfully, and rebooted. I changed the resolution, seemed to work ok. But I then selected a refresh rate that my laptop can't display, and now its booting in that refresh rate every time.


This may be a stupid question, I'm not sure, but how can I reset the refresh rate / resolution??


Thanks for anyones help in advance!!

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With System Preferences Panel / Display Preferences


If the Display is detected the pane should list the modes that the monitor can handle.


Not sure I was clear in my original post, sorry!


I CANNOT boot into OSX, the refresh rate keeps getting set back to the bad one I accidentially selected. Clearly the list of refresh rates was not accurate to the monitor on my laptop. Its almost like I need to boot in safe mode or something like that, but not sure how.


Does that make sense?



You can delete the files that kept the resolution and refresh rate.

Boot in single user mode.


delete both or any of:




if that does not do it you can also delete


/Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist or/and




You can delete the files that kept the resolution and refresh rate.

Boot in single user mode.


delete both or any of:




if that does not do it you can also delete


/Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist or/and



Thanks for the speedy reply!!


1 more thing... :) -> How can I boot into single-user mode. I'm using a windows keyboard. I've held WindowsKey+S, Alt+S, Fn+S... none of them seem to work.


Thanks again!

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