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for day to day use, how stable is the latest build? what is the most stable build? does it crash, and how often?

will common apps (not games) like quicksilver and iLife and iWork run on leopard?

how stable is xcode 3? will the apps i make with it be stable?


also, if i want to install it on an intel mac and completely overwrite everything else, do i install with the normal methods, or do i need to use some sort of hack?

Edited by igul222`
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I use 9a321 for day-to-day use. However, I have Tiger on a partition for when things don't work on Leopard. On 9a321 Final Cut Pro doesn't work...so that is my main use for my Tiger partition. And as for intel macs...as long as it is an actual intel mac, and not a hackintosh, everything should install fine with the normal install methods. However, for all versions of Leopard, it is not reccomended to do an "upgrade." you should probably do an archive and install.

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